Q. Define Business Communication?

Communication is defined as “The flow of material information perception, understanding and imagination among various parties”.
Business includes those organizations, which are engaged in the production and distribution
of goods and services to earn profit. Therefore Business communication means, “Flow of information,
perception etc. either within a business organization or outside the organization among different

We can extract the following points form the above definition;
(i) Flow between two or more parties.
In business communication the material flow from one person to another person or from
many persons to different people. This flow may either be inside the organization or outside the

(ii) Flow of information, perception, imagination etc.
Flow of information takes place when a party transfers the material to another mind. For
example, when a news caster says, “Pakistan has conducted nuclear test on 28th May 1998”. This is a
flow of information from news caster to the listeners.
Flow of perception means transfer of different feelings. Finally, flow of imagination that
occurs when a painter conveys his/her imaginations through a portrait.


Q.Discuss the role of effective business communication within and
outside the organization
Why Business Communication is called, “Life blood” of an

Ans: A business Organization is a group of people associated to earn profit. Various kinds of
activities have to be performed by the people of an organization so as to earn profit. These activities
need an effective and systematic communication. Without efficient communication, one can not even
imagine to do work and hence will be unable to earn profit. Since the aim of business organization is to
earn profit, the organization will die without profit and this death is a result of the absence of
communication. This is why communication is called life blood of a business organization. We can
prove this statement in the following manner. 

Different employees and officials in an organization need to communicate to each other.
This internal communication with its importance is shown in the following way:

1. Setting goals and Objectives:-
Mostly, the organizations have a variety of formal and informal objectives to accomplish.
These objectives may be financial results, product quality, market dominance, employees satisfaction,
or service to customers. So the communication enables all the persons in an organization to work
towards a common purpose.
2. Making and Implementing decision:-
In order to achieve the objective, people in a business organization collect facts and
evaluate alternatives, and they do so by reading, asking questions, talking or by plain thinking. These
thoughts are put into a written form. Once a decision has been made, it has to be implemented which
requires communication.
3. Appraisal:-
Having implemented the decision, management needs to determine whether the desired
outcome is being achieved. Statistics on such factors as cost, sales, market share, productivity and
inventory levels are compiled. This is done through computers, manual papers, memos or reports.
4. Manufacturing the products:-
Getting an idea for a new product out of someone’s head, pushing it through the production
process and finally getting the product also require communication. Designing the plan regarding
product, introducing the workers, purchasing raw material, marketing and distributing the product all
require effective communication.
5. Interaction between employer & employee:-
Employees are informed about policies and decisions of employers through circulars,
reports, notices etc. Employers also get in touch with employees through application, complaint etc.
So, communication plays a vital role in the interaction of employer and employee.


1. Hiring the employees:-
If a company wants to hire some one, it advertises the vacancy, receives applications, calls
the candidates, takes the interview and then offers job to the successful candidates. The whole process
requires communication.
2. Dealing with customers:-
Sales letters and brochures, advertisements, personal sales calls, and formal proposals are
all used to stimulate the customer’s interest. Communication also plays a part in such customer related
functions as credit checking, billing, and handling complaints and questions.
3. Negotiating with suppliers and financiers:-
To obtain necessary supplies and services, companies develop written specification that
outlines their requirement. Similarly, to arrange finance, they negotiate with lenders and fill out loan
4. Informing the investors:-
Balance sheet, income statement, and ratio analysis are used to inform the investors
regarding performance of business.
5. Interacting with Govt.:-
Government agencies make certain rules to regulate the economy. These rules are
communicated to organizations through various papers. These organizations try to fulfill, these
requirement like filling taxation form and other documents.

Q. Define communication. What is the importance of communication
for an individual and for an organization?



“Communication is the process by which information is transmitted between
individuals and organization, so that an understanding response results”.
“Communication is the process which involves transmission and accurate replication ofideas, ensured by feedback for the purpose of eliciting action which will accomplish organizational

(1) Helps in getting a desired job:-
Getting a desired job is not an easy task. It requires a person to be excellent, especially interms of communication abilities. Communication abilities can be classified into five categories that is
reading, writing, speaking, listening and observing. If a candidate is a good reader of not only text books and reference books but also of newspapers and magazines, this would help him developing
confidence level at the time of interview. Writing skills are necessary for preparing an appropriate Bio- data and covering letter, so that a better initial impression could be created. No doubt, conversational
skill right at the time of interview is equally countable towards success of the candidate. Listening abilities on the other could prove to be fruitful especially when the interviewer is making a comment
or asking a question. In short we can say that the presence of above mentioned five communication skills could give a better chance of being selected during an interview.

(2) Help in maintaining social relationships:-
We as human beings live in a cobweb of relationships rather social relationship. These social relations compel us to act simultaneously in the capacity of father, child, husband, uncle,
neighbour, cousin, teacher, nephew and so on. All these relationships especially near one’s could be maintained properly if we can communicate well to all these relations, that we are here to take care of them and our services are always there to help them in case of any needs.

(3) Helps in getting on the job promotion:-
Perhaps finding a job would not be a big deal in case of if the candidate is well connected and belongs to a well off family. But promotion on the job requires some extra skills on the part of the candidate. Amongst those skills, communication abilities rank on the top. If a person can speak well
during interactive and presentation sessions, can reports properly, he will automatically be in the eyes of the management and whenever a chance for promotion comes, he will be on the top of the list.

(4) Helps in solving other’s problems:-
It is commonly observed that around us there are so many people whom we like to meet, their company is a source of enrichment for us. When we are with them we feel secured. The only reason for such types of feelings is that such type of people are not only good listeners but they also
know it well that whenever they would speak, it would only be for the sake of encouraging, not discouraging others, only for solving other’s problems and not for creating problems for others. Such people are no doubt excellent communicators.


Q.4 Differentiate between formal and informal language;

Formal language:

(1) It is the language spoken in office,
business and other formal places.
(2) Proper and standard words are used.
(3) It consists of specific purpose words
like manager, supervisor, owner,
employer etc.
(4) It is used comparatively less than
informal language.
(5) It is used when the speaker is relaxed.

Informal Language:

(1) It is the language spoken at home or
with friends.
(2) Improper words and slangs are used.
(3) It has all purpose words like “boss”
that stands for various personalities.
(4) It is used in daily life.
(5) It is used when speaker is in a hurry


Q. Explain the process of communication.
“Communication is a two way process of exchanging ideas or
information between two human beings”. Explain this statement with the
help of a diagram.

Communication simply means exchange of ideas & information between two persons. A person sends a message to another person and gets the response from the receiver on the message. This whole phenomenon can be explained as under.

1. Sender’s thoughts:-
The very first step in the process of communication is generation of thought in the sender’s mind. These thoughts may be about a request, order, inquiry production or any other such activity.

2. Encoding / Message:-
The thought generated in the mind of sender is ambiguous and unable to be communicated unless it is put into a receivable form. This step is known as encoding where the sender converts his thought into a message by means of a language. For example, a sender thinks about having a job. Now, he will put his thought on a paper. That is called job application. In his way, his thought becomes a message.

3. Transmission through media:-
Once a thought is converted into message, it should be transmitted to the receiver through a suitable medium. This media might be electronic media as T.V., E-mail, radio etc. or it may be print media like newspaper, magazines, letters or merely sound that is transmitted through the medium of air.

4. Noise and Barriers:-
While transmitting the information to the receiver, the sender faces lots of barriers. These noise and barriers are explained as under:

(i) On sender’s side:- Noise and barriers may take place during the process of encoding. Some of them may be caused by distraction, lack of concentration, typing mistake, poorlanguage etc.
(ii) In the medium:- Some barriers are caused by medium such as poor transmission on T.V. and radio misprinting in newspapers etc.
(iii) On receiver’s side:- The receiver can also create certain barriers to the receiving of message such as poor reading ability, emotions, lack of concentration etc.

5. Decoding by Receiver:-
Having received the message form the sender, the receiver attempts to understand and Interpret the message. This process of converting the language of message into thoughts is known as decoding. For instance, the receiver, having received job application, reads the application and understands the message conveyed by the applicant.

6. Idea Received:-
As soon as the process of decoding is finished, the idea given by the sender is received by the receiver. It means the thought that was generated in the mind of sender has been transmitted to the mind of receiver. In our example, the sender wanted to inform the receiver about his thought of having a job. Now the sender has got this idea.

7. Feed back:-
Process of communication is incomplete until the receiver responds to the sender. This response may be negative, positive, or for further enquiry. It means when the receiver of job application welcomes or regrets the sender, the process of communication is deemed to be complete.






Q. Discuss five elements (Factors) of the process of communication;

Ans: Communication is the exchange of ideas between two minds. This process of exchanging
idea is based on following five factors.
1. Sender:-
Sender is the person who initiates the process of communication. He generates an idea in
his mind regarding production invention, innovation, request, order, enquiry etc. So, he is the first
factor of communication process and his function is to generate an idea. Therefore, it is necessary that
the idea should be clear, and convertible into message. For this purpose, the sender needs to apply his
knowledge and imaginative power.

2. Message:-
The idea in the mind of sender is transformed into words that is called message. The sender
decides on the length, style, organization and tone of the message. The message may be presented in
many ways, depending on the subject, purpose, audience, personal style, mood and cultural

3. Media:-
The media of transmission of message are electronic media as T.V., radio, computer and
print media as newspapers, letter, magazine etc. media play a very important role in helping the
receiver’s understand the message. A wrongly chosen medium can interrupt the process of
communication, Selection of medium depends upon message, audience, urgency and situation.

4. Receiver:-
Receiver is the person who gets the message from the sender, decodes it, understands it and
interprets it.

5. Feed Back:-
Having understood the message, the receiver responds to the sender in yes or no or asks
further questions. This process is called feedback.


Q. Explain in detail verbal and non verbal communication?

Ans: VERBAL COMMUNICATION: Verbal communication means such a communication
that takes place by means of a language or words”. It includes the following contents.

a. Oral communication (Speaking & listening)
b. Written communication (writing & reading)

1. Speaking:-
In order to send message in business, speaking plays a vital role. Giving instruction,
conducting interviews, attending meetings, sending orders through telephone calls are very common in
today’s business.

2. Writing:-
It is used when a complex message is sent. Placing order through letters, informing
employees through circulars, sending reports and memos, filling different government forms, keeping
records in writing are some examples of this aspect of verbal communication.

3. Listening:-
People in business spend more time in obtaining information then transmitting it. Listening
is the most important way to receive information: information regarding order of employers,
instruction, rules and regulation, customer trend etc, are obtained through listening. But in listening,
people generally forget 75% of the message after few days.

4. Reading:-
Reading reports, memos, policies, circulars, and different business statements are essential
for an organization: Reading involves understanding and interpreting the material.
NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION: It means communication without the use of language
or words. It includes appearance, body language, silence, etc. Its explanation is as follows;

1. Facial Expressions:-
Face and eyes are helpful means of nonverbal communication. They reveal hidden
emotions such as anger, confusion, enthusiasm, fear, joy etc.

2. Gestures, postures & movement:-
Postures means the language primarily composed of hand and fingers. Communication of
deaf people and signal given by traffic constable are the example of posture. Gestures and body
movement also indicate many things. Shaking hand with firmness indicates a warm relationship,
moving back and forth reveals nervousness.


Q Enumerate the different categories of non-verbal communication 
and state their importance in communication process with suitable


Communication may be verbal – by written or spoken symbols (usually words) or it may be
non-verbal – without words. Non-verbal messages are sometimes more clear, accurate and
effective as compared to verbal communication, because they are internationally used and
understood. Non-verbal communication may be divided into the following three categories:

1. Appearance
2. Body Language
3. Silence, Time and Sounds

Appearance affects the quality of written and spoken messages as follows:

i.Written Messages:
The envelope’s overall appearance size, colour, weight, postage and the letter’s overall appearance
length stationary, enclosures, layout, etc. may convey significant information and impressions.

ii.Spoken Messages:

Personal appearance of the speaker-clothing, jewelry, hair-style, neatness, etc. may tell about the
age, *** occupation, nationality, social, economic and job status. Similarly, appearance of the
surroundings room-size, location, furnishings, lighting, etc. may tell a lot about the message.

Facial expressions, gestures, posture, smell, touch, voice etc are included in body language.

i. Facial Expression:
The eyes and face may express the hidden emotions e.g. anger, fear, joy, love, surprise, sorrow,
interest etc.

ii. Posture and Gestures:
The message can effectively be communicated by actions. Deaf people and traffic constables make
use of actions. In our daily life clenched fists may indicate anger, leaning forward to the speaker
may reveal interest and repeatedly glancing at the watch may be a sign of being bored.

iii. Smell:
Good or bad smell often expresses the situation e.g. smell because of oil or gas leakage warns the
danger. Similarly, fragrance and perfume convey emotions and feelings better than spoken or
written words.

IV Touch:
Touching people in different ways (and places) can silently communicate friendship, love
approval, anger or other feelings.

3. Silence, Time and Sounds

i. Silence:
Silence is an effective medium of expressing serious feelings and emotions e.g. death of relative or
loss in business. A mistake may be admitted by silence. Silence may also confirm a statement.
ii. Time:
Time communicates in many ways, e.g. waiting for a long time may indicate interest or love and
giving a short notice means urgency.

iv. Sounds and Para-language:
The style of speaking and the volume of voice (Intonations and Modulations) of voice may
produce variations between what is said and what is meant, e.g. the words “how prompt you are”
may criticize a person arriving too late.



1. Reliability:-
Non verbal communication is more reliable then verbal communication. Words can be
controlled more easily but it’s difficult to hide facial expressions like sadness, gladness, joy etc. So
non-verbal communication is regarded as a more reliable means for transmitting message.

2. Support to verbal communication:-
Body language and appearance support the verbal communication. A wave of hand, smile
etc might be very useful to explain and understand a particular point of view.

3. Quickness:-
A denial or acceptance expressed by moving head saves lot of time. So, it is important in
this respect that non-verbal communication transmits the message quickly.


There are following six functions of it.

(1) To provide information either consciously or unconsciously.
(2) To regulate the flow of conversation.
(3) To express emotion
(4) To qualify, complement, contradict or expand verbal message.
(5) To control or influence others.
(6) To facilitates specific tasks, such as teaching a person.



Q Two most important position in any business message is the 
opening and closing paragraph elaborate.

Opening and closing in business letters play an important role in making the message

effective. They are discussed as under. 

“First impressions are lasting”. This quotation revealed the importance of opening. It has 
following feature. 

1. It Catches Attention: 
A good opening catches the attention of readers. The main purpose of senders in persuading 
request is to convince the reader to read the message. A good opening fulfils this requirement 
2. It Motivates the Reader: 
If the opening of letter is impressive it leaves good impression on the mind and attitude of 
sender. Ultimately it motivates or induces the reader to do the desired activity. 
3. It Helps Reader Understand the Main Idea:
Message is starting with the main idea, the reader realizes that it is a good news or direct 
request message, on the other hand if it is staring with a buffer or neutral statement it appears to 
be a bad news or indirect request. In this way the reader treats the message according to its 

Closing means the last paragraph of the letter. We remember best what we read last. A good 
closing has following advantages. 

1. Emphasis Upon Action: 
A business letter is written with a specific objective. In the last paragraph usually the emphasis 
is upon the action. This action is essential to fulfill the purpose of letter. For example in sales 
letter the objective is to sell by mail. In closing paragraph the reader is motivated to visits the 
shop or purchase the good or services. Because if the reader acquires a lot of information from 
the letter but does not purchase the good, the main purpose of the letter remains unfulfilled. 
2. To Motivate the Reader: 
It also motivates the reader to purchase the product as soon as possible. For this purpose, a 
deadline is fixed or any other incentive with a specific period of time is given.




Legal aspect refers to the selection of words used in Business Communication so as to ensure theirconformity with the rules and regulations laid by the country’s business law failure to which may cause a person to be up against legal actions. 
A person or the communicator should be mindful of the following areas while communicating with 

1. Defamation
2. Invasion of privacy 
3. Fraud 
4. Misc. areas.

“The unconsented & unprivileged publication of a false idea which injures the reputation of a person in a society is called Defamation.” 
We will dilate on this area by giving a focused view to some of the important terms used in the definition. 

Unconsented means “without agreement”. This makes the first point clear that whatever a person is to defame the other person, it is against the will or consent of the other person. 
However, in some of the cases the act of defamation is carried out with the consent of the person who is aimed at. Some of those cases are as under. 
• Showbiz 
• Sports 
• Politics 
This means “Unrightful”. It’s plain to understand that it is defaming another person when he is not given the privilege or right by the law to defame. 
Some bodies/organizations/persons have the privilege to make defaming information/material known to the people other than the two persons in question. Privilege is mainly of two types.
• Absolute privilege.
• Conditional/Qualified privilege. 
Absolute Privilege:
A person has absolute privilege to defame the other person means he has been given full right by the law to defame the other person on any matter whatsoever. This case is limited to the following areas: 
Judicial Proceedings. 
Assembly Proceedings. 
Official Proceedings. 
Judicial Proceedings:
A particular action or a course of action in the law court is called Judicial Proceedings. The Lawyers in such proceedings have full right to defame the person against whom a suit is filed. 
Assembly Proceedings:
Legislature is the place where representatives of political parties have full liberty to ensure the government or vice versa. 
Official Proceedings:
Government bodies such as NAB (National Accountability Bureau) have been given absolute privilege to defame the nabbed person. 
Conditional / Qualified Privilege:
Privilege under certain conditions or privilege to defame on certain matters is called Conditional Privilege. For example, an employer may defame his employee on the following matters. 
• Tenure 
• Salary 
• Responsibilities 
When a defamatory matter is made known to a third party either intentionally or unintentionally it’s called publication. Publication branches off into two types: 
• Slander
• Libel

Slander is an oral defamation. 
It means to use written material such as newspapers, letters, pictures etc. to defame a person. As against slander, libel is considered as the severer one and is of more serious consequences because the defamatory material is at hand to drag the defamer to the court of law. 
False Idea:
A statement which is termed as defamatory should be false in its nature. If it’s right and not false, then it can never be termed as defamation. Therefore, if in a court of law the defendant proves that whatever he made public about the plaintiff is absolutely true, he could no more be liable in the case of defamation. 
A natural individual. 
Any person other than the defamer and the person who is defamed or in short, third party member. 
Unconsented means “without agreement”. This makes the first point clear that whatever a person is to defame the other person, it is against the will or consent of the other person.







a. Intrusion into a Person’s Physical solitude:
This sheds light upon the fact that there are certain activities we engage in our solitude orloneliness. If a person infringes upon another person’s such activities, he’s invading upon that 
person’s privacy. 

b. Disclosure of private facts about an individual:
If some private facts shared by two individuals are disclosed by any one of person, it’s invasion of 

c. Using a person’s name or identity for a commercial purpose without his permission:
We call it invasion of privacy when without the consent of a person, his name or identity is used.
Pepsi’s Shahrukh Khan & Fake Hritik Roshan starring ad. Is the point in case. 

d. Throwing false public light to a person unintentionally:
If unintentionally a person is exposed to public attention censure then the person responsible for it 
may have the court of law to answer to for invading upon the innocent’s privacy.





“Fraud is an intentional misrepresentation of facts with a view to induce the other to enter into a

Essential Elements of a Fraud:
a. It must be intentional:
To do a fraud a person should willingly misrepresent a fact. 
b. It must relate to a material fact:
It means that a fraud is always related to an important fact (A fact upon which a contract is made). 
c. It must be given before the conclusion of the contract:
This signifies that a fraud is always done before the ending of a contract. After the end of the
contract a fraud can not be termed as a fraud even if it is a fraud. Therefore, making the person 
responsible for the fraud not liable for any legal proceedings. 
d. It must induce the other party:
A fraud is designed in a manner so as to compel the other party to engage in a contract. 
e. It must be a statement of fact not a statement of opinion:
It means that it should base upon a concrete fact, which does not vary from person to person. 
f. It must result in a loss to the aggrieved party:
It makes the point distinct that a fraud is always end in a financial loss to the victim.





Normally it is assumed that correctness only refers to spelling, punctuation and grammar etc. but 
business Communication is something more than that. Following guideline should be considered 
for achieving correctness. 
(a) Use the correct level of language 
(b) Include only accurate facts and figures. 
(c) Maintain acceptable writing mechanics. 

(a) Use the Correct Level of Language:
There are usually three levels of language that is formal, informal and sub-standard. Informal level of language is the language of business letters, memos and reports. Formal language is used for writing research papers and legal documents etc. Sub-standard level of language is not used in any type of communication because it either refers to the street language or unacceptable language. 
Incorrect: We thank you in anticipation of this courtesy and assure you that it will be a pleasure to serve you in similar manners. 
Correct: I will appreciate your helping us. Let me know when I can return the favour. 

(b) Include Only Accurate Facts and Figures:
The writer of a business message should specifically be careful when he is quoting any fact or figure. The situation is more critical when the reader relies on the accuracy of facts and figures. An incorrect figure may lead even to the loss of customer, because customer might feel that he is not dealing with business like people. For example if a bank manager provides a wrong balance figure to his account holder, the result might be disastrous for the bank.

c) Maintain Acceptable Writing Mechanics:
Writing mechanics include a number of considerations. For instance, use of grammar rules, sentences structure, composition, punctuation, spelling and all other considerations. Which form the structure of English Language?

With the advent of information revolution, business messages are getting short day by day. This is because of huge inflow and outflow of messages on daily basis. Therefore, conciseness is a prime requirement. Following points should be considered for achieving conciseness. 
(a) Omitting trite expressions. 
(b) Avoid unnecessary repetition. 
(c) Include relevant facts. 

(a) Omitting Trite Expressions:
Trite expressions are also called clichés or stereo typed expressions. They are usually longer, formal and relatively meaningless because of over use. 

In accordance with your request of recent date, we are enclosing herewith our cashier’s cheque in the amount of Rs 20,000, representing a withdrawal of said saving A/c. No. 3595.

According to your request of April 25, cheque of Rs. 20,000 is enclosed.

(b) Avoid Unnecessary Repetition:
Skillful business writers avoid unnecessary repetition by rewording their message and trying to reduce it by almost 50%. In other words first draft of the message is never final and it always requires a second reworded reduced draft before dispatched to the receiver. 

I have your letter of October 14 and wish to say that we will be glad to give you a refund for shirt you purchased here last week.

Improved: You can avail refund for the shirt you purchased last week.
(c) Include Relevant Facts:

Relevant facts refer to those necessary facts which should be present and should never be compromised for achieving conciseness.

Clarity refers to a clear understanding of the message by the receiver. In other words the receiver should not face any problem in getting the meaning of the message. The clarity could be achieved by the following techniques. 
(a) Choose words that are short, familiar and conversational. 
(b) Construct effective sentences and paragraphs. 
(c) Achieve appropriate readability. 
(d) Include examples, illustrations etc. 

(a) Choose Words that are Short, Familiar and Conversational:
The vocabulary of English language is so rich that a number of words are possible for a single occasion. In today’s business English, analysts suggest that it’s better to use such words in business writing, which are normally used in day to day conversation. Therefore, it is always better to avoid difficult and high sounding words. 

The bank statement shows an Overdraft of Rs. 10,000. 
The bank statement shows an excess withdrawal of Rs. 10,000. 

(b) Construct Effective Sentences and Paragraphs:
The number of paragraphs for a business message should not exceed more than 3-4 paragraphs. Within one paragraph, number of sentences should not exceed more than 3-4 sentences and within one sentence, number of words should not exceed more than 12-15 words.

It is not necessary that all seven C’s could be applied to all types of business messages. The ‘C’ of completeness should be kept in mind especially giving replies to inquiries and writing adjustment letter. Following points are considered for the ‘C’ of completeness. 

(a) Answer all questions asked.
(b) Give something extra. When desirable. 
(c) Check for five W’s. 

(a) Answer all Questions Asked:
If in the product related inquiry the prospective customer has asked four questions, it is much necessary to answer all the four questions. Even if a single question is missed and not answered, the inquirer is having all the reasons to believe that the person giving reply is a careless person or he is not interested in answering the questions or there is something 
wrong which he is willing to hide. 

(b) Give Something Extra When Desirable:
Normally a good marketing technique applied by managers is to offer something extra apart from original questions asked. This something extra may be the point of sale for the producer because customer would like to buy from such a manufacturer who is offering something extra, which others are not offering. 

(c) Check for 5 W’s:
Five W’s to Who, What, When, Where and Why. For example to order merchandise, we should make clear What we want, When we need it, Where it is to be sent, How the payment will be needed.


Concreteness adds conviction to the message. It is easy for the reader to believe on concrete messages. Concreteness also increases credibility of the sender of message. Following points should be considered for achieving concreteness.
(a) Use specific facts and figures
(b) Put action in the verb.
(c) Choose vivid image building words.

(a) Use Specific Facts and Figures:
Use of fact and figures play a vital role especially when describing a product or service.

General: These brakes stop car within short distance.
Specific: The hydraulic pressure brakes stop a car with a distance of two feet as soon as they are applied.

(b) Put Action in the Verb:
The basic function of the verb is to describe action of a noun or pronoun. Therefore, care should be taken that the action should always be represented by verb and an action is found in a noun, it should be converted into verb.

Noun: They held meeting in the office.
Verb: They met in the office.

(c) Choose Vivid Image Building Words:
Vivid image building words are generally used for creating an impression upon the reader, so that the reader should start building an image of the product or service in his mind. Such words are used in sales and sales promotion letters.

Example: This is a very good computer.

The P-IV 800 MHz, 20GB HD, 64MB RAM, 500 MB CACHE, Intel genuine processor, in ATX casing is a computer of new millennium.


Consideration refers to giving importance to the other person whether he is a reader audience, spectator or listener. For achieving consideration following points are considered.

(a) You attitude
(b) Show readers interest
(c) Apply integrity in the message
(d) Emphasize the positive

(a) You Attitude:
You attitude means writing a business message from the point of view of the customer or at least showing that the customer is very important.

I - Attitude: We allow 5% discount on Cash Payment.
You - Attitude: You can enjoy 5% discount on Cash Payment.

(b) Show Readers Interest:

People are basically selfish in their nature. They are only interested in themselves and they always look for some material benefit. Therefore business messages should always be drafted in such a manner to offer something to the customer, which is of interest for him. Mind it customers are not interested in the producer or service provider. Their focus of
concentration is their own self. A customer will be a loyal customer, if he is obtaining some benefit on a regular basis.

(c) Apply Integrity in the Message:
Integrity refers to character in the business message. This would come by being honest and truthful with the customer. Never make such a promise, which can be fulfilled never give false hopes to the customer and also never bluff the customer.

(d) Emphasize the Positive:
Most of the statements even in business messages could be written from angles. One is the positive angle and the other is the negative one. It is always better to highlight positively rather than negatively.

Negative: We do not refund if the refund item is soiled and unsalable.
Positive: We do refund if the returned item is clean and saleable.

Surviving in today’s business world requires courtesy on the part of producer or seller. A discourteous producer or service provider cannot succeed in the buyer’s market. That is why famous slogan of ‘Customer is always right’ invented. To achieve courtesy following points should be considered.

(a) Be tactful.
(b) Omit expressions that can irritate.
(c) Answer/mail promptly.
(d) Grant and apologize.

(a) Be Tactful:
Tact means handling customer with a right technique. Otherwise, if customers are not handled properly, business may suffer.

Tactless: Your letter is not complete I cannot understand it.
Tactful: If I understand your letter correctly, you want to say that…….

(b) Omit Expressions that Can Irritate:
Irritating expressions are disliked by all and customers are not any exception.

(i) You have failed
(ii) You have no choice
(iii)You neglect
(iv)You claim that

(c) Answer / Mail Promptly:
It is a matter of business courtesy that all mails should be answered promptly. A late reply may give an impression that the manufacturer is not interested in the customer.

(d) Grand and Apologize:
It is always advisable to give some favor to the customer if he asked for it, and if some mistake is committed, it is better to apologize.



Q. What are the responsibilities of a good listener? OR
Explain consideration before starting listening?

Ans: There are following responsibilities of good listeners;

1. Preparation for listening:-
A listener should prepare himself to listen. This preparation includes following point: 

(i) No talking:- A listener must not talk when he is going to listen otherwise, the idea may not
be received or it may be interrupted. 
(ii) Avoiding distraction:- The listener should not distract his attention from the speaker to 
some other object. Shuffling papers or doing any other thing may disturb the person of 
receiving ideas. 
(iii) Good environmental condition:- The listeners should arrange a suitable condition before listening. Noise of traffic, poor ventilation, extraordinary warmness or coldness and 
many other such things cause problems in listening.

2. Concentration on message:-
A listener is required to concentrate on verbal and non-verbal message. For having good 
concentration, following points are to be considered: 

(i) Controlling emotion and feelings:- Sometimes it happens that speaker’s words hurt the
feelings of listeners. In this situation the listeners should control his/her emotion and feeling because if he loses temperament, he cannot get the message. 
(ii) Avoiding evaluation:- The listener should concentrate only on listening and avoid jumping to conclusion or evaluating the message. 
(iii) Showing interest:- The listener should show his interest to the topic so that the speaker can be motivated to convey his ideas in a better way



faults/pitfalls of listening

Ans: Listening is a very important aspect of oral communication. If there is any lacking or fault
 in listening, it might cause failure to communication process. So, people should be well aware of faults in listening so as to improve the overall communication ability. These faults are enumerated as under:

(1) Prejudice against the speaker.
(2) External Distraction. 
(3) Thinking speed. 
(4) Premature evaluation. 
(5) Semantic stereotype. 
(6) Delivery of speech. 
(7) Language. 
(8) Sluggishness. 

The explanation of above mentioned points is as under:

1. Prejudice against the speaker:-
Sometimes the speaker conflicts with our attitude. The summary of these conflicts is as 

(i) Personality of the Speaker:- If the speaker is not liked by the listener, the listener
may not pay attention to listening. For example a business person might not listen to 
his rival because he is biased with the personality of that rival. 

(ii) Thoughts of speaker:- If the thoughts of speaker are in contrast with the listener’s
thoughts the listening process could be damaged. 

2. External Distraction:-

External environment affects listening a lot. Noisy fans, poor light, distracting background
music, overheated or cold room, poor ventilation and many other things distract a listener’s attentionfrom the speaker’s message. 

3. Thinking speed:-

On average, most of us speak between 80 and 160 words per minute. Whereas, people have
 the ability to think at the rate of up to 800 words per minute. Despite this fact, the listener may have slower thinking process due to the following reasons: 

(i) Competition of concentration:- The listener could not concentrate on the message
because he has many things to think besides listening to the message. 

(ii) Doing some other activity:- The listener might be involved in doing some other

4. Premature evaluation::-

When the listener starts evaluating the message during the process of listening, he/she is not
 attentive enough to the message. This is another fault of listening. 

5. Semantic stereotype:-

There are many topics to which the listener has emotional and psychological
belongingness. So, the topic and issues which hurt his feelings are not absorbed by him easily. 

6. Delivery of speech:-

A monotone can easily put the listener to sleep or cause him to lose the interest.

7. Language:-

Another fault of listening is the language. If the speaker using such words, idioms, or
structure of language with which the listener is not familiar, the speaker will face difficulties in conveying his message. 

8. Sluggishness:-

If the listener is mentally or physically tired, or habitually lazy, he would feel difficulty in
listening to the message.



Q. What are the guide lines to effective listening? OR
How can good listening habits be developed?

Ans: Listening is very important aspect of communication. Around 20% of overall

communication is listening. Therefore, one should strive for adopting good listening habit. There are following guidelines for good listening: 

(1) Preparation before listening.
(2) Listening to understand, not to refute. 
(3) Focusing the attention. 
(4) Concentration on context. 
(5) Taking notes. 
(6) Curbing the impulse to interrupt. 
(7) Asking questions. 
(8) Summary & evaluation. 

The details of each point are as follows:

1. Preparation before listening:-

As already mentioned that listening plays important role in communication. So one should
prepare himself before starting listening. In preparation, there are following guidelines: 
(i) Stop talking:- Human brain can perform one activity efficiently at a time, so during 
listening there should be no talking by the listener. 

(ii) Remove distraction:- Noisy fan, traffic noise, entrance of unauthorized persons may
interrupt the listening process. All these barriers should be removed. 

(iii) Good environmental conditions:- There should not be extraordinary cold or warm
environment and ventilations should be proper. 

2. Listening to understand, not to refute:-

There could be many topics to which the listener has reservations. Apart form these
reservations, the listener should try his best to understand the message. 

3. Focusing the attention:-

There may be many objects on which the listener should construct a mental outline of 
where the speaker is going in his speech. 

4. Concentration on context:-

The listener should keep in mind the background and theme of speech. This thing enables
him to absorb the material quickly and efficiently.

5. Taking notes:-

Listener should keep on taking notes. Hence, he should jot down ideas rather than 
sentences. In this way, he/she could make the message safe for a long time. 

6. Curbing the impulse to interrupt:-

One should avoid interrupting the speech until the speaker invites questions. This habit puts
 the speaker and listener both at ease. 

7. Asking questions:-

Asking right question on right time is quite different form interruption. Listener should
have an idea to know right time to ask questions. 

8. Summary & evaluation:-

The listener should summarize and speech but not during listening process.




Responsibilities of an interviewer (Business Communication)

Q. How should an effective interviewer behave during interview? 
What pitfall an effective interviewer avoid? What are the guidelines 
to an interview to conduct and effective interview? Or what are 
the responsibilities of an interviewer?

Ans: Giving an interview is equally important as taking interview, one has to be very careful 
while giving an interview, there are following guidelines in general which could enable an interviewerto conduct a good and effective interview. 

a) Preparation 

b) Conduct during interview 
c) Evaluation 

a) Preparation:

The interviewer should prepare himself before the interview, the following points are to be 

considered in this regard. 

1. Reading applicant’s Resume: There is much information provider in his resume so 

the resume should be read in detail. So as to asks the question in the perspective of resume

2. Being aware of state Regulation: There are many policies and rules and regulation 

made by a state about the recruitment of employees. The interviewer should be aware of 
them so as to avoid any prospective lawsuit. 

3. Planning the questions: The interviewer should plan the pattern of question, the 

number of question types length duration etc. should be clear in the mind of interviewer. 

4. Omitting personal bias: There might be many biases in the minds of interviewer about 

the candidates. In order to make the interviewee fair he should avid these biases. 

b) Conduct during the interview:

Having prepared for the interview the interviewer should consider the following points during interview. 

1. Letting the candidate speak: The main objective of interview is to have the 

information from the candidate as much as possible, so interviewer should let the candidate speak as much as possible. 

2. Using the language of candidate: If there is no restoration regarding the language such a 

language should be used in which the candidate feels easy and free. 

3. Avoiding arguing with the candidate: The purpose of interview is to evaluate the 

candidate not to solve a dispute, so argumentation with the candidate should be avoided.

4. Not interrupting the candidate: The candidate is already under a lot of pressure. So 

the candidate should not be interrupted. 

5. Controlling the emotions: During the interview there are many stages on which the 

interviewers might get emotional. This may cause failures to the interview process. 

6. Establishing eye contact: In order to be confident and the put the candidate at case, the 

interviewer should establish an eye contact with the candidate. 

7. Using body language: Use of body language can play an important to make the 

question clear the candidate. 

8. Asking open ended questions instantly: The close or dead ended questions are not very 

useful to acquire more information. So open-ended question should be asked as much as 

c) Evaluation:

After the interview the last step is to evaluate the interviewee. For this purpose there are 

following points which should be given importance. 

1. No personal bias: There might be many candidates with whom the interviewer may 

have personal bias. This should be avoided in any case so as to hire the potential people. 

2. Clear cut standards: The interviewer should try to establish a clear-cut standard for 

evaluation such as point system.



Note on Dictation (Business Communication)


Q. What is dictating? State its importance and enumerate good
dictating techniques. 


Dictation is an oral communication between two persons (usually an executive and a
secretary). The executive speaks (dictates) a message to the secretary, who transcribes the spoken words into a written message that is to be sent to addressees. 


The person who can dictate messages clearly and quickly saves time and money for the
employer, and who indirectly help build company goodwill. 
On the other hand, poor dictating habits result in confusions, errors, costly damages, loss of company goodwill, and damages the executive’s status. 


Following are the suggestions for improving dictating habits:

Preparation before Dictation:

Preparation before dictation requires the executive to –
i. Know the purpose. 
ii. Visualize the reader. 
iii. Consider the secretary. 
iv. Collect all facts needed for the contents of the message. 
v. Prepare an outline, with main points on paper or in mind. 

Good Dictating Techniques:

Good dictating techniques include the following:

i. Dictating in a language that possesses all the C’ qualities.
ii. Dictating from the outline (prepared in advance). 
iii. Clear pronouncing. 
iv. Clarifying the confusing words and figures e.g. “E” may be clarified by saying “E for 
elephant” and “Sixty” by “six zero”. 
v. Spelling the unusual and confusing words and names.
vi. Giving instructions for number of copies, reference, subject, ordinary or registered mail, 
vii. Dictating punctuations. 
viii. Maintaining acceptable speed. 
ix. Avoiding environmental disturbance. 
x. Providing written material when there are tables of numerous figures. 
xi. Setting a time free from interruptions by telephone or callers. 
xii. Developing and using simple abbreviations and code words, e.g. “SRM” for “send by 
registered mail”. 
xiii. Dictating only the basic ideas (allowing the secretary to compose the complete 
message) when the message is of routine nature and the secretary has adequate 
information and ability. 

Signing of Dictated Message:

After the secretary has transcribed the spoken words into a written message, the executive
 signs it. While doing so, he / she should check the letter with special attention to spellings and figures. The executive should also make sure that instructions as given have been followed by the secretary




Difference between Sales and Sale Promotion Letter
Sales Letter:

1. Aims at selling some goods / services.
2. Has formal style 
3. Generally issued in a series. 
4. Has convincing tone and attitude. 
5. Motivates the reader to buy. 

Sales Promotion Letter

1. Aims at creating good relationships. 
2. Has informal style. 
3. Issued for an important circumstance 
or event. 
4. Has suggestive tone and attitude. 
5. Expresses desire to serve the reader.




Distinguish between solicited sales letter and unsolicited sales letter(Business Com)

Q Distinguish between solicited sales letter and unsolicited sales 

Solicited Sales Letters:

Solicited sales letter is reply to sales related inquiry (trade inquiry). Such letters deal with the
 questions about catalogue, prices, terms, discount, deliveries, manufacturing methods, types of accounts, available sources of supply and similar information. 

Solicited sales letters are also called invited sales messages. The inquirer is often already
customer or a potential buyer, who may become a steady satisfied customer if the reply is sent with favorable impression. Following are the principles of writing impressing solicited sales letter. 

1. Answer Promptly, because a prompt answer is more effective and it also gives an
impression of attentiveness in other matters. 

2. Respond completely, because omissions of certain facts limit the value of the answer and
 handicap the reader in decision making. 

3. Give additional information relating to the inquiry, because some inquiries may not be clear
 and complete. 

4. Reply courteously, because it creates favorable impression even if just a little information is

5. Follow-up the reply when desired response does not result within a reasonable time, give
some more information or ask if any further information can be given. 

Unsolicited Sales Letters:

Unsolicited sales letters are not direct answers to inquiries, but they are initiated by the seller for
 various reason. These letters are also known as “Prospective” and “Cold Turkey” letters. 

According to Murphy and Peck the success in unsolicited sales letters will depend upon three
 factor; the mailing list, the right appeals, and the presentation. The first two of these factors are prewriting steps and the last one relates to writing the sales letter. 

Prewriting Steps:

The prewriting steps are the six planning steps-about purpose, reader, ideas to include, fact
 gathering, organization and revision. While planning an unsolicited sales letter these steps are taken in the following sequence. 

1. Gathering facts about the product.

2. Knowing the reader and obtaining the mailing list. 
3. Deciding on purpose. 
4. Choosing ideas and the main appeal. 
5. Planning the presentation. 
6. Making revisions. 

Writing unsolicited Sales Letter:

The basic structure for unsolicited sales letter usually has four parts, commonly known as the
 AIDA formula for sales presentation. 

A – Attracting the readers’ favourable attention.
I – Arousing the reader’s interest. 
D – Creating desire and convincing the reader. 
A – Making clear the action the reader needs to take.

These parts (also known as functions of sales letter need not always be in the sequence they are
 listed above, nor need all pats be in every letter)































































































































































Meaning and Definition of Planning(Managment)



Define Planning and discuss its main characteristics. 
Discuss the advantages, limitation and principles of Planning. 
What is planning? Outline the steps in planning process. 
What is the concept of planning as an element of Management process? Discuss its nature and role in a modern business organisation.

Meaning and Definition of Planning

Planning is thinking in advance or before doing something. All kinds of organisation do planning. Planning helps us in looking into the future. Planning establishes goals or objectives and identifies the ways to achieve them. A plan is a predetermined course of action to be taken in future.

George Steiner
Planning is a process that begins with objectives, defines strategies, policies and detailed plans to achieve them.

Peter Drucker
Planning is the continuous process of making present entrepreneurial (risk taking) decisions systematically and with best possible knowledge of their futurity.

Nature of Characteristics of Planning

There are a number of features or characteristics of planning that indicate towards its nature. These may be outlined as follows:

1. Goal-Oriented
Planning is goal-oriented in the sense that plans are prepared and implemented to achieve certain objectives.

2. Basic to all Managerial Functions
Planning is a function that is the foundation of management process. Planning logically precedes all other function of management, such as organizing, staffing etc because without plan there is nothing to organize nothing to control. Every managerial action has to be properly planned.

3. Pervasive
Planning is a function of all managers, although the nature and extent of planning will vary with their authority and level in the organisation hierarchy. Managers at higher levels spend more time and effort on planning than do lower level managers.

4. Interdependent Process
Planning affects and is affected by the programmes of different departments in so far as these programmes constitute an integrated effort.

5. Future Oriented
Planning is forward looking and it prepares an enterprise for future.

6. Forecasting Integral to Planning
These essence of planning is forecasting. Plans are synthesis of various forecasts. Thus, planning is inextricably (inseparably bound up with planning).

7. Continuous Process
Planning is an ongoing process. Old plans have to be revised and new plans have to be prepared in case the environment undergoes a change. It shows the dynamic nature of planning.

8. Intellectual Process
Planning is a mental or conceptual exercise. It therefore involves rational decision making, requires imagination, foresight and sound judgement and involves thinking before doing thinking on the basis of facts and information.

9. Integrating Process
Planning is essential for the enterprise as a whole. Newman and others have drawn our attention towards this feature of planning,
 without planning, an enterprise will soon disintegrate the pattern of its actions would be as random as that made by leaves scampering (running quickly in short steps) before an autumn wind and its employees would be as confused as ants in an upturned anthill. If there are no plans action will be a random activity in the organisation instead there will be chaos. 

10. Planning and Control are Inseparable
Unplanned action cannot be controlled, without controlled, planned actions cannot be executed. Plans furnish standards of control, In fact
 Planning is meaningful without control and control is aimless without planning. Planning is measuring rod of efficiency. 

11. Choice among Alternative Courses of Action
The need for planning arises due to several ways available for an action. If there is only one way-out left, there is no need for planning.

12. Flexible Process

The principle of navigational change (i.e. change according to changes in environment) applies to planning. In other words, effective planning requires continual checking on events and forecasts and the redrawing of plans to maintain a course towards desired goals. Thus, plans have to be adaptable to changing circumstances. 

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