Micro Economics

1.       Micro and Macroeconomics.

2.       Meaning of demand.

3.       Law of demand.

4.       Changes in demand and changes in quantity demand cause of change in demand.

5.       Price arc elasticity’s of demand.

6.       Income elasticity of demand.

7.       Importance of elasticity demand.

8.       Law of diminishing marginal utility assumption.

9.       Law of Equi-marginal utility.

10.   Indifference cure & its properties.

11.   Marginal rate of substitution.

12.   Price, income and substitution effects of consumer equilibrium.

13.   Economics of scale.

14.   Law of variable proportions, law of returns and their applications.

15.    Isoquant & its properties.

16.   Deference between in difference curse and isoquant.

17.   Short run and long run curse.

18.   Derivation of long run average cost and marginal cost.

19.    Equilibrium under perfect competition.

20.    Short run and long run equilibrium of firm.

21.   Inductive and deductive methods.

22.   Short run & long run monopolist equilibrium.

23.   Comparison of monopoly with perfect competition.

24.   Short run & long run equilibrium and monopolist competition.      



Macro Economics:


1.     Concepts and approaches to National Income.

2.     Real & nominal GDS.

3.     Average & marginal propensity to cons man.

4.     Factors of marginal propensity to consume.

5.     Saving, average and marginal propensity to save.

6.     Interment its kinds and determinants.

7.     Full employment level of output.

8.     Inflationary and inflationary gaps.

9.     Multiplier and its effects.

10. Unemployment and its kinds.

11. Principle of accelerator.

12. Fiscal and monetary policies and their objective.

13. Features, nature, principles and goals of an Islamic economic system.     
























1.     Geographical Importance of Pak.

2.     Urdu as National Language/Regional Language of Pak

3.     Cultural Heritage of Pak.

4.     Islamic Provision of 1973 Constitution.

5.     Kashmir Issue

6.     Foreign Policy

7.     Aim & Objective of Pakistan’s Establishment.

8.     Initial Problem faced by Pak

9.     Importance of Agriculture in Pak

10. Ideology of Pak

11. Two Nation Theory

12. Shah Waliullah/ sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi

13.  Aligarh movement

14. Sufi & saint for revival of lsalm in S.Asia


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