2nd year English Essay 2013        

Most Common English Essay for 2nd Year...
Democracy In Pakistan
Why I Love Pakistan (MY Country)
Inflation (Price Hike)(Rising Prices)
Problem of Illiteracy

"Democracy is the government of the people, for the people and by the people."
(Abraham Lincoln)
Representative democracy involves the selection of government officials by the people being represented. The most common systems involve election of the candidates with a majority vote.
Pakistan is a democratic and Islamic country, but democracy in Pakistan has been the most irregular and unsatisfactory. The principles of democracy are equality, freedom and social justice which are, unfortunately, not being fully enjoyed by the people of Pakistan. The reason is that the dictators never allow the principles of democracy to flourish in our country.
True democracy anywhere in the world is only possible if the people are educated. It is a fact that more than 80 percent of our people are illiterate. Some of them do not even know how to write their names. They do not understand what is happening around the world. They cannot use their right to vote intelligently and sensibly. It is the people who elect the candidates for the assemblies, and if the people do not exercise their right to vote freely and fairly, corrupt and unsuitable people will govern the country.
'When people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty"
The existence of feudal system controls the lives of millions of villagers and farmers. They are in majority in the country, but they do not enjoy even the rights of minority. The uneducated people will continue to vote for their lords and they will always remain illiterate, backward and down-trodden. The members of our elected national and provincial assemblies are big guns. Their own benefits keep the country backward .The big industrialists also jump into politics to share the political and commercial benefits with their "jagirdaar" brothers. These "jagirdaars" and industrialists have always joined hands with the military dictators. The result is that Pakistan has a history of martial-laws and dictatorial democracies.
Our top political leaders, ministers, chief ministers, prime ministers and presidents have been coming from upper classes. They do not understand the layman's problems because they do not have the required ability and vision. They are responsible for martial-laws. Democracy cannot flourish in the country in the absence of suitable leaders. Selfish leaders destroy the process of democracy and keep the country poor and backward.
"Be not overcome by evil but overcome evil by good"
The rise in terrorism, the growth of provincialism and sectarianism, population explosion and bad economic policies has also damaged democracy. For the last sixty years, there have been . dictatorial governments in Pakistan which have led the country to irreparable losses. Every ruler promised to redress the grievances and miseries of the common people of Pakistan but always proved to be oppressor, tyrant, and destroyer of the country. The opposing forces are still working hard to sabotage the democratic process. We need another Quaid-e-Azam to free us from the mental slavery and put the country back on the track of true democracy, progress and prosperity.
In a democracy, the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme.-
Democracy did not fail in Pakistan because of illiteracy or caste or ethnic differences or any of the other reasons put forward. The real reason is the ideology; Pakistan is wedded to .Sadly this is true of any Islamic country .The current argument can be finished on these words of G.B Shaw______. The Democracy is a system ensuring that people are
governed no better than they deserve.
(496 Words)

My dear, my native Soil!
From whom my warmest wish to heaven's sent,
Long may thy hardy sons of rustic toil,
Be blest with health, and peace, and sweet content!
(Robert Burns)
It is quite natural to love one's country. The Eskimo loves his country in spite of its cold weather. The African, living in the midst of a burning desert, is attached to his homeland. I also love Pakistan because it is my country. There are some people who love their own province. There are others who love the town or the village in which they were born. I am not so narrow in my outlook. I love all provinces. I love Pakistan above all provinces. I do not like to be called a Punjabi, a Sindhi or a Balochi. This is against my spirit of nationalism.
I love Pakistan because it is my fatherland. My ancestors were born here; they lived and died here. They tilled its soil and tasted its fruits. Thus, I am the continuation of the dreams and aspirations of my forefathers. I am proud of my rich heritage and I am determined to add to the golden traditions of our past. I am nothing without my past and without my country. Pakistan is my pride, my identity and my everything.
Our country is that spot to which our heart is bound.
Pakistan is the home of great warriors, poets, statesmen and artists. Iqbal, the great poet of Islam: Quaid-i-Azam, who gave us our homeland; Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, who made Pakistan an atomic power; Major Aziz Bhatti and many others who sacrificed their lives for Pakistan; Imran Khan who won Pakistan the World Cup; these are the men of great inspiration for me. The people of Pakistan are superior to the people of any other nation in the world. They have a courage and faith which few people have. They are ready to make the greatest sacrifice when a call comes for it. The sacrifices which they made in 1947 for their homeland are perhaps unique in the world history. No other country has suffered so much for an idea.
I love Pakistan for its natural resources. It has rich soil which yields crops throughout the year. Its fruits are sweet and unique in. taste. The rivers that flow in Pakistan have given us a fine network of canals that irrigate our fields. Above all, I love Pakistan for the bright future that is sure to come.
To conclude I must say that I do not love my country if I do nothing for it. If I weaken my country in one way or the other, then I actually hate my county. So, I must make my country strong politically, technologically and economically in order to prove my claim of love for Pakistan. I shall do my best to serve my country when I complete my education. I know that if I do wrong to my country, I shall do wrong to myself. I shall, therefore, live for Pakistan and die for Pakistan.
Oh, God! it is the goodly sight to see what heaven hath done for this delicious land.
(Lord Byron)
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Each nation feels superior to other nations. That breeds patriotism - and wars.
(Dale Carnegie)
Patriotism is a frame of mind in which one loves one's country and is proud of it. It is a vigorous feeling of love, loyalty and support for one's country especially in defense against its enemies. It means that one should give more value and importance to one's country than to one's own self. It makes one bound for certain responsibilities, and these responsibilities are ideological commitment and dedication to the defense and prosperity of one's country.
 "only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.
(Nathan Hale)
Man is a social animal. It is hard for him to breathe in isolation. Contact with his fellow beings is inevitable for mutual growth and economic development. Patriotism creates unity among the people for a noble cause and trains them to tolerate one and other and sacrifice for the country. "Soldiers die not in hatred but in love."
Patriotism is a virtue that converts a mob into nation. Nations rise and prosper if their individuals are united by a cord of love, sympathy and sincerity. People learn to honor the freedom and independence of their country. They learn that they can prosper and progress if they have a deep natural relation with their country.
Birds fly towards their nests, children rush to take refuge in the lap of their mothers and human beings move towards their homes for peace and shelter, and so is our country that gives us protection and peace. It is a sort of heaven for us. We should try our best to make it beautiful, secure, strong and peaceful. Our existence definitely depends on the existence and survival of our dear homeland. We can do so if we have an ultimate faith in our country. We must not undermine our relationship and association which we have with our homeland by birth.
"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one."
Disciplined armed forces, hardworking and skillful craftsmen, diligent and committed women, and ambitious students have only one aim and that is to serve their country. They believe that their personal achievement will benefit not only themselves but also their country. They want to raise the flag of their country because they have a strong sense of patriotism.
Love works wonders. Miracles are not beyond us if we are fired with the passion of patriotism. Patriotism fills us with a magnetic force which overcomes all our petty differences of languages and creeds.

"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's comfort to go hand in hand"
(Emily Kimbrough)
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"Money is power, freedom, a cushion, the root of all evil, the sum of blessings"
(Carl Sandburg)
Inflation means general increase in price or increase in the supply of money. Inflation is a broad, variable and complex term. Only economists can have its better comprehension from economic point of view. It is hard to understand its various kinds for a layman.
There is "Creeping Inflation". It is a healthy trend as it increases development. "Walking inflation" affects savings. "Running Inflation" is hard to control. It affects consumption and savings. It leads to economic recession "Galloping or Hyper Inflation" is disastrous and fatal to economy. "Demand-pull" inflation is because of aggregate in demand of a commodity. "Cost Push Inflation" occurs when cost of production increases.
Inflation is not an unexpected and unpredictable phenomenon. Its seeds are sown because of mismanagement; weak or low market knowledge, indifferent attitude towards economic indicators, weak administrative machinery, absence or lack of check and balance, bureaucratic manipulation, inadvertent boarding and strong association of the market leaders. Disturbance in demand and supply ratio is yet another factor.-
Inflation is a menace in the poor or under developed or developing countries. It badly affects life standard of the people. It increases poverty and decreases purchasing power. Inflation creeps slowly into economic system and assumes magnitude by creating an alarming situation. Inflation destroys or disturbs market balance badly.
World's richest investor Warren Buffet says,
"If you buy things you don't need, soon you will have to sell things you need"
Inflation increases unemployment and, as a result not only skilled but also unskilled workers are laid off. It creates future social problems. It permeates into our social fabric and disturbs everything. Anxiety and depression are the immediate outcomes of inflation. It eats up purchasing capacity of people. It belittles the efforts done by the bread earners to meet the growing needs of their families. Inflation gives rise to dishonesty and corruption.
"The safe -way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket"
(Frank Hubbard)
There is a popular belief that once prices increase, they never decrease. It is true to some extent. However, we can minimize the effects of inflation by concentrated efforts. Inflation can be controlled by a long term and short term sound economic planning. Market competition can bring about reduction in inflation. Local industry should be promoted to reduce inflation. Accessible and cheaper goods can minimize the adverse effects of inflation. These can also provide people with alternatives. This may affect the standard of living but people are protected against adverse effects of inflation. Proper monitoring and regulatory control can help in reducing inflation. Retailers and hawkers sell things of daily use at their own will. They do so because there is no check and balance. There is nobody to enforce law and evaluate the prices at which things are sold.
Inflation can be viewed as an international phenomenon. Only sound planning by the Government can avert it. Inflation is a misery and people can be saved from this misery through mutual effort. To sum up, inflation, in any form, undermines the very foundations of a social set-up. It makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. It carries the social stigma that breeds dissatisfaction among all the factions of a society.

The government should take adequate measures to control this social evil.

I don't mind going back to daylight saving time. With inflation,
the hour will be the only thing I've saved all year.
(Victor Borge)
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Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.
(Julie Andrews)
Discipline is a controlled behavior resulting from the practice of training of body or mind according to rules and regulations. Discipline is the spirit and spice of life. Life without discipline is a voyage in a shore less ocean without maps and navigational equipment. Discipline is a force which unites all the efforts made by man to achieve something rewarding and extraordinary.
Even the creatures like ants follow discipline; these seem to be walking like an army, in a sequence to reach their destination and attain their cherished objectives. Birds fly in a pattern to realize their unidentified direction. All the living creatures seem to have a resolve to follow discipline. Water flows in a direction with a certain harmony among its droplets. It never observes any disorder or disintegration. All the creatures grow by following a pattern. The sun pours its rays downwards. The mountains have symmetry in them. Revolving planets follow a sequence. They rotate in their specific paths or orbits. The whole universe seems to be bound in a certain order.
Discipline is a symbol of caring to a child. Discipline is guidance. If there is love, there is no such thing as being too tough with a child.
(Bette Davis)
Dur Armed Forces have a set schedule of training comprising different stages. Almost all the phenomena and processes have a certain mechanism or pattern. Discipline is very important for progress and prosperity of a nation. A well-disciplined nation can rise high in the field of technology, science and commerce. The ruling nations in the world display extreme discipline otherwise they would not have achieved status in the world. Nations that have well disciplined leaders progress with a rapid pace. We can achieve our goals and objectives if we are disciplined. Discipline conserves the resources and enables us to plan for our future needs.
offering prayers five times a day gives us a clear message of organization and discipline. We follow a specific code of conduct and maintain discipline among us. Discipline gives us oncentrated power. We can realize our aims if we are well disciplined. A disciplined person is a appy person who has clear understanding of his abilities, opportunities, available resources at his isposal and course which he has to follow.
An undisciplined person is wayward and a failure. He wastes his energy and depreciates his bilities. He tries to attain something but, without any proper and organized effort. What we achieve r lose depends a lot on our being disciplined.
To conclude, it is the tact universally acknowledged that without discipline life on this earth will be a complete chaos. It restrains and channelizes our energies in positive direction and lends charm to otherwise charmless objects.
Age acquires no value save through thought and discipline.
(James Truslow Adams)
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"Read in the name of they Lord who created you."
(Al Quran)
The first revelation on the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) aptly reveals the importance of education. Education and civilization are broader in their sense and practice. They are co-relative. The nations which have high rate of literacy progress rapidly and are now leaders in the world.

"Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army."
(Edwerd Everett)
It is commonly observed that people who are educated have better understanding of the governance. They are prone to act on the principles more accurately than those who have no formal or informal education. Following the rules or principles ensures smooth flow of the affairs in any society. On the other hand, illiterate persons or masses disturb peace and order as they do not follow the principles, rules

"The most violent element in society is ignorance."
(Emma Goldman)
An illiterate person has a limited thought and narrow canvas. He does not and cannot think beyond a
certain level. He is confined to his own interests and personal motives. He is unable to appreciate
new aspects and possibilities. Illiteracy hinders his personal as well as collective growth.
"All the knowledge in the world is found within you."
(Anthony J. D 'Angelo)
An industrial worker who has skill and has proper training in the related field can act for the good of himself and for his company. He is an efficient worker and can increase the production of that industrial concern. He is matchless in his performance. He works by using his skills and gains knowledge in a better way.
Illiteracy breeds crimes. People who are not educated do not have a clear idea of the importance of laws. They violate laws for their petty benefits. Illiteracy is the greatest threat to the integrity of a nation. Illiterate nations do not value their freedom. They involve in petty quarrels and disgrace their country.
"Some folks are wise and some are otherwise."
(Tobias Smot/et)
There are many countries that have high rate of literacy even though they have limited natural resources and low per capita income. They survive in the world with grace and dignity. So, it is the level of education an literacy that makes a nation powerful politically, technologically and economically.
Education should be free for all the members of the society. Incentives should be given for those who have some financial problems. A programme of mass education can enhance the rate of literacy and wipe out the curse of illiteracy.
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A particular make, a shape ,a style ,or a pattern followed by most of the people may be called a fashion .It includes clothing ,hairstyles furniture literature, jewelry and many other things.
"Style is the man," claims Sainte-Beuve, one of Matthew Arnold's heroes.
The above cited quote is one of Matthew Arnold's intellectual stances. Some people believe that life is not worth-living without fashion. Everybody wants to appear fashionable and stylish, and he spends lots of money on his hairstyle, beauty products, dress designing and shoes. Fashions go on changing. One fashion that is in today may be outdated tomorrow. Fashions have been in the world since the beginning of human civilization. Fashion industry is not a new thing in today's world. Thousands and millions of people depend upon changing passions for their livelihood.
"We are shaped and fashioned by what we love."
(Johann Wolfgang)

Fashions usually take their origin in the west. In Pakistan also, there are parties and social gatherings in which people try to outdo one another by their fashions and styles. From the west these fashions reach the third-world countries. By the time people of the poor countries adopt these fashions, the westerns discard them and move on to the others, and thus the fashion industry goes on flourishing. Media has also contributed a lot towards fashions and fads. There are fashion shows, beauty contests and dress designing competitions in the form of catwalk shows, TV dramas especially soap serials on different channels like Star Plus. Movies and music shows have also triggered the fashion craze among the different classes of people.
Fashions and styles make us look attractive and different from other people but, according to Aldous Huxley, it is our inner-self or soul that makes us beautiful or ugly. If we are bored, depressed or morally decayed, our outward appearance will do nothing but reflect our soul. It is actually the purity and beauty of our soul that makes our skin glow and our eyes shine. Fashions are then only a disguise or a cover that hides our reality and make us look attractive outwardly.
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months."
(Oscar Wilde)
The craze of fashions is mostly found among women and youngsters. A visit to college of today would indeed be an interesting experiment for those who wish to know something about the influence of fashion on men .Boys as well as girls spend much of their time on toilet .Female students go two steps further .Fashion they regard as their special right .Girls have a natural and inborn love of pretty dresses and in college they get a real opportunity .Girls spend a great deal of their money on powder, cream and lipstick. Scents and perfumes are used by these Juilets to excite and stir their Romeos. Evidently such boys and girls do not take their studies seriously the They may forget the formulae of mathematics but they don't forget the names of the films. It is quite natural with women to beautify themselves. They should, however, give more importance to the purity of their soul than to their outward appearance. Beauty products, parlors, costly costumes and dandy shoes will not add to our attractiveness as much as do our peace of mind, contentment of our soul and spiritual happiness. We should not, therefore, imitate the westerns or other people because the western culture and civilization are hollow and the people there are spiritually dead. I recall here the saying by a famous writer who says we may have a fashion of our own if we retain our naturalness, innocence, and purity of heart and soul.
"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
(Saint Laurent)
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1. Black Michael.
2. Madam-de-Mauban. 
3. Colonel Sapt.
4. Capton Fritz. 
5. Rudolf Elphberge.
6. Rupert 
7. Rudolf Rassendyll.
8. Princess Flavia. 

Black Michael was the half brother of the king. He was favourite of his father who had made him the Duke of Strelsau. As his mother was a woman of humble birth, therefore he was not entitled to the crown. He did not in inherit the red hair. His hair was black, therefore he was called Black Michael. He wanted to become the king and tried his best to defeat his brother.
Michael is the villain of the novel who creates the whole problems for Ressendyll. He makes various schemes and plays an evil role in the novel. He keeps himself in the background and uses his six string men. He exploits the weakness of hid half brother and makes him senseless by sending him a bottle of drugged wine. He invites Ressendull to the Summer House because he wants to kill him. He is very cruel and treats the king in a cruel manner when he is in his hands.
Michael was a wicked schemer. When his first plan failed, he tried to invent another. He kidnapped the king from the shooting lodge and imprisoned him in the castle of Zenda. Michael had no principles. He was deceitful and untrustworthy. He was a coward and could not face Ressendyll bravely. He always used his six men. Michael’ s cruel and wicked nature caused his ruin. He intended to marry Princess Flavia after getting the throne. He was deceitful and selfish even in love. In the beginning he loved Lady Mauban, and promised to marry her, but later on he diverted his attention to Princess Flavia, realizing that Lady Mauban was an ordinary woman, while Flavia was a Princess. Because of his selfishness, Lady Mauban turned against him and took active part in the schemes of Ressendyll made for the release of the king.

Lady Mauban is a rich and attractive widow. She was come to Ruritania to marry Michael. Rupert also falls in love with her, but she is very careful and does not give lift to anybody else. She loves Michael. She does not like Princess Flavia because Michael wants to marry her. She knows that if Michael succeeds in getting the throne of Ruritania, she will lose him. As she wants to win the Duke therefore she helps Rassendyll. She does not want that Michael should become the king and marry Princess Flavia. Therefore she informs Ressendyll about the prison of Zenda and also about Michael’s company. In her letter to Ressendyll, she clearly admits that it is only out of her jealousy that she wants to tell him about some secrets of the Summer House. She also writes letters to Princess Flavia because she does not like Duke’s attachment to her.
She wants to marry a person of no less importance than Duke and ready to do anything to win him. She follows him to Ruritania and stays with him after the imprisonment of the real king only to watch Michael’s activities. When she comes to know that she can not get marry with Michael, therefore she joins hands with Ressendyll. It is through her co-operation that a successful attack is made on Zenda and the king is released.
Madam De Mauban loves Michael from the depth of her heart. When she finds that he is unfaithful and wants to marry Princess Flavia, she becomes sad. Meanwhile Rupert tries to make love to her but she remains loyal to the Duke. She even tries to kill Rupert with a pistol after he murdered her lover. It shows that she does not have revengeful feeling for Michael, although he proves faithless to her.
Lady Mauban is a kind hearted and sympathetic woman. In the last scene of the novel, when the wounded king is brought to Michael’s room, she washes his wounds.

Colonel Sapt is a middle-aged man. He is strong. He is an experienced soldier and is a loyal servant of the king. He is very wise and intelligent. He is very cautious about everything. He loves the king inspite of all his weaknesses. He has a natural hatred for Michael and can not compromise with the idea of his becoming the king of Ruritania. He keeps close watch over Rassendyll and does not allow him to reveal his identity when is alone with Princess Flavia. He is very wise remains hopeful even in the most difficult situations. He remains calm and cool when he faces some trouble. He knows how to handle a problem and quickly thinks a solution for it. He always gives proper advises to Rassendyll. He instructs Rassendyll most minutely about the past life of the king, his weaknesses and also about his friends. He always remains near him all the time. It is through his efforts that Michael fails to get the crown and the throne is finally restored to the king.
Sapt is an experienced administrator. He knows about human nature very well. He keeps a close watch over the activities of Michael. His advises are always fruitful. He uses Rassendyll and Princess Flavia as pawns and finally succeeds in his aim of restoring the throne to the king. Sapt is a jolly person. Even in dangerous situations, he laughs and cuts jokes with his companions.
 Sapt possesses a great political insight. He knows about the political development of his country. He understands the wishes of the people. On the whole, Colonel Sapt plays an important role in the novel. He performs his duties excellently. He blocks the way of Michael. It is due to his selfless efforts that the king is released and the throne is finally restored to him.

Captain Fritz is a loyal servant of the king. He is a close associate of Col. Sapt and accompanies him every where. He plays middle height. He belongs to a very noble family. Countess Helga, the lady-in-waiting room to the Princess is in love with him.
Cap. Fritz is a courageous soldier. He is as very anxious to get the king released as Sapt and Rassendyll and is ready to take any risk. He arranges for the stay for rassendyll near the castle of Zinda when he goes there for hunting, which is in fact an attempt to defeat Black Michael. He is a good fighter but he knows when to avoid risks. When Rassendyll wants to follow Rupert in the jungle in Zinda, he stops him from taking that unwise step. He does not take part in actual fighting with Black Michael, but he is fully associated with all the activities of his friends.
Fritz loves the king and is ready to do anything to help the king. He is very anxious about the safety of the king when he is lying unconscious in the wine cellar. He is very obedient and carries out the orders of Col. Sapt. He does not like Michael and can not compromise on the idea of his becoming the king.
Captain Fritz is more polite and kind hearted than Sapt. During the three months stay of Rassendyll in Ruritania he becomes more attached to him than Col. Sapt. At the time of the departure of Rassendyll from Ruritania, he takes him to the room of Princess Flavia and then accompanies him to the railway station. He does not forget Rassendyll after his departure, but comes to meet him at Dresden every year. He also brings gifts from Princess Flavia. He is the only person with whom Rassendyll continues his friendship afterward.
He thus a simple and sincere person. He is very tenderhearted and polished in his behaviour. He is loyal to the king.

Rudolf Elpherg is the crown prince of Ruritania. In physical appearance, he has a striking resemblance with Rassendyll, but mentally he is quite different from him. He does not have the qualities, which Rassendyll have. The king does not have the courage, self-confidence and the sense of responsibility. The king is pleasure loving and a carefree type of a young man. As soon as he has seen Rassendyll and known the reason for his resemblance, he invites him to dinner and becomes frank with him.
Rudolf Elpherg loves wine. During his stay at Zenda, he drinks so much that he forgets his coronation and falls in to the trap laid by his half brother Black Michael, who sent drugged wine to make him senseless. This shows that king has no sense of responsibility. Because of his care free habits, a large number of people are against him, and they want Black Michael to be their king. The landlady of the inn at Zenda is also of the opinion that the Duke is a better candidate for the throne. It is because of his bad habits that the throne is almost lost to him. If Rassendyll did not help him, Michael would have ruled over Ruritania.
Rudolf Elpherg is a friend. He is a pleasant tempered man and is a sincere lover. All his friends remain loyal to him till last. Sapt and Fritz are devoted to him. They manage to restore the throne to him with the help of Rassendyll. During the last attack on the prison of Zenda, when the life of Raddendyll is in danger, he throws a chair at him and saves the life of Rassendyll. The king was not an ungrateful person. He was thankful to his friends, particularly he thanks to Rassendyll for his selfless services. His love for Princess Flavia is pure, and unselfish. If was because of his some good qualities and sincere efforts that the throne was finally restored to him.

Rupert is one of the six rogues of Black Michael. He is a hired soldier. Who works for Duke Michael. He is a handsome young man and plays a very important role in the novel. He is the chief of Michael’s strong men. Michael always depends upon him in the fulfilment of his mission.
Rupert is greedy and immoral. He has no principles. He is a good rider and can throw a dagger very skilfully. He is afraid of nothing on earth. He jumps into the dangers and feels delighted. He makes a daring attack on Rassendyll in daylight and escapes unhurt. He is a very good swordsman and no one can beat him in fighting. On one occasion, dozen men attack on him, his tow partners are killed in the fight, but he manages to escape unhurt after killing his opponents. In the last scene he manages to run away before the arrival of the soldier. He jumps in to the moat with blood stained clothes. He passes satirical remarks on everyone. His tongue is a sharp as his sword. When Duke asks him why he had come to Mauban’s room, he replies that he come to apologize to the lady for his long absence.
Rupert worships beauty. His loose character makes him an unlikable character in the novel. He can hot deceive anyone for his benefits. He is not even loyal to his master and tries to seduce his beloved. He is a traitor and is ready to give the crown and Princess Flavia to Rassendyll if he allows him to marry lady Mauban, and grant him a pardon for the rest of his life. He abuses his master on his face and fights with him many times.
In short Rupert is the dislikable character and plays the role of a villain in the novel.

Rudolf Rassendyll is the hero of the novel. He is a young man of 29 years of age. He is a tall, impressive and handsome youngman. He is educated and is very intelligent. Rassendyll is a born soldier. He is a skillful swordsman, a very good shooter and an expert rider. He fights bravely against the six hirelings of the Black Michael. He goes to Zenda alone for get information and spends the night in the moat. All these qualities make him the most dominant character of the novel.
He loves to play with dangers. So he went to Ruritania. Because of his physical resemblance with the king, Sapt and Fritz request him to play the role of the king. He is well aware of the risk, but he accepts the challenge and plays his role in order to save the king. His love for adventure takes him to the Summer House where he successfully fights with the three men of Michael who had come to kill him. He saves himself with the help of tea table and escapes unhurt.
He plays a leading role in the complicated drama and defeats Michael. He has to play the part of the king and has also to fight against Black Michael but he always comes out successful because of his qualities.
His behaviour is praise worthy as a king. Everyone admits that after the coronation the king has become more clever. Princess Flavia says that she started love with the king after the coronation.
He is a brave and fearless man. His fight with the men of Michael in the last scene is praiseworthy. He is a good schemer. His plans are well prepared. The plan that he makes for release of the king proves that he is an intelligent man. Ressendyll has a strong sense of duty. He never forgets for a moment that he is to restore the throne to its rightful owner, Rudolf Elpherg. He is a man of honour and continues his efforts for the release of the king. He does not reveal his identity to Princess Flavia although he sincerely falls in love with her. He sacrifices his love for the sake of duty. Princess Flavia loves him and is ready to go with him but he makes no attempt to get her. He knows that like the crown of Ruritania, she is also the trust of the king.
He is a kind hearted and helpful man and helps Lady Mauban when she wants to be rescued from Michael and his men. Due to these extraordinary qualities, he impresses Sapt, Fritz and Flavia. They all love him because he is sincere.

Princess Flavia is the heroin of the novel. She is a very important female character. She is a loving heart. She behaved kindly to other whole attending royal function. Therefore she was very popular in Ruritania. When the engagement is announced officially, the people of Ruritania became very happy. Princess Flavia is the cousin of Rudolf Elpherg and is the next heiress to the throne. The major characters of the novel love her. Rudolf Elpherg is to marry her as a royal cousin and Black Michael wants to marry her to become the king of Ruritania. Ressendyll falls in love with her when he meets her in the guise of the king. She however loves Rudolf Ressendyll.
Princess Flavia is a very intelligent woman and has unusual common sense. She knows that Michael is a dangerous person, so she advises Ressendyll to be careful about him. Although she is not directly involved in politics. She knows what is happening in the country. She is very courageous and moves about from one place to another actively. She visits Zenda when she comes to knows that the king is lying wounded. She immediately goes there in spite of dangers.
Although she falls in love with Ressendyll, yet she is not a slave of her passions. She sacrifices her love fore the sake of duty. She knows that her marriage with Ressendyll will destroy the peace of the country, therefore she decided to marry king Elpherg to bring peace and joy to her country.







Q. 1: Explain the importance of the label on Mrs. Oakentubb’s suitcase. Why does she hide it?

Ans. The label on the suitcase was very important. It bore the name of Mrs. Oakentubb. If the man Had not Seen the label, he would not have come to know that the lady in the waiting room was Mrs.Oakentubb. The murder would not have been taken place. She hides the label so that the man In the Waiting room could not see it.

Q. 2: At what point in the play do we become certain that the man knows that the woman in the Waiting Room is Mrs. Oakentubb? When, in fact, do you think he discovered her identity?

Ans. The conversation of the man shows it that he had come to know that the lady in the waiting room was Mrs. Oakentubb. He had read the label.

Q. 3: When is the audience likely to begin to suspect that she might be Mrs. Oakentubb?

Ans. The audience begins to suspect that she might be Mrs. Oakentubb when she goes on defending the lady And pretends that she was sorry for the accident.

Q. 4: What motive has the man for murdering her?

Ans. She has killed his wife and daughter of the man. The man intends to kill her.

Q. 5: In this little melodrama, the author keeps on building up the tension, then relaxing it, until the final moment of tension when the murder is done. Briefly describe the chief moments of tension and what follows after each one ?

Ans. The first moment of tension comes when he describes the death of his wife and daughter in an accident and speaks of his Intention to kill her. The second moment of intention is when he takes out the revolver and tells her that he was going to Shoot her. The last moment of tension is when he comes back, opens the door, takes out the revolver and shoots her dead.

Q. 6: Why, in your opinion, does the author make the porter a humorous character?

Ans. The author makes the porter a humorous character in order to relieve the tension which pervades the whole play.

Q. 7: Suspense is an important element in a thriller. Briefly show how the author keeps the audience in suspense for the answers to tow questions will he find out who she is? Will he kill her?

Ans. The author keeps the audience in suspense. The audience is unaware that the man knows the woman. Her murder is also delayed.

Q. 8: Write a brief character sketch of Mrs. Oakentubb?

Ans. Mrs. Oakentubb is an ordinary woman. She is very beautiful and clever. She has no regard for others and will do anything to gain an advantage. She tells lies and pretends to feel remorse.

Q. 9: Write a brief character sketch of the porter?

Ans. The porter is an old man. He is very dutiful man. When the lady comes in the room, he

removes the darkness. He lights fire for her. He asks her to warm herself. Though it is rainy and windy night, yet he performs his duty. He feels joy in providing comforts to the passengers. He has a sense of humour.

Q. 10: Briefly discuss whether the play would have had a satisfying ending if the man had not come back through the door, seen Mrs. Oakentubb’s vulgar and impenitent gesture and shot her that is to say if it had ended in Mrs. Oakentubb’s collapsing with genuine remorse and the man’s decision that he would be adequately revenged if she went on living?

Ans. The play would have had a more satisfying ending if the man had not killed Mrs. Oakentubb. if it had ended in Mrs. Oakentubb’a real remorse.










Q. 1: why is it insular for European historians to term the centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire ‘The Dark Ages’?

Ans. After the fall of Roman Empire the Muslim conquered a very large part of the world. At the same time, the Chinese also founded a great empire and civilization. During this period,science, philosophy, poetry and arts made a great progress in China and the Muslim world.Europeans call this period "The Dark Ages" but it was dark only in Christian Europe,because Spain which was Muslim had a brilliant culture.

Q. 2: On what grounds dose the author argue that communism is the most modern and virulent from the Western imperialism?

Ans. Russell argues that communism is the most modern and virulent form of Western imperialism because its philosophy is German and its regime is imposed by military force.It has no regard for poetry, music, arts, love and simple joys of life.

Q. 3: To what cause does the author attribute the power of England in the early Nineteenth Century and the power of the United States and Russia today?

Ans. According to the author, the power of England in the early Nineteenth Century was and the Power of the United States and Russia today is due to their monopoly in machine production.

Q. 4: Why does the author consider it useless to resist industrialization?

Ans. The author consider it useless to resist industrialization because the modern civilization is based upon science and machinery which is a source of power. Those who are not industrially advanced, find it difficult to preserve their independence.

Q. 5: Dose the author well come cultural uniformity or not? Who does he justify his attitude?

Ans. The author dose not well come cultural uniformity because it would weaken the natural develop of newly country.

A.6: How is traditional culture threatened in an age dominated by science and machinery?

Ans. Traditional culture consists of poetry, music, art, love and simple joys of life. These things are forgotten because the science and machinery have mechanized the human life.

Q. 7: What reasons does the author give for his opinion that the nations of Asia will not find it hard to keep their independence?

Ans. In the opinion of the author the nations of Asia will not find hard to keep their independence because the world is divided in to tow hostile camps i-e the U. S .A. and Russia. They are busy with their own tussle for power. They have no time to interfere the Asian nations.

Q. 8: What, in the author’s view, has been the most serious flaw in the character of the West over over the last few centuries?

Ans. The most serious flaw in the character of the West is that they loved power. They ruled over the weaker nations.

Q. 9: What parallels may be drawn between the decline of the power of Europe at the end of the Roman Empire and the decline in the power of Europe since 1914?

Ans. At the time of the end of the Roman Empire wars between German and Roman had weakened Europe so much that leadership in power had passed to the East.

Q. 10: What, in the author’s opinion, should Asian countries, accept from the West and what should they reject?

Ans. Asian countries should accept from the West the spirit of scientific research and should reject their desire for domination and exploitation.








Q. 1: How accurate is the title of Thurber’s essay?

Ans. The title of the essay is accurate because the whole story revolves round it.

Q. 2: What can we gather about grandfather’s age, physique and mental condition?

Ans. The grandfather is sixty years old. His health is good. He is strong and his mental condition is good.

Q. 3: How does the panic appear to have started?

Ans. A man had to meet his wife in a restaurant. He was late. He began to run to reach the restaurant soon. A newsboy was also running. Then in no time all the people began to run. they thought that the dam had broken. There was a panic in no time.

Q. 4: How did Thurber’s mother cop with the situation?

Ans. Thurber’s mother calmly put out all fire in the house. She took with her dozen eggs and loaves of bread. Her intention was to take shelter in the upper storey of a nearby building.

Q. 5: What cause the lieutenant colonel of infantry to lead a company of panic stricken people?

Ans. The lieutenant colonel was dozing. He heard the cry in sleep. A little child ran with a cry "Go east". He was army officer therefore he made quick decision. He stood up and started running. When the other people saw a Colonel running like that, they took it seriously and began to run along with Colonel. In this way he was soon leading a fleeing company of three hundred persons.

Q. 6: How long did the panic last and how was order restored?

Ans. The panic took tow hours to last. The soldiers announced through megaphones that there was no flood.

Q. 7: How did the panic start in the cinema on High Street?

Ans. In the cinema the panic started when people heard the sound of the feet of the running men outside. They heard about the broken dame. They came out and started running.

Q. 8: Why did Dr. Mallory think that the floodwaters were about to engulf him?

Ans. There was a boy behind him on roller skate. He mistook the noise of the skates as that of a rushing water. He ran madly.

Q. 9: How did Thurber obtain the description of the events in the cinema and the experience of Dr. Mallory?

Ans. Thurber got all this information from his aunt who had gone to see the show and met Dr. Mallory on the way during flight.

Q. 10: Why did the citizens of Columbus not care to talk about the events of the 12th March 1913?

Ans. The citizens of Columbus did not care to talk about these events because they were ashamed of their foolish behaviour. Non of them dared to get the news confirmed.



Q. 1: Briefly state the main reason given by Liaquat Ali Khan for the Muslims’ desire not to Continue living in a united India.

Ans. The main reason given by Liaquat Ali Khan for the Muslims’ desire not to continue living in a United India is that Muslims did not want to live as a political minority. They realized that under a domination Hindu majority, freedom from the British rule would mean to them not Freedom but merely a change of masters so that they did not desire to live in a United India.

Q. 2: What main differences does he point out between Muslim and Hindu beliefs and attitudes?

Ans. The Muslims believed in one God while the Hindus believed in so many gods. The Muslims believed in equality of all men, the Hindus believed in cast system.

Q. 3: What advantage does he show the Hindus to have gained from the creation of Pakistan?

Ans. The great advantage, which the Hindus gained from the creation of Pakistan, is that they can easily develop their own culture without any interference by the Muslims.

Q. 4: Our administrative machinery had to be built up from scratch. What does this sentence mean?

Ans. This sentence means that when Pakistan came into being she had no resources, they were no administrative officers. So we had to make everything from the very beginning.

Q. 5: On what grounds does Liaquat Ali Khan assert that the first duty of the Pakistanis as a free people are to themselves?

Ans. A free people must maintain his or her own freedom first. Otherwise they disgrace the fair name of Freedom allover the world.

Q.6 : What does he state the real meaning of freedom for the common man to be?

Ans. Freedom for a common man means freedom from disease and freedom from ignorance.

Q. 7: What is meant by ‘a syntheses’?

Ans. Synthesis means combining the different parts into a single whole.

Q. 8: What is the syntheses that Liaquat Ali Khan believes is necessary for Pakistan to achieve?

Ans. The syntheses that Liaquat Ali Khan believes is that Pakistan should achieve self-sufficiency and political stability.

Q. 9: Liaquat Ali Khan contrasts two emotions that the Asian peoples tend to feel when they view the Western world. What are these two emotions?

Ans. These tow emotions are give below.The Asian people admire the Western people for their progress.They became impatient to see their own backwardness.

Q. 10: What does he put forward as two main duties today of the Western world?

Ans. These tow duties are given below.
The Western world should perform its responsibilities to maintain peace in the world.The Western world should pass its knowledge to the Asian countries.























Q. 1 : What leads Einstein to feel a strong sense of duty towards his fellow men?

Ans. Einstein thinks that his life depends on the hard work of other men. He wants to help the Society in the same manner as he has received from it.

Q. 2 : What is his attitude to property, outward success and luxury?

Ans. Einstein hates property, outward success, and luxury.

Q. 3 : What are the ‘insecure foundations’ referred to at the end of the last sentence of the fourth Paragraph?

Ans. The insecure foundations are the opinion, habits and judgements of other people.

Q. 4 : What, in brief, is Einstein’s attitude to leadership?

Ans. Einstein is a democrat. He believes that leadership is a necessary thing but the people must be given freedom in the selection of their leader.

Q. 5 : On what grounds does Einstein put the individual before the state ?

Ans. Einstein says that individual important then the state. The state should work for the betterment of the individual.

Q. 6 : What example does he give of service by the state to the individual ?

Ans. The state should help the needy and provide medical aid to the individual. In the U.S.A. there is provision security of ailing and needy persons.

Q. 7 : What is his attitude to war ?

Ans. He hates war. To him war is mean and contemptibly.

Q. 8 : What force does he blame for the persistence of war ?

Ans. He thinks that human beings fight for money and power.

Q. 9 : What does he appear to regard as the most precious element in human experience ?

Ans. The most precious element in human experience is that of mystry.

Q. 10: What is his belief concerning the immortality of the soul ?

Ans. He does not believe in the immortality of the soul. There is no life after death.







Q. 1: Briefly explain why the story of Hans and the Miller was applicable to the water rat?

Ans. The story of Hans and the Miller was applicable to the water rat because the water rat was selfish like the Miller.

Q. 2: When do we first suspect that the Miller was not really a very good friend to Hans?

Ans. We suspect that Miller was not a good friend to Hans at the time when he does not visit Hans in winter when he is in trouble.

Q. 3: How did the Miller justify his not asking Hans to share some of his good thing during the winter?

Ans. The Miller justified his not asking Hans to share some of his good things during the winter for he did not want to make him envious. He did not want to spoil him.

Q. 4: How did the Miller’s wife reveal that she too was ready to exploit the generosity of Hans?

Ans. As soon as the winter was over. The Miller expressed his desire to go to his friend Hans. The Miller’s wife appreciated the idea and asked her husband to take a big basket. This is enough to show that Miller’s wife, too was ready to exploit the generosity of Hans.

Q. 5: How did the Miller persuade Hans to carry the large sake of flour to market?

Ans. The Miller was a clever person. He promised to give his wheelbarrow to Hans. One day the Miller brought a large sack of flour and asked Hans to go to the market. Hans was very busy and wanted to excuse him. But the Miller persuaded not to refuse, by telling that he was going to give him his wheelbarrow.

Q.6: How did the Miller justify his rebuke to Hans for staying in bed a little later then usual after his tiring expedition to the market?

Ans. The Miller justified his rebuke by saying that he expected Hans to work harder. He further said that idleness is a great sin and he did not want any of his friends to be idle.

Q.7: Why was Hans unable to look after his garden? What promise was the Miller constantly holding out before him?

Ans. Hans was unable to look after his garden because the Miller always kept him busy. Some time he asked him to carry his sake of flour to the market and some times he asked him to repair the roof of his house. The Miller was always promising him to give him his wheelbarrow.

Q.8: What was the supreme manifestation of Miller’s selfishness which caused Hans to lose his life?

Ans. The Miller’s son fell ill. He came to Hans and asked him to fetch a doctor from the city. It was stormy night, but Miller did not give Hans his lantern. Now this was the supreme manifestation of Miller’s selfishness which caused the death of Hans.

Q.9: Comment briefly on the Miller’s claim to have been Hans best friend?

Ans. The Miller pretended to be the best friend of Hans but he was selfish. He did not gave any thing to Hans, but went on making him do his work in return for the wheelbarrow, he had promised to give.

Q.10: What is the effect of the Miller’s disclosure that the wheelbarrow was totally worthless?

Ans. This disclosure proves that the Miller was selfish, false mean person.




















Summaries from Poem
* Seven Ages of Man
* Samson Agonistes
* The Solitary Reaper
* Ulysses
* The Man of Life Upright
* Music when Soft Voices Die
* Endymion
* An Essay on Man

Poem Summary Samson Agonistes

Introduction of the Poet
John Milton is regarded as one of the most famous poets of English Literature. His masterpiece Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes earned him fame and honour. His individual style has a touch of sublimity and majesty which is quite appropriate to his noble and powerful ideas.
Introduction of the Poem

Samson Agonistes is an adaptation of the Greek drama form in blank verse, which recounts the tragedy of Samson in his blindness beset by enemies. This hero performed the decisive role in crushing the philistines who were the deadly enemies of his race. Samson, too got killed in that disaster but his heroic act saved his tribesman from the deadly enemy. By virtue of his glorious deed, his named earned eternity. It is rightly said:

“Those who die for their nation live for ever.”
Once the Philistines arranged a grand feast in a temple. The huge gathering included gentry from all parts of the country. A prisoner, Samson, was brought to display his immense strength and stamina through different stunts. Though he was blind, but performed very well and the leaders enjoyed it. After performing for some time, he feel exhausted and wished to be taken between the pillars for rest. He placed his arms on the pillars and stood with his head inclined as if he was lost in some profound thoughts or was busy in prayer. The foundation of great temple rested onto these two pillars. Ultimately he addressed the gathering and informed them that his final performance would be according to his own will and it would leave them amazed and fascinated.
After the speech, Samson started to exert all his force and energy onto these massy pillars. The way he was jerking the pillars, it seemed as if the forces of nature had also come to his assistance and were enclosed in his body. Eventually, he was able to remove the pillars from their place and the whole roof collapsed with a loud rumble and explosion. All the people assemble there were buried alive under the pillars. Samson was unable to save himself from the claws of death and was also buried with them, but remained alive among the hearts of his people. In this way, he set an example of great sacrifice by giving up his life but eliminating his rivals.

Poem Summary The Solitary Reaper
About the Poet

Williams Words Worth is a poet who has developed his own immensely valuable theories concerning poetry. This is the reason why he possesses a unique and artificial style. His work shows his life long love for natural beauty, which gives hi the title Poet of Nature.
About the Poem
The poem entitled The Solitary Reaper relates to an incident, which deeply inspired the poet when he was walking alone through the barren hills of Scotland. He was fascinated by the sweet voice of a girl, who was singing a song in her native language.
The poet was on one of his long walks along the barren hills of Scotland when he saw a young girl. She was all alone in the field, harvesting the crops and singing a song in a pensive tone. The poet was profoundly fascinated by the bewitching melody and her voice left an everlasting and indelible impression on the mind of the poet. This impression motivated the poet to write a poem in appreciation of the melodious voice of the girl.
The poet says that the voice of the girl scattered all over the deep valley. He says that the musical notes of the young singer are symmetrical to the thrilling songs of the Nightingale and the Cuckoo. They were far sweeter than the humming of birds and impressed the heart deeply. The sweet melody appeals to the tired travelers of the Arabian Desert, who need relaxation after a long and monotonous journey. The voice leaves a deeper impact than the song sung by the Cuckoo birds. It gives more than just breaking the serenity and tranquility of the lonely seas.
The poet says that although he failed to understand the exact wordings of the song, as the girl was singing in her native language, he could feel the sorrow and grief in her voice. It was a song of lamentation describing some suffering of every day life.
In the end, the poet realizes that although he would never again get the opportunity to listen to that melodious voice, it would remain fresh in his mind forever. The beautiful gift of nature the girl had, became a source of ceaseless joy for the poet.
“Great music is that which penetrates the ear with facility and leaves the memory with difficulty. Magical music never leaves the memory.”
- Sir Thomas Beecham
Poem Summary Ulysses

Introduction of the Poet
Lord Alfred Tennyson occupies a very important and prominent position in the domain of English Literature. He is the representative poet of Victorian era. He is a prolific poet and has composed a number of poems. Tennyson’s poetry is rich in imagery as that of keats but it lacks the romantic fine of Words Worth and Coleridge.
Introduction of the Poem
Ulysses is a long, magnificent, symbolical and moral boosting poem. The poem is written in the dramatic monologues of the powerful blank verse and tells the story of the most prudent and bravest of the Greek heroes, Ulysses of Homer’s Odyssey. He is the symbol of adventurous spirit, indomitable courage, inexhaustible zeal; unflinching faith; unshakable determination and unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Ulysses wants to set out on a journey of discovery because he believes that it is not too late to find a New World.
Ulysses was a Greek hero and the King of Ithaca. He had spent most of his life in voyages and was always filled with the spirit of ventures and courage. His life was based on the principle of struggle and courage.
In this speech, Ulysses pays high tribute to his mariners who laboured and worked with him. He reminded them of the past endeavors and motivated them to get prepared for another voyage. Ulysses believed that struggle should continue as long as they lived. They had to prove their eagerness, enthusiasm and the ability to fight even with deities Ulysses invited his sailors to set off for another voyage in the hope of discovering new land in the far west. He was conscious of the dangers and hazards involved in such an exploitation but he was prepared to meet all the challenges.
Ulysses admitted that with the passage of time, the major part of their lives and much of their energies have been used up and they had grown weaker. But their determination was as strong as ever and they do not find them selves lacking in strength and vitality. They find themselves still a force to reckon with. They are always bent upon making ceaseless efforts to discover new lands, and under no circumstances, giving up their struggle until ultimate success is achieved.
“Struggle is the father of all things … it is not by the principles of humanity that man lives or is able to preserve himself above the animal world, but solely by means of the most brutal struggle.”
- Adolf Hitler

Poem Summary The Man of Life Upright
Thomas Campion was a prominent scholar, poet and musician of his time. Man of Life Upright is simple in expression but it contains depth of thought and feeling. The poem present the concept of an ideal personality, leading a highly disciplined and controlled life. He is master of himself.
The pure and innocent heart of an upright man is free from evil ideas and intentions. He passes his life in simple happiness. He has perfect control over his wishes and emotions. As a result, worldly loss and problems fail to disturb him.
He is confident and brave. He does not count on power or material resources. In a battle he depends upon God and seeks help from him. He does not have strong forts, weapons of war or secret cellars for his safety.
This man faces the natural calamities such as stormy winds, heavy rains and tempest calmly and courageously. His faith in God remains firm and unshaken.
    “Faith is the force of Life.”
- Tolstoy
The poet says that this main shows complete indifference to the happy and unhappy events of Life. He is aware of that all wordly things and events are temporary and worthless. He seeks knowledge from the heavenly books and study of the objects of Nature adds to his wisdom and refines his intellect.
Compion says that the main of upright life considers the world a place for brief stay. It no more than an inn, without any glamour or charm. He believes that his good deeds are his only assets and earning. When called upon by God, he will have to embark on the journey to the next and eternal world.
 “It matters not how long we live, but how we live.”
- Bailey









Poem Summary Music when Soft Voices Die

The poem entitled Music when Soft Voices Die is a short one, yet the theme that it contains is very deep and profound. In this poem, we are told that we cannot forget our loved ones even though they are no longer with us.
The poem tells us that even after we stop listening to good music, this soft music lingers on in our memories for a long time to come. Another example that he gives is of flowers like violets, telling us that even after flowers die away, their sweet scent lingers with us for a long time to come.
Giving yet another example, the poet tells us that even after a rose withers away its petals, are scattered on the bed of loved ones in order to make the room sweet scented. In the last, he empresses the central idea asserting that everything and every one that we love can never be forgotten by us even though they are not with us any longer. Therefore, the poet declares that even though his beloved is no longer with him, yet her loving though shall live in his memory and even though the poet will not be able to actively show the love for her, yet in a silent, quite manner, he shall continue to love her as long as he lives.
The conclusion then to draw from these lines is that the poet feels very rightly so that our loved ones are so precious and dear to us that no matter what happens we cannot forget them











Poem Summary Endymion
Introduction of the Poet
John Keats is one of the finest English poets. In spite of living only for twenty-six years, he contributed a lot to English Poetry. His poems are spirited and lively. His personal life was a tale of sorrow and bereavement, but his keen observant eye made him an admirer of nature, which is fully reflected in his poems.
Introduction of the Poem
Endymion is poem of great beauty. In this poem John Keats has expressed his conception of beauty and has given a unique definition of beauty. According to Classical Mythology Endymion was a beautiful youth with whom moon Goddess fell in love and on whom she induced a perpetual sleep in order to kiss him without his knowledge.
Endymion is a poem of great beauty. In this poem John Keats has expressed his conception of beauty and has given a unique definition of beauty. According to Classical Mythology Endymion was a beautiful youth with whom the moon goddess fell in love and on whom she induced a perpetual sleep in order to kiss him without his knowledge.
In this poem the poet says that beauty is a constant source of joy. Its loveliness increases with the passage of time. Beauty is immortal. It appears in many shapes. The world is full of misery but the beautiful objects of nature such as the sun, the moon, old and new trees and flowers give us great pleasure and we forget our griefs.
 “Beauty moves away the pall from our dark spirits.”
We also see glimpses of beauty of the grand places, which we imagine for the mighty dead. Similarly we derive great pleasure from lovely tales which we have read or heard. There are masterpieces of literature and Art which serve as source of eternal joy. Heroic deeds and lives of great men of the past too, are among these objects of beauty. It is the heights of keat’s imagination All these visions of beauty are like a fountain, which gives an immortal drink to our thirsty souls.
 “Imagination is the eye of the soul.”
- Joubert
Beauty is truth, turth beauty that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know
- John Keats
John Keats is an ardent lover of beauty. This is his fundamental belief and it operates in all his poems. He is really in search of Truth. He wants to enjoy beauty to the best possible degree. Endymion is a magnificent poem, which reflects profound love of the poet for beauty as it is a constant source of spiritual joy. Therefore one must not forget:
"A thing of beauty is a joy for ever"

Poem Summary An Essay on Man


The poem entitled An Essay on Man is composed by a prominent English poet Alexander Pope. He has discussed in his typical style, the nature, conduct and destiny of Man..
“The Proper study of Mankind is Man.”
- Pope
In the opening lines of the poem, Pope says that God has concealed future and fate from all creatures. They are absolutely unaware of the forth-coming event. God has hidden from animals what he has given to man and from man what he has given to the angles, otherwise, it would be impossible to live here in, God has given to his creatures only what they can afford to know.
The lamb does not know that it is going to be sacrificed. Would it know, it would not skip and play. Man knows that the lamb is going to be sacrificed and he can afford this knowledge but the lamb can not. Pleased to the last it licks the hand, which is going to shed its blood. The poet says that God remains indifferent to the day to day happenings and rise or fall of human beings. Ion his eyes, the death or decline of a great hero or the death of a tiny bird are incidents of similar significance. Since God prefers none to none there is no possibility of any injustice from God. What ever is given is nothing but in our interest. So we should hope and wait the great teacher Death and pray to God.
Hope soars high with flattering wings. We should uphold the banner of hope and thankful to God for this gift of unawareness. In the concluding lines of the poem, Pope gives his vies on the condition of human soul and the role of hope in human life. He says that hope never deserts human beings. It remains alive and active in human heart forever.
It is hope, which inspires human beings to keep striving and moving ahead. Man is never contented with his present condition and circumstances. He always hopes and struggles to get into a better position. The light of hope gives courage and will to work to the moral beings.
About human soul, the poet remarks that it never enjoys a moment of real joy and peace in this world. It is constantly restless, disturbed and far from its real and eternal home. The eternal abode of human soul is Heaven. It aspires to liberate itself from the material cage of human body and go back to its original and final home. Human soul hopes to live there permanently enjoying peace comfort freedom and happiness.
“When all else is lost, Future still remains.”
- Bovee
                                Essays Patriotism

Patriotism means love and regard for the country. It is a natural instinct that men loves the place where he gets birth and where he is brought up. It is one of the noblest passions of human nature. The love of country is natural and essential for every one. Man is a social animal. He cannot live alone. He needs the assistance of other human beings. So the people belonging to one country are brothers and they work for the collective interest of the country. They struggle to flourish their country. The man, who works against the interest of his country, is traitor and he does not deserve any sympathy. 
The only way to serve Pakistan is that we must be sincere with out country. We must keep our personal interest behind and we must give supreme importance to the demands of our freedom. Country is not just a piece of land. It is not only the collection of mountains, rivers and valleys. It is the heritage of our dreams, aspirations, culture, traditions and our great religion. We love Pakistan because it is the centre of our hopes and future dreams. It is the land of our following generation. We must try to make it strong and undefeatable castle of Islam. 
Patriotism is an active virtue. The real love urges man to do every thing in his power for the welfare of his country. It makes him perform his duties honestly and devotedly. Patriotism makes him a good citizen, who is always ready to serve his nation with best of his talents. A good citizen is always ready to give sacrifices for his nation. Patriotism is a sacred passion, which makes the nation really strong and honorable. It is our duty to keep this passion alive in our hearts. 
The great wars of the world were won only because of the extreme sense of Patriotism. Only those nations in the world survive and distinguish themselves, whose citizens keep a high and a very positive sense of Patriotism. Pakistan can become a really strong country, when the people of Pakistan are patriots in the real sense of the world. Give you love to your country and it will give you all the blessings.







                       Essays Memorable Day in My Life 
It was the 27th day of July and the last day of competition I had participated in the All Pakistan Software competition. I read the advertisement in the newspaper three months ago, in which software programmers were invited to send in their software for the competition. I worked hard for about one month and made the software, which was then selected by the panel of judges and I was invited to participate in the event. Now, after three restless days, the event was coming to an end. But, there was a closing ceremony to come, in which the best programmers were to be awarded prizes. 
I had been waiting for the day with anxiety and curiosity. I got up early in the morning and prayed to God to grant me success. I was rather uneasy and restless. My mind was swinging between expectation and apprehension. It was an inexplicable situation of uneasiness and anticipation. I was not sure about what to expect. My parents and friends had high expectations of me. At one moment, I though that I would win but again I feared if I do not. I knew that there is always an element of chance, how good one may be. I was in a very disturbed state of mind. 
The closing ceremony was yet to commence. The sand of time was running out. I was getting more and more restless. At last, I reached the exhibition hall and found my seat amidst the participants. The ceremony started with the speech of the organizing committee and then that of the chief guest. They all emphasized on the importance of software development in the country and measures for its promotions. Finally, the judges were invited to the dais to announce the best programmers of the competition. At once, absolute silence covered the audience. At the moment, I still remember that my legs were trembling and heart throbbing. In less than a minute, the judge announced the name of the person who had won First Prize in the big event – and that was me! I was filled with a feeling of greatest joy and excitement. I thanked God and ran to the stage with every body congratulating me. The chief Guest handed me the winning shield. I was requested to express a few words about my success. That was a speechless moment. Filled with emotions and in high spirits, I thanked God, my parents and all my friends who had helped me in my achievement. 
When I reached home, my parents were exhilarated with delight and joy as I gave them the good news. My siblings rejoiced my remarkable attainment. When I informed my friends and relatives them came to congratulate me. Tea and sweets were served to all. Every body was in a jolly and happy mood. My mother prepared pleasant edibles for lunch and we dined altogether. Never before was I so happy. 
In the evening, many other relatives and friends came to congratulate me. My father welcomed them cordially and thanked them for their kind visits. We passed the whole day cheerfully. In fact, it was the happiest day of my life, which I shall remember for many years to come.

                 Essays Merits and Demerits of Science

As we turn over the pages of history, we come across the development made by man in different walks of life over the centuries. From the primitive Stone Age to the modern computerized era, every step of man has proved to be the milestone in the history of civilization. Modern science has evolved over a long period, and has now reached the peak of success. It has worked wonders in our life, but it cannot be said that it is altogether a blessing. When we look at the other side of the picture, we are filled with a sense of horror. The fear of war and destruction hangs over our heads all the time. In order to understand the creative and destructive aspects of modern science, we stand in need of an analysis that will help us differentiate between the good and the bad. 
As we look over the brighter side of the achievements of science, we come to realize that there is hardly any sphere of life that has not been enhanced by the creative abilities of man. In the field of medical science, knowledge and research has gone to such an extent that almost all the ailments have found a cure. The threatening clouds of death no longer haunt the patients who were otherwise filled with despair. Epidemics have been wiped out, nutritional standards have been improved, drug therapy has been recognized and hygienic conditions are being created so that the new generation may enjoy a longer and better life. 
In the realm of communication, modern scientific inventions have helped a lot. The far-flung corners of the world have been linked together with a wide spread air network. Distances have lost their meaning and thousands of miles can be covered within hours. Travelling today is not only swift, but also full of pleasure and luxury. 
Modern science has opened new vistas of entertainment. All the new electronic gadgets have filled our lives with recreational variety. From the small pocket sized transistor to the big screen television and VCR, we are provided entertainment at home and we owe it all to science. Readers are provided illustrated, colourful books due to the blessing of modern science in the form of latest printing machines and techniques. Such means of entertainment have brought about a change in our habits and hobbies. 
The advantages of science are not restricted to the urban population. In the fields of agriculture, forestry and fishery, science has provided the rural population with the latest implements and know-how. The new methods of agriculture have boosted the production of farms and fields. With the use of different kind pesticides, the crops remain undamaged and the tillers of the soil get better return of the labour. This increase in output not only improves the condition of the toiling masses, but also brings about a healthy change in the economy of the country. This keeps on moving the nations on the path of progress and prosperity. 
As we cast our eyes on the other side of the picture, we cannot help coming to the conclusion that science is also the monster of death and destruction. Man is selfish and pugnacious by nature. To fulfil his jingoist designs, he stands in need of the most destructive weapons, which could bring about the annihilation of his rivals. Man has gained knowledge in the field of science, but due to lack of wisdom, he is misusing this knowledge. All big nations are thinking of fulfilling the dream of becoming the super power. The wars of today are not limited to the battlefield. It brings about epidemic killing of the civilian population. The knowledge of this domain has added immeasurable danger to war. All the leading powers posses fatal weapons, and it seems that the weaker countries are their mercy. These big nations talk a lot about reduction in arms and they hold disarmament conferences. However, their practice is quite contrary to their preaching. 
Science, no doubt provides, new ways of entertainment, but these very means of amusement are bringing a sharp decline in the moral values of the young generation and equally sharp increase in the number of crimes. The TV and video provide entertainment but they quite often become the channels of vulgarity and obscenity. Moreover, new ways of crime are shown to younger people, who adopt the path of getting easy money. 
Looking at the two aspects of modern science, we conclude that science by itself is neither good nor bad. It is the will and intentions of man, which makes him, put it to constructive use or take it to the path of devil.













                      Essays Life in a Big City

Karachi is the biggest city in Pakistan and also one of the most thickly populated cities in the world. Its population has increased rapidly and accordingly has given rise to many social problems. People of this metropolis are becoming more and more concerned about solving these serious problems, some of which are discussed below. 
The ever-increasing rush of heavy traffic on the roads is resulting in heavy loss of human life. One day or the other, people suffer form accidents due to reckless driving. Some lose their vehicles and some go to the police. This is due to lack of civic sense in the citizens and violation of traffic rules. Traffic jams, road quarrels, untidiness and damage of public property is also a result of this problem. The government has not done any planning to control this situation in the past two decades. 
In the same manner, the government has never emphasized upon population distribution. As a result, slum areas are rapidly being built, where poor labour lives. The disordered development of small houses is spoiling the outlook of the city, as well as creating problems of illegal electric connections, water supply and pollution. The authorities have failed to reclaim the locations from these people. 
The academic career of children in Karachi is unpredictable due to lack of good schools and institutions. The need of recreational institutions, parks and play grounds is also felt at times and most of all joblessness creates problems for poor people. 
Another problem faced by the citizens of the city is the frequent power breakdowns. Every other day, K.E.S.C cuts down the electric supply without notice. This becomes a great hurdle for industries and professional that use electric machinery for their work. Disturbance and shortage of water supply is also a cause of discomfort among the citizens. Sometimes, the dirty and unfiltered water becomes a major factor in food poisoning, which usually takes place on festive occasions, when demand of water in the city increases. Any measure to improve the supply of filtered water has also not been adopted by the government. Problems due to improper drainage system are also becoming a matter of concern among the people. The alarming in crease in the disorderliness of drainage lines is posing serious threats for people, especially in poor areas. Filth and dirt runs down a channel by the footpath and children play over it. We have malaria, cholera and dysentery still destroying our children because such things exist. 
The attitude of beggars in Karachi is the most irritating problem. They are worthless idlers robbing good-natural people. It has become their regular practice to crowd public spots and cheat people. The adverse effects of begging problem are noticeable in sum areas. 
There are too many dirty and ownerless dogs roaming about in the streets of Karachi. They spread many diseases and sometime become a danger by injuring people. 
Lack of environmental care among people and drivers of public service vehicles is giving rise to pollution problems. Dust fills the air in most of the roads all the time. Improper turned cars fill the atmosphere with deadly smoke at hours of rush, which causes disease among the policemen and common public. The blowing of pressure horns is always there, deafening the ears. 
Karachi is also often subjected to terrorist activities. Bomb blasts and firings at public spots are resulting in great loss of human life. The terrorists deserve no less than capital punishment. It is the duty of the police to intensify their investigation to stop such activities. 
For the well to do class, life in Karachi may be fascinating, but for other citizens it is a center of drawbacks. It is only through the concentrated efforts of each and every person, including the members of law-enforcing and administrative agencies, can we overcome these serious problems of the metropolis
















                       Essays A Cricket Match
Cricket is one of the most popular and exciting out door sports. Some of us get the opportunity to play first class cricket, but there are millions who enjoy seeing it being played. It gives us moments of leisure and pleasure and fills us with a competitive spirit. I witnessed the demonstration of the greatest excitement and determination at National Stadium, Karachi. 
It was a fine day. A large number of people including men, women and children from all walks of life gathered there to enjoy the match between Pakistan and New Zealand. To be a good sports team, one has to be aggressive and this was shown in the final between the tw3o teams. New Zealand won the toss and invited Pakistan to bat first. This was a big blunder that their captain had made. Shahid Afridi and Saeed Anwar were sent as openers. It was a right decision by the captain, because Shahid Afridi slammed the ball over the field. It was due to his hard hitting that Pakistan achieved a good start. Saeed Anwar was very careful and most of the time simply obstructed. The bowling was quite strong, due to which Saeed Anwar was not able to score a single run for the first fifteen minutes. But as time passed, he grasped the strategy of the bowlers and began to fully support Afridi. He completed his half-century by playing keen and beautiful shots. When he was at a score of 88, the first slip caught him smartly. In this way, the first wicket of Pakistan fell at a total of 130. After him, Shahid Afridi could not steadily face the bowlers and proceeded towards the pavilion in a short time. 
Ejaz Ahmed began his batting when the Pakistani team was playing at 135. Along with Inzamamum ul Haq, he pulled up the score to 170. The next four men were dismissed very quickly – two bowled one caught and one out leg before wickets. However Moin Khan made a stand and was able to increase the score to 218. At this moment, 10 overs remained un bowled and three wickets in hand. Wasim Akram played a beautiful inning and Pakistani team snatched a total of 269 for 8. 
This terrifying score marked down the morals of the New Zealand Team. They made a poor start, as their first wicket fell when the score was only ten. However, their middle order batsmen made a great effort and cheered the Kiwi Team. Inzamam ul Haq was the person who caught the second middle order batsman at 70. The following batsmen also played quite well and raised up the score to 220 for 5. This situation was exciting and pointed out to the defeat if Pakistan. However, when Wasim Akram came to bowl, the hopes of Pakistanis revived. He bowled extraordinary well and just after 5 overs, the New Zealand team had reached to 260 for 7. The rival needed barely 10 runs to win in 1 over. The down order batsmen shook up well. Score kept on increasing gradually and they reached to 266. It was the last ball; New Zealand requiring 4 runs to win and Waqar Younis was on the other side of the wicket. As soon as he bowled, the wickets were slammed and Pakistan was granted another exciting victory over New Zealand. The crowd went in mad uproar, congratulating their national champions for the great success.
                          Essays My Aim in Life

Aimless life is certainly a sin. Many people have no definite aim in life. They are like the travelers going a head without any destination. Such people lead an aimless life and what they do in life, is largely a matter of chance, determined by the circumstances in which they happen to be placed. Aimless people do not achieve any thing in life. They just live because they have to live. One should have a definite purpose of life. The people who want success in life, first of all, determine their target. They keep before them their circumstances, their virtuous, their qualities, their talents and their ability to work. They select some definite target of their life and remain successful. 
Different people have different aims in life. Some aim at wealth, some at power, some at fame, some at business and some at education and knowledge. My aim is neither wealth nor fame. I wish to serve by country with best of my talent. I love Pakistan and I really believe that every body should think to make it a really great country. I want to become a doctor. It is a noble profession. In medical line, there is much more scope of service. On cen serve the patients every where in the country. This is my personal choice. My parents have compelled me to select it. I wish to become a very successful doctor in future. So I am studying hard to achieve my target. I have keen intrest in medical line, so I do not feel any trouble in strudying at all. After obtaining the medical degree, I plan to work in rural areas where there is much shortage of doctors. My father is well off man and I do not have any financial problem. I do not have the lust of money. I will go to the rural areas and shall help the poor people. I would be best sort of service. This will give me extreme satisfaction and that is the aim of my life. 
I know, my profession is very dignified and it will help me to get peace and satisfaction in life. It provides you best chances of service. Sympathy to human being is the sympathy to one own self.








 Essays The Responsibilities of an Ideal Student

The purpose of education is to produce ideal persons to face the responsibilities of the future. This aim can be achieved only when the students are sincere and they acquire the education in the real sense. Just copying a few questions and passing the examination is not an education. A student can never be educated until and unless he does not put his heart and should to the cause of education. A student is a person, who devotes himself to the pursuits of knowledge and learning. It is therefore, the first and foremost duty of aj ideal student to seek knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge demands hard work and full devotion. Unfortunately, the students do not realize their duties. They have confined the education. Their greatest purpose is to get good grade in the examination by hook or by crook. They adopt all the foul means to get through the examinations. The ideal student enriches himself with knowledge. In practical life only those students come out with best colours, who had acquire knowledge. An ideal student enjoys learning. He goes deep and deep in search of the knowledge. He is not a bookworm. He knows that a healthy body is necessary for healthy mind. He takes interest in all the activities that promote his physical health. He goes to the play ground with the same pleasure and enthusiasm with which he studies in the library. An ideal student is not unsocial. He loves his fellow students and takes part in all the collective activities. 
The ideal student respects and honours his teachers. He knows the place of teachers, who are opening the gate of glories for him. He is humble and obedient. The more he learns from his teachers, the more grateful he is to them. The more knowledge he gets, the more humble he becomes. An ideal student is not a frog in a well but a person with greater visions and ideals. He is regular and punctual. He does not participate in adverse and negative activities. He confines himself to his studies and task. He does not waste his time in useless deeds. He does not keep association with such elements whose purpose is to damage the cause of education. He believes in simple and plain living. He is kind and generous.






                Essays The Duties of Women 

Women play a very vital role in human progress and have a significant place in the society. They are not at all inferior to men. They are capable of sharing all the responsibilities of life. Man and woman have been rightly compared to the wheels of the same carriage. Islam has accorded an equal position to women in the society. Islam realized the importance of women and granted them a very dignified position equal to man. 
The main responsibility of a woman is to preserve the human race. As a mother, her position is unique. She brings up the children with extreme care. The first school of a child is the lap of his mother. It is quite true that great man had great mothers. Napoleon said: 
“Give me good mothers and I will give you a good nation.” 
The progress of nation depends upon the way the mothers bring up their children. If the mothers are educated, the whole society will progress. Women have always played an important role in the progress of a nation. In the early days of Islam, women worked side by side with men. In the battlefield, they nursed the injured, kept up the supplies and in certain cases even fought bravely. Florence Nightingale was the woman, who led a very successful campaign for the reforms of hospitals and nursing profession. Women had been great saints, scholars, poets, writers, reformers and administrators. 
Women should be given proper education and training. They should known what life is and how it should be lived. Educated women can do much to reform the society. Many disturbances in the society is created by those anti-social persons, who were brought up by wrong hands. In modern age, women are going very well in all the fields of progress. They are demonstrating their talents in best. They are serving as teachers, doctors, Engineers, Administrators and even head of the states. The literacy rate among the women so in Pakistan is very low. The need is to increase this ratio. More education among the women means the more progress of the society.







                  Essays The Kashmir Problem 

It was decided during the campaign of Pakistan, that the Provinces having Muslim majority should be included in Pakistan. The people of Kashmir were willing to join Pakistan but the Hindu Maharaja Gulab Sigh did against the wishes of the people. The entire valley of Jammu and Kashmir with its population of 25 Lac was sold by the British to a Dogra Maharaja for Rs 75 Lac. Pakistan took the matter to U.N.O. The United Nations appointed commision for a peaceful settlement of the Kashmir problem. The commission presented two resolutions on August 13, 1948 and January 5, 1949, which were re-accepted by the Indian and Pakistan governments and approved by the Security Council. The main points agreed upon were: 

  • Cease-Fire and the Demarcation of the cease-fire line.
  • A free and impartial plebiscite in Kashmir under U.N.O.
  • Withdrawal of forces of both the countries from Kashmir.

After the cease-fire, the Indian forces refused to withdraw from the Kashmir valley. In 1951, Dr. Graham tried to solve the problem but India rejected in February 1953. The Security Council appointed Gonar Jerring in 1957 but India did not agree to any proposal. At last on August8, 1965, a National Revolutionary Council was formed in occupied Kashmir and the Mujahids stood against Indian forces. India became so desperate and attacked Pakistan. Pakistan Army pushed back the Indian forces in a historical way. In 1971 war, Shimla Agreement was written but India did not agree to liberate Kashmir. Now again the people of Kashmir stood uop against Indian forces and they are fighting for their freedom, which India has to acord them today or tomorrow. In the words of Late General Mohammad Ayub Khan, the Ex-President of Pakistan, Kashmir is a “Time Bomb” which would explode at its proper time and that time, we are sure, has come now. Kashmir is a part and parcel of Pakistan and we can never withdraw from this right.








English Essays
* Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)
* The Kashmir Problem
* The Duties of Women
* The Responsibilities of an Ideal Student
* My Aim in Life
* A Cricket Match
* Life in a Big City
* Merits and Demerits of Science
* Memorable Day in My Life
* Patriotism


















                                    Essays CTBT

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As we enter into the new millennium, we find that man has taken great strides on the path of scientific and technological advancements. We have harnessed all the resources of nature and made their maximum utilization for the benefit of human race. God has gifted man with various natural resources but it is up to us whether we use them for the welfare or destruction of mankind. Nuclear energy is one of such things that can lead us to the zenith of success and glory in the service of the suffering humanity or plunge us into the abyss of total annihilation. 
In order to stop the horrific destruction caused by the explosions of atom bombs, the UN General Assembly adopted a treaty entitled Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) on 10th September 1996. It is yet to be signed by forty-four states after fives years, which include the seven nuclear capable states. It is indeed amazing to know that the United States and the other Western nuclear powers are bitter opponents of CTBT, while they enforce it on other nations of the world. Having conducted 715 out of 1030 known nuclear tests and exercising nuclear option, Washington was instrumental in having the NPT extended unconditionally and indefinitely all over the world. 
Nuclear energy can be put to both constructive and destructive use. As we cast over eyes on the bitter and realistic side of the picture, we cannot help coming to the conclusion that nuclear weapons are monsters of death and destruction. The greatest danger from the misuse of nuclear energy lies in the possible temptation of a nation possessing it to employ it against another that does not. The scale of destruction by a nuclear weapon would make any normal political or governmental control virtually impossible. Looking at the other side, we find that nuclear energy can also be used for peaceful, constructive purposes. Radioactive by-products are used for treatment of various diseases. It can also help in producing electricity, which can be of great assistance in various projects. Hydroelectric power project can also make use of this energy, and thus add to the comfort of mankind. Nuclear energy can convert barren deserts into blooming fields, a stark requirement in these days of food shortages. It can help in banishing disease, taming turbulent rivers and making life more beautiful and happier. 
The seven nations that possess nuclear energy must realize that nuclear weapons are not merely deadly weapons but are of a completely new nature. A part from the horrific destruction caused by their explosions, they can contaminate whole areas of the earth by radioactivity, which may last for even thousands of years. 
The best solution lies in the fact that the countries possessing nuclear energy use it as a deterrent against war, and at the same time, explore possibilities for using it for the welfare of human race. A meaning full treaty should make linked to global disarmament, irrespective the nature of weapons. The use of nuclear weapons should be prohibited because the only hope of mankind’s survival is to abandon all these utterly destructive weapons for all time.

XII English Grammar & Idioms & Phrases & Questions-Answers

Idioms & Phrases
Question No. 6 (a) - Sentences

1. At sixes and sevens:Home ruler, who were all at sixes and sevens among themselves agreed only upon the one thing and that was the freedom of India.
2. All in all:The Head clerk is all in all in this office.
3. All the same:It is all the same to me whether the pull over is home-made or bazaar-made.
4. At large:The culprits are still at large.
5. By fits and starts:He works by fits and starts and does not apply him steadily.
6. Black sheep:We should be aware of the black sheep in our society.
7. A bone of contention:This property is a bone of contention between the two brothers.
8. To break the ice:We all wanted to talk on this subject by no one willing to break the ice.
9. A burning question:Kashmir is a burning question of the day.
10. To back out:He promised to help me but backed out at the eleventh hour.
11. To beat about the bush:Stop beating about the bush; say exactly what you mean.
12. Bed of roses:A military life is not bed of roses.
13. In cold blood:He murdered the merchant in cold blood.
14. To fall to the ground:The theory has fallen to the ground.
15. Go hand in hand
iligence and prosperity go hand in hand.
16. Leave no stone unturned:Shah Faisal left no stone unturned to bring about unity in the Islamic world.
17. Live from hand to mouth
ur middle class people live generally from hand to mouth.
18. Look down upon:He is so proud of his promotion that he looks down upon all his former friends.
19. At a loss:He is never at a loss for an appropriate word.
20. To pay back in the same coin:If a person rude towards you, it does not mean that you should pay him in the same coin.
21. To keep pace with:Agriculture in the states has kept pace with manufacture, but it has far out stepped commerce.
22. Red tape:Flourence Nightingale was a sworn enemy of red tape.
23. To speak volumes:The murders spoke volumes about political conditions before Indian elections.
24. Up to the mark:You don’t look quite up to the mark today.
25. To get into hot water
o not quarrel with your officers or you will soon get into hot water.
26. Time and again:Time and again proverbs come to be true.
27. Cut off:The supplies were cut off from the soldier due to snow fall.
28. Run against:Zuhair Akram Nadeem was running against Dr. Farooq Sattar in the elections 89.
29. To turn over a new leaf:The teacher pardoned the boy on the condition that he promised to turn over a new leaf in future.
30. To nip in the bud:The plot to overthrow the Government was detected and nipped in the bud.
31. To feel like a fish out of water:Being the only educated person in that village, I felt like a fish out of water.
32. To shed crocodile terars
on’t be deceived by the beggar’s crying. They are only crocodile’s tears.
33. Lion share:The stronger person generally gets the lions share of the property.
34. To cry over spilt milk:The damage has been done but instead of crying over spilt milk do something to repair it.
35. It is high time:The exams begin next month so it is high time to study seriously.
36. To save something for the rainy day:He wasted his savings and has kept nothing for the rainy day.
37. With a high hand:He is the most unpopular because he decides matters with a high hand.
38. Day in and day out:I have been warning you day in and day out.
39. To make the most of:He let me use his bicycle for a week and I am going to make the most of it.
40. To make the fun of:We should not make fun of handicaps.
41. To make room for:They made room for more guests as all seats were full.
42. To go through:He went through the whole book within a week.
43. In all:He got 782 marks in all.
44. All alone:Yesterday night she was all alone in her house.
45. To put into practice:The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) put into practice what he preaches.
46. A wild goose chase:The robbers fled away and the police gave them a wild goose chase.
47. To end in smoke:All his efforts ended in smoke because they were not made sincerely.
48. With flying colours:If you work hard you will pass your examination with flying colours.
49. Odds and ends:The shopkeeper does not sell any particular article, but deals in odds and ends.
50. Under one’s nose:The police were on the look out for the culprit who was hiding under their nose.
51. To poke one’s nose into
ne should not poke one’s nose into others affairs.
52. To kick up a row:It is useless kicking up a row when the matters can be decided peacefully.
53. To wind up:He is winding up his business in the city, as he going abroad.
54. In black and white:I want your statement in black and white.
55. A red letter day:14th August is a red letter day in the history of Pakistan.
56. To run into:Last night my friend ran into a cheat who deprived him of his brief case by changing it with an empty one.
57. To bring to light:A number of facts were brought to light by the Prime Minister in the recent Press Conference.
58. At the eleventh hour:The president postponed his meeting with the journalists due to visit of the French delegation at the eleventh hour.
59. To come across:In the wedding party, she come across he two very close friends of the University life.
60. To give up:The doctor has strictly advised him to give up drinking and smoking for the sake of his life.
61. To call a spade, a spade:Islam teaches us to call a spade, a spade even before a cruel ruler.
62. To look after:All the parents have to look after their children during the early period of the school life.
63. To break up:The two partners have decided to break up the partnership and divide the assets equally.
64. To get rid of
akistan must get rid of that type of foreign aid, which puts on her, undue political pressure.
65. At a stretch:Saeed Anwer played an aggressive inning and continued to score runs at a stretch.
66. To give in:Imran Khan and Miandad were real fighters and they would never give in till the last ball.
67. To let down:The rich feel proud of their wealth and usually let down the poor.
68. Once in a blue moon:I am not so fond of movies and watch some fine art movie once in a blue moon.
69. To fall out:A short tempered football player fell out with his opponents and got wounded.
70. To call on:The winners of 1994 World Cup called on the President, with their captain.
71. To call off:The University students finally decided to call off the strike as their demands were accepted.
72. To bring home to:Rizwan brought home to her all the important aspects of the matter.
73. To get over:The Indian Government made all possible efforts to get over the epidemic of plague.
74. To get across:The news of Mr. Eddhi’s self-exile got across the country within no time.
75. To make up for:The Government and people of Iraq are working day and night to make up the loss caused by the Gulf war.
76. To make off:The robbers made off through the back door just as the security guard started firing into air.
77. To bring out:The telephone Corporation has brought a decent Directory in three volumes.
78. To bring up:Abraham Lincoln was brought up by his parents in a state of very limited financial resources.
79. To take off:The Hajj flight will take off every morning during the next couple of weeks.
80. To take place:The wedding of my cousin will take place in the first week of November, next.
81. To keep up
ur cricket team must go through an extensive training and practice session to keep up their position in the next world cup.
82. To stir up:The statement given by Mr. Abdul Sattar Eddhi caused great stir up in the political circles.
83. To go off:While the police man was cleaning his rifle, it suddenly went off because it was loaded.
84. To let off:Finally, the defaulter was let off by the civil authorities in view of his undertaking to abide by the rules in future.
85. To beg for:The Quaid-e-Azam begged for peace and friendship with his former enemies, the Congress leaders.
86. To furnish with:The chief justice was furnished with all the documentary proofs against the accused.
87. To look for:After the panic had subsided, people started looking for their misplaced baggage.
88. To run after:According to Einstein, ordinary people run after ordinary objects such as property and luxury.
89. To turn down:The secretary was taking down the main points to prepare a summary of the Seminar on pollution.
90. To watch over:Sensible parents make it a point to watch over the outdoor activities of their growing up children.
91. To bank on:Never bank on a fair weather friend because he will certainly cheat you.
92. To blow hot and cold:It is part of his nature to blow hot and cold as he favours this political party today the other party tomorrow.
93. To break the news:It was really very hard to break the shocking news of her husband’s accidental death to her.
94. To call names:He is such loose tempered man that he often begins to call names to his neighbours.
95. To turn the tables:The pace attack by Wasim Akram and Waqar turned the tables against India and our cricket team got victory.
96. To hold water:The judge will give a favourable verdict only when you lawyer’s arguments hold water.
97. To face the music:Those who are responsible for terrorism in the city must face the music and be dealt with.
98. To be under the cloud:These days, the opposition leaders are under a cloud and being tortured by the Government.
99. By hook or by crook:The corrupt politicians try to win in every general election by hook or by crook.
100. To run short of:These days most areas in Karachi are running short of water supply.

Direct and Indirect Speech
Question No. 6 (b) - Discription of Rules and Practice Exercises
Direct Speech
Direct speech is that form of narration in which the actual words of a speaker are reported. It may be divided into two parts: the reported speech, i.e. the actual words of the speaker; and the reporting speech, i.e., the introductory words added to the reported speech. The reported speech comes before or after commas.
Indirect Speech
Indirect speech is that form of speech in which what one speaker says is reported by another with utmost accuracy but without using his actual words.
For correct transcription from direct speech to indirect speech, the following rules should be carefully studied.
1. Elimination of Inverted Commas
i. In the indirect speech the commas are omitted
ii. The conjunction that, except in certain cases which will be discussed later, is used to join the reporting speech and the reported speech.
iii. The capital letter of the first word of the reported speech is replaced by a small letter.

Najma says, “The fat dog is barking.” Where (Najma says) is a reporting speech and (The fat dog is barking) is a reported speech.
In the indirect speech this sentence will read as:
Najma says that the fat dog is barking.
2. Change of Pronouns
The pronouns in the reported speech are to be changed when necessary.
i. Pronouns of the first person are changed to the person of the subject of the reporting speech. For example: He(subject of reporting speech) says, “I have(pronoun of first person) no money with me(pronoun of first person).”
As the subject of the reporting speech is in the third person, the pronouns of the first person will change accordingly. The sentence will read:
He says that he has no money with him.

ii. Pronouns of the second person are changed to the person of the noun/pronoun to whom the reported speech is addressed. For example:
You said to Zain, “I would be happy to welcome you in my house.”
The pronoun of the second person in the reported speech is you. It is to be changed to the object of the reported speech, which is Zain, i.e. third person. The sentence will read as:
You told Zain that you would be happy to welcome him in you house.
3. Change of Tense
i. If the verb of the reporting speech is in the present or future tense, the tense of the verbs of the reported speech does not change.
Direct: He says, “I am a poor but honest man, and will not pick anybody’s pocket.”
Indirect: He says that he is a poor but honest man, and will not pick anybody’s pocket.

ii. If the verb of the reporting speech is in the past tense the verbs of the reported speech are changed to past tense:
Present Indefinite to Past Indefinite

Present Continuous to Past Continuous
Present Perfect to Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous to Past Perfect Continuous
Past Indifinite to Past Perfect/Past Indefinite
Will/shall to would/should
Can/may to could/might
Note: If the reported speech expresses a universal truth, its tense will not change.

4. Question
i. When a question with why, what, how etc., is to be changed into indirect speech, the verb of the reporting speech is replaced by inquired, demanded or asked and the conjunction that is not used. The question changes into a statement.

Direct: I said to him, “What is you next plan?”
Indirect: I asked him what his next plan was.
Direct: He said to the little boy, “Why are you weeping?”
Indirect: He inquired of the little boy why he was weeping.

ii. When questions beginning with an auxiliary verb are to be changed into indirect speech, if or whether is used to join the reporting speech and the reported speech, and the question is converted into a statement.
Direct: He said to the teacher. “Do you think my essay is good?”
Indirect: He asked the teacher if the though his essay was good.
5. Commands and Requests
In direct speech, commands and requests are introduced with an infinitive and the reporting verb is replaced by told, ordered commanded, requested, etc., according to the sense of the sentence.
Direct: He said to his servant, “Fetch me a glass of water.”
Indirect: He ordered his servant to fetch him a glass of water.”
Direct: I said to him, “Please sit down.”
Indirect: I requested him to sit down.
6. Desires and Exclamations
When desires and exclamations are changed into indirect speech, the reporting verb is replaced by wished, desired, exclaimed, cried, etc., and that is used as conjunction to join the reporting speech and the reported speech.
Direct: He said, “Alas! I have done what cannot be undone.”
Indirect: He exclaimed with sorrow that he had done what could not be undone.
7. Change o Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives
The words showing nearness in time and space are changed to words showing distance unless the sense requires otherwise.
Direct: He said, “I wandered here and there.”
Indirect: We cannot replace here by there.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech Direct Speech Indirect Speech
It That Now Then
Ago Before This That 
Here There Thus So
These Those Hence Thence
Today That day Tonight That night
Last night The previous night Tomorrow The next day
Yesterday The previous day The next day The following day

Practise Exercise
1. “It is certainly a great privilege to hear you talk,” answered little Hans sitting down and wiping his forehead, “A very great privilege. But I am afraid I shall never have such beautiful ideas as you have.”
2. “What a silly boy you are!” cried the miller. “I really don’t know what is the use of sending you to school. You seem not to learn anything. If little Hans come here and saw our warm fire and our good super, and our great cask of wine, he might get envious, and envy is the most terrible thing and would spoil anybody’s nature.

3. “Sir, you hand better let me take you hose to the blacksmith to have a shoe put on.” “No,” said the farmer, “It does not matter much. I am already late and if I wait I will get still more lately. I have only a few miles to go and my horse can take me so far without a shoe.”
4. The teacher became angry with the student and said, “Why have you disturbed the class in this way? I have told you before that when I am speaking you should be silent. Leave the room and do not return today."
5. She said to the king, “Has your Majesty any doubt of this man’s guilt? There is the very sword with which he meant to kill you. How sharp and bright and terrible it is! Quick, let him taste the milk; or he may perhaps do the deed even yet.”
6. “Sir, I want work. May I earn a penny?” said the lad, “Well,” said the man, after a pause, “you shall take my son home, and I will give you a penny. Shall I give you your penny now?”
7. “What do you want to know?” the Owl asked. “I am seeking the wild goose.” Replied the little Boy. The Owl blinked, coughed a little and said, “The wild goose is an inhabitant of many parts of the globe. It fled westward half an hour before sunset.”
8. “Do you come to make inquiries?” he said. “I do,” the young stranger replied. “A friend of mine is missing and I think he is staying with you.” “Yes, I have a man staying with me, but I do not know whether he is your missing friend,” he said.
9. “You are very ill-mannered Giant,” answered the stranger quietly, “and I shall probably have to teach you a little civility before we part. As for my name, it is Hercules. I have come hither because this is my most convenient road to the garden of Hesperides whither I am going to get three of the golden apples for the King Eurystheus.”
10. “I have begun my picture of yours among the Scotch firs, Maggie,” said Philip, “so you must let me study your face. Please turn you head this way.” “I shall be sitting for my second portrait then,” she said smiling. “Will it be larger than the other?” “Oh yes, much larger. It is an oil painting, “replied Philip.
11. “What in the world, my little fellow,” said Hercules, “may you be?” “I am your enemy,” answered the valiant pygmy, “You have slain the enormous Antaeus, our brother, and for ages the faithful ally of our nation. We are determined to put you to death. I challenge you to instant battle on equal ground.”
12. “I seem to myself like a child,” said Newton, “playing on the sea shore and picking up here and there a curious shell or a pretty pebble, while the boundless ocean of Truth lies undiscovered before me.”
13. “Mother,” he said, “Whatever you do, you will always be dear to me. But one thing I have a right to say, which is, that at my age I am old enough to know what is best for me.”
14. Peterkin said gravely, “Do you believe in ghosts, Ralph?” “No,” Ralph answered, “I do not. Nevertheless, I must confess that strange unaccountable sounds, such as we have just heard, make me feel a little uneasy.”
15. “They got the money, you say? Hawkins, what were they after? More money. I suppose?” he said, “No sir, not money I think,” replied Hawkins, “In fact, sir, I believe I have the thing in my breast-pocket. To tell you the truth, I should like to get it put in safety.”

Character Sketch
* Princess Flavia
* Rudolf Rassendyll
* Colonel Sapt
* Rudolf Elphberg
* Black Michael
* Antoinette – De - Mauban

Princess Flavia is a character from the novel entitled The Prisoner of Zenda, written by Anthony Hope. She is the only female character who is not directly involved in the conspiracies, which pervade the entire atmosphere of the novel. She is the cousin and fiancée of King Rudolf Elphberg and is the immediate inheritor to the throne. She bears a bewitching personality and fascinates the readers by the elegant attitude. 
Her appearance can be perceived by Rudolf Rassendyll’s saying: 
“A girl pale and lovely, surmounted by a crown of glorious Elphberg hair.” 
Beautiful Aspects of her Role
Princess Flavia is a young, captivating and decent lady. She possesses a character full of virtues and commands great respect and admiration among the people of Ruritania. They wish to see her as the future queen of the country. She is a noble and kind-hearted woman. 
“Trust men, and they will be true to you; treat them greatly, and they will show themselves great.” 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson 
Soberness and Intelligence
Princess Flavia is a wise woman. Her wisdom keeps her aware of the evil desires of Black Michael, who is not a good man. She very intelligently keeps herself away from all sorts of intrigues. She is a sensible person who has the courage to face the realities of life. 
Her intelligence is enlightened when she said to Rassendyll: 
“Do be careful,” she went on, “you don’t – indeed you don’t – keep enough watch on him.” 
Princess Flavia is a lady with elements of love in her heart. These elements increase the fascination and temptation in her character. She sincerely and quite confidently admits her inclination towards Rassendyll, being impressed by his personality. She was bold enough to propose Rassendyll but her sensibility restricted her to perform any action below dignity. She gave heart and soul to Rudolf Rassendyll considering him to be the real king. She never mourns her decision even after coming to know that he is a pretender. She confessed that Rudolf Rassendyll was acceptable to him even if he was a beggar. 
“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” 
- Amelia Barr 
The princess was a sincere and devoted lady, always worried about the security of Rassendyll. She advised him time and again to be cautious of the wicked plans of Duke Michael. When Black Michael was successful in injuring Rassendyll, she at once reached Zenda to look after him. This action reflects her sense of responsibility and devotion towards the man whom she loved from the depths of her heart. 
She said to Rassendyll: 
“Oh, if you were not the king, then I could show you how I love you.” 
Duty and Patriotism
Princess Flavia is a responsible lady. She very loyal to her country and knows the difference between love and duty. She sets an example of the greatest sacrifice by giving up her love at the altar of duty. This aspect of her character shows that she is not the slave of her passions. 
Here sense of duty is enlightened when she says to Rassendyll: 
“Your ring will always be on my finger, your heart in my heart. But you must go and I must stay.” 
The Great Sacrifice
In order to maintain peace in Ruritania and not to disgrace the royal family, Princess Flavia took a sensible and daring step. She sacrificed her love for the sake of her homeland and parted with Rassendyll forever. It was a noble and graceful decision in the interest of Ruritania and the Royal family. 
“There is no moral authority like that of sacrifice.” 
- Nadine Gordimer 
Princess Flavia proves to be not only the leading female character of the novel but also the most lively and integral personality. She holds the attentions of the readers because of her charm, duty and incredible virtues. She respected the wishes of the people and the country and gave up her love for the sake of her country. She is a complete symbol of love, beauty and sacrifice, which makes her an admirable character. 
To love one person with a private love is poor and miserable, to love all is glorious.” 
- Thomas Traherne

Character Sketch Rudolf Rassendyll

Rudolf Rassendyll is the hero and central character of the novel entitled The Prisoner of Zenda, written by Anthony Hope. The integral character of Rassendyll holds the attention of the readers throughout the exciting events of the novel. Rassendyll possesses a prime personality and is linked with the main incidents of the novel in one way or the other. 
Various Aspects of His Role
Rudolf Rassendyll is a tall, young and handsome man, who belongs to a noble family in England. He is an educated man of twenty-nine, who has perfect command over German and French. He is bold, cultural and knows the art of becoming popular. He has red hair, straight nose, blue eyes and a beard. His physical appearance bears striking resemblance to that of the real king, though there were some points of differences. Rassendyll himself pointed out: 
“The king’s face was slightly more fleshy than mine, the oval of its contour the least trifle more pronounced and his mouth lacking something of the firmness which was to be gathered from my close-shutting lips.” 
However, in spite of these differences, Colonel Sapt could not help mentioning to Rassendyll: 
“You’re an Elphberg, every inch of you.” 
Rudolf Rassendyll is very fond of adventures and loves to roam about instead of sticking to a job. He is also a good mastermind who handles difficult situations seeming effortless. The desire to participate in sensational events is always there in his heart. This desire was fulfilled by his play-acting of King Rudolf Elphberg, who was very identical to him. His likeness with the king of Ruritania helped him to make his mission a success. He pledges in strong and unequivocal terms: 
“I have been an imposter for the profit of another, but I will not be one for my own; and if the king is not alive and on his throne before the day of betrothal comes I will tell the truth, come what may.” 
Wisdom and Prudence
Rudolf Rassendyll proves himself to be a man of outstanding attributes and full of wisdom. He plays the role of the king very intelligently. Once he gets entangled in Ruritanian politics, he becomes conscious not only of the significance of his royal position but also of the responsibility, which lies on his shoulders. He is a wise, cool minded and responsible man. 
Faithfulness and Sincerity
Rudolf Rassendyll is a sincere man. He does not want to keep the throne to himself. He carries out all his responsibilities with firmness and confidence. He realizes that it is his duty to restore the real king to the throne and he never tries to take undue advantage as a pretender. His veracity and sincerity is outstanding as he declares: 
“If I’m found out, I’ ll make a clean breast of it, and fight it out with the Duke.” 
Boldness and Courage
Rudolf Rassendyll is supposed to be gifted with extraordinary courage and chivalry, and does not fall short of our expectations in this matter. He is an expert rider and an excellent sword man. When time and fate offered Rassendyll a challenge, he accepted him as a brave man. His stay in Ruritania unfolds his marvelous sense of responsibility, boldness and wisdom. The role played by him in Ruritania to save the throne from Black Michael was really an act of gallantry and wisdom. 

The romantic aspect of Rassendyll’s personality shows that his heart throbs for Princess Flavia but the sense of duty and devotion to the throne is far stronger in him. The circumstances urge him to express love to Princess Flavia but bot to feel it. Being deeply conscious of his responsibility and dedication, he declares:
“I had to keep the princess devoted to me and yet indifferent to me; I had to show affection for her and not feel it.” 
The Great Sacrifice

In order to maintain peace in Ruritania and not to disgrace the royal family, Rudolf Rassendyll took a sensible and daring step. He sacrificed his love at the altar of duty and left Ruritania with tears of regret in the eyes of Princess Flavia, words of gratitude on the lips of king, applause and appreciation from all the countrymen and feeling of satisfaction on his own part. 
“There is no moral authority like that of sacrifice.” 
- Nadine Gordimer

Character Sketch Colonel Sapt

Colonel Sapt is one of the most significant and momentous characters of the novel entitled Prisoner of Zenda, written by Anthony Hope. Being the most loyal servant of the kind, Colonal Sapt was the man behind the impersonating of King Elphberg by Rudolf Russendyll. It was due to his guidance that Rassendyll could successfully play the role of king Elphberg. 
Colonal Sapt has played the character of an honest person who has sincere wishes to save the throne for the real king of Ruritania. A single glance over the mentioned qualities will bring to light the noble character of Colonal Sapt. 
Courage and Bravery

Colonal Sapt is a brave man whose gallantry keeps him motivated for taking personal risks. He shows great valour on all events. He is also very loyal to the king and serves the throne with dedication and faith. Being a sovereign authority, he has enough experience in the art of governing people. His only objective in life is to reinstate King Elphberg. For this achievement, he uses all the persons including Countess Flavia as pieces of chess board. 
Sapt’s courage and determination is enlighted when he said to Rassendyll: 
“If we’re detected, I’ll send Black Micheal down below before I go myself.” 
Wisdom and Sensibility
Colonal Sapt is a wise man. His superb prudence made him sensible enough not take reckless steps. He uses his mind and intelligence on the battlefield of life. It was merely due to his witticism that Rassendyll’s identification was not revealed. Although the Colonal does not accept advises from others, his gorgeous mentality enables him to crush all the obstacles that come in the path of his aim. Due to these qualities, he exalted himself in the eyes of the king and Rassendyll. 
His wisdom is enlighted when he said: 
“… If you do not go I swear to you Black Micheal will sit tonight on the throne, and the king lie in prison or his grave.” 
Friendly Attitude
Colonal Sapt is not only a good advisor, but also a sincere friend of Rassendyll. He became Rassendyll’s friend as soon as they both met. Colonal Sapt served his friend on every difficult stage. A good example of sincere friendship is seen at the Summer House, when Russendyll was in a dangerous situation among the enemies. 
Colonal Sapt appears to be a confirmed bachelor having low opinion about women. He never trusts in ladies, but believes that women spoil everything. Even the princess does not come in exception to his hatred for the opposite gender. 
When Mme de Mauban invites Rassendyll to the Summer House, he said: 
 “I do not believe any woman and you shall not go.” 
Colonal Sapt is a well-disciplined man. He has some firm rules, which are strictly followed by him. This discipline and devotion leads the colonal to serve the king and his country. 
When Rassendyll went to Marshall for some help without consulting him, Sapt angrily said: 
“Sapt likes to be consulted before hand, not informed afterwards.” 
Colonal Sapt is a colonal in the Ruritanian Army. He is the oldest of all the hot-blooded armymen. The colonal is a devoted servant of the king. His loyalty is for the cause of monarchy and not for any particular person. He has a highly productive mind, which enables him to act daringly to restore the throne. He succeeded in liberating who was the actual inheritor to the throne. 
Colonal Sapt says: 
“I have eaten the King’s bread and I am the King’s servant.” 
The character performed by Colonal Sapt is worth-reading. Readers get fascinated by his wisdom, loyalty, courage and good principles.

Character Sketch Rudolf Elphberg

Rudolf Elphberg is one of the central character of the novel entitled The Prisoner of Zenda created by Anthony Hope. He is the prisoner in the castle of Zenda. He is son of late king of Ruritania and heir to throne. 
Rudolf Elphberg is a young, tall and handsome man. He is an educated man. He has red hair, straight nose, blue eyes and a beard. His physical appearance bears striking resemblance to that of Rudolf Rassendyll, though there were some points of differences, which are pointed by Rudolf Rassendyll: 
“The king’s face was slightly more fleshy than mine, the oval of its contour the least trifle more pronounced and his mouth lacking something of the firmness which was to be gathered from my close-shutting lips.” 
However, in spite of these differences, Colonel Sapt could not help mentioning to Rassendyll: 
“You’re an Elphberg, every inch of you.” 
Lack of Responsibility and Common Sense 
Rudolf Elphberg, the king is a happy-go-lucky type of young man. He is a pleasure loving man and wishes to pass a happy and care free life. He is devoid of a sense of responsibility and lacks even common sense. He is indiscreet and trusts even his half brother, Black Michael. He does not care even the coronation and drinks excessively. He also drinks the wine sent by his wicked brother. He does not even think or suspect about it. It is well known to the people of Ruritania that Black Michael intends to get through the access to the throne and wants to marry Flavia, but Elphberg is not aware of this fact. 
A Weak Man
He has not the quality to face the dangers and odds boldly. His behaviour in prison throws a shadow upon his person. He becomes completely demoralized and losses all gril. His health suffers and he becomes partially insane. He requests Detchard to persuade his brother, Black Michael to kill him. He becomes hopeless and sobs on his fate. 
Not a Bad Man
Rudolf Elphberg cannot, however, be called a bad man. He may be a weak king, but as a man, he has some very good qualities. He is a pleasant tempered man, a sincere and good friend. He stands by his friends and has a great trust and faith in them. There is in him a peculiar charm of personality, which inspires confidence in the heart of those who come into contact with him. He loves and admires Flavia. He is sincere, kind and open-hearted. 
Although he remains captive throughout the novel and we cannot see him in action, but the whole story revolves round him. He attracts our attention in the forest as a charming and gay person. He reigns in the readers mind although remains behind the scene.

Character Sketch Black Michael

Black Michael is the villain of the novel entitled The Prisoner of Zenda created by Anthony Hope. He is stepbrother of King Elphberg. He is not the legal heir to the throne because he is the son of the king’s second and morganatic marriage. Black Michael is the owner of castle of Zenda and the surrounding estate. Being the favourite of the late king of Ruritania, he was appointed as the Duke of Strelsau. He is schemer and evil by nature. 
Selfish and Hypocrite
Black Michael is a selfish man. He loves Princess Flavia just to get the throne. He is a hypocrite and makes a false show of love towards Madam Mauban. He has become popular among a small number of people of the country by his hypocrisy. He is over ambitious and greedy. 
A Wicked Person
Black Michael is a sinful man. He makes plot to get the throne with the help of his companions, but always tries to delude them. That is why his followers betray him, when he is expecting complete victory. He invites Rassendyll to the Summer House through a conspiracy, but fortunately Rassendyll survives. This sharp and evil act shows his wickedness. 
A Cruel Man
Black Michael is indeed a cruel person. When the king has been in his noose, he treats him in a very harsh and inhuman manner. He does not feel pity for his brother even. Black Michael is a coward man. He wants to save his life at any cost. He does not come out to handle the situation at any time. 
A Cool-Minded Criminal
Black Michael is a wicked but a cool minded and genius criminal. When he sees that Rassendyll has impersonated the king of Ruritania he does not make it known to the people to keep his villainy secret. We see that even Rupert’s interest and love for Mauban do not irritate him. It shows that he is a controlled emotion criminal. 
A Slave of Lust for Power
Black Michael becomes utterly blind for power. At any rate he wants to usurp the sovereignty form his brother. His lust for power corrupts him and brings his decline. 
The Tragic End
Black Michael always deceives his close companions. That is why he is killed by one of his own followers. Thus, the villain of the novel receives a tragic end.

Character Sketch Antoinette – De - Mauban

Antoinette-de- Mauban is the character of the novel entitled Prisoner of Zenda written by Anthony Hope. Mme-de- Mauban was a widow, rich, beautiful and clever lady. She deeply loved Black Michael, the Duke of Stralsau.
Personal Motives

She was sincerely devoted to the Duke and by this genuine attachment. She followed him at his request from Paris to Ruritania but she was not aware that the Duke whom she thought to be a man of strong passions was actually a cruel, cunning and selfish man who was content to take all but give nothing.
Peace Acceptance

She was a quite person who had decided to spend a quite and peaceful time in Ruritania with the Duke. With this intention she accepted the Duke’s request. Only to discover at her arrival that things were contradictory to what she had though. It did not take her long to find out that the Duke wanted to kill the King and seize the th5one for himself but Mme-de- Mauban did not desire his triumph for she detested his crime and mainly because she knew that if Michael was made the king he would marry Princess Flavia.
Possessive Woman

She was a possessive woman and found her rival and would not bear to see the Duke abandoning her by marrying the Pricess so she betrayed Black Michael to Rassendyll by warning him of his plan to kill him in the Summer House. For she knew that in case of Rassendyll’s Death the Duke would become the king and would eventually marry Flavia.

She wrote a letter to Flavia as king and warned her not to accept the Duke’s invitation in case, she would come in the power of the Duke. She was a pretty lady and at the Zenda, Rupert, one of the king’s six men was caught by her beauty. But Mauban hated him for she was sincerely devoted to the Duke. Being aware of Rupert’s intentions she had warned Michael of him. Mauban was a compassionate woman and when she learnt of the full measure of his cruelty, she was touched with compassion for the King and from that day she became a well-wisher of Rassendyll and his party.
Duke’s Intriguer

Gradually she found herself entangled into the Duke’s plan, but she was not a weak woman, tired of quarrels and ills between the Duke and Michael and disappointed by Black Michael’s cruel plans and selfish motives. She begs Rassendyll to rescue her from the Duke and rupert but she still loved Black Michael and hoped to gain his life if not his pardon from the king.
Emotional Woman

She was a woman ruled by her emotions and when Michael was killed by Rupert, she heaving taunts came froth to avenge him.
End to the Drama

This conduct proved that no knowledge of the man’s real character was enough to root her regard, for him out of her heart. After these tragic events she withdraws herself entirely from society. She recognized the king’s generosity and kindness and so she did not betray the king’s trust by letting out the secret.

Reference To Context from Poem
The Man of Life Upright
Question No. 4 - Reference to the Context – Poem 1

The lines given for explanation are an extract from the poem entitled The Man of Life Upright, written by Thomas Campion.
About the poet

Thomas Campion was a poet who led English poetry and music to supreme heights. He used the normal forms of simultaneous verses with spectacular skill and modesty. The most admirable pieces of his poetry are those sonnets, which he set to his own music.
About the Poem

The Man of Life Upright is a sermonic piece of writing that sheds lights on the prominent visages of the character of a person who leads a life of honour, nobility and righteousness. He possesses a pure heart clear from sinful thoughts and wicked ideas. He never deviates from the path of honesty and never falls prey to the false pride. He is self-sufficient and does not fall into the trap of deceptive hopes. He is courageous and confident enough to encounter all the miseries.
The man of life upright --------- Or thought of vanity
In this stanza the poet says that an upright man leads an honourable and honest life. His mind is free from evil thoughts and his heart is free from ill-feelings and false hopes. He is an humble person and has no thought of vanity. He has peace of mind and peace of heart. He is not a discontented person because
“Discontent is the want of self-reliance; it is infirmity of will.”
- Emerson
An upright man never lacks in self-reliance. Therefore, he leads a bappy and contented life. His life is simple because he is not an ambitious person. That is why he leads a pious life and never thinks of committing crimes and sins.
In other words the poet wants to convince us that honesty is the best policy and if we want to lead a pleasant and contented life, we must not deviate from the path of honesty. No doubt honesty gives us real and spiritual pleasure.
The man whose silent days --------- Nor sorrow discontent:
An honest man leads a peaceful and contented life and does not harm anyone. He is not an ambitious person. Therefore, he does not cherish false hopes and that is why false hopes can’t deceive him. As he has got no high expectation in life, so sorrow and grief cannot discontent or dishearten him. He does not give pain to others; he does not torture and agonize others. He remains happy because of the fact that he leads a life free from dishonest deeds and free from sins.
In other words, the poet wants to convince us that we must not cherish false hopes and must not torture others if we want to spend a peaceful, contented and care-free life.
The man needs neither towers--------From thunder’s violence
An upright man leads a pious life. So, he is not afraid of anyone. Honesty makes a person bold and courageous. That is why he neither needs any fortress or any armour to defend him. He does not feel the need of secret vaults to protect himself from any kind of danger. Thus an honest man leads a carefree and peaceful life.
In other words, the poet wants to say that if we follow the path of honesty, we need not to be afraid of any one because of honesty is the best weapon which can provide us protection against all kinds of evils.
He only can behold -------------- And terrors of skies
In these lines, the poet says that only an upright man can face the difficulties and hardships of life, boldly and courageously. It is rightly said:
       “An honest man possesses a stout heart.”
He is not afraid of anyone and is prepared to face all kinds of dangers. He can face the horrors and terrors of the skies fearlessly because of the fact that such a person is not afraid of death. Fear of death makes a person coward and he cannot face any one and he cannot tackle any difficult situation with confidence.
In this thought-provoking stanza the poet wants to say that honesty makes a person brave and bold. He has peace of mind and peace of heart. Therefore, he can deliberate and plan to tackle any difficult situation. He does not tremble and shiver in the face of hardships and clematis. No doubt honesty gives spiritual confidence and strength to an honest and upright man. So, for the attainment of spiritual confidence and strength it is imperative that we must follow the path of honesty.
Thus, scorning all the cares ----------------- His wisdom heavenly things,
An honest man is spiritually happy. So, he hates all those cares and worries which the fate or fortune brings. Difficulties and hardships there in the life of an honest man but he does not care as he believes that these difficulties and hardships will come to an end with the passage of time. He bears the troubles and misfortunes patiently. He looks upon the heaven for guidance help. He makes the heaven his book and learns the lesson of wisdom from heavenly things. Thus an honest man spend his time in useful activities.
In other words the poet wants to convince us that only an hones man can adopt a positive and optimistic attitude towards life. As he possesses spiritual confidence and strength. He knows that cares and worries are the parts of life and one must not be disappointed and disheartened by them. Beyond any shadow of doubt the life of an honest man is enviable and we must endeavour to lead an honest life.
Good thoughts his only friends -------- And quite pilgrimage.
An honest man looks upon the world as an inn where he has come into the world for a brief sojourn and to spend a life free from sins. His pious and sinless life is his wealth. He strongly believes that he has come into this world for the adoration of God Almighty and to lead a sinless life. He believes that this world is a Vanity Fair. Therefore, he is never deceived by the glamour of the world and he never deviates from the path of honesty, integrity, and righteousness.

In this stanza the poet stresses moral values and has drawn the attention of the people to the realities of the world. By the describing the qualities of an honest man he wants to convince the people that honesty is the best policy and those who are honest and upright have peace of mind and peace of heart. There is no vacuum in the life an honest man. He has spiritual pleasure, which is the asset of life.
Music When Soft Voices Die
Question No. 4 - Reference to the Context – Poem 2
This stanza has been extracted from the poem entitled Music when Soft Voices Die, written by Percy Bysshe Shelley.
About the Poet
P.B Shelley is one of the most famous poets of English Literature. He is an idealist and a dreamer. He exists in the world of ideas and visions which seem to him more practicable and real than the so called realities of this world.
About the Poem
In this short lyric, Shelley expresses his views about beauty, love and separation. He says that beauty is immortal and love is unchangeable. It does not change with the passage of time and with the change of circumstances. It does not die. Separation does not kill true love.
Music, when soft voices die-------------Live within the sense they quicken.
The poet says that when sweet voices fade away, they echo in our memory. Beautiful and mellifluous songs are unforgettable and immortal. Similarly when the sweet-smelling lovely flowers of violets wither away, their pleasant smell can still be enjoyed in the memory. Our minds are refreshed when we remember the sweet fragrance of violets.
In other words, the poet wants to say that if a thing loses its physical beauty, it can be revived in the imagination. Thus this short lyric reflects the fundamental importance of imagination in human life.
      “A thing of beauty is joy for ever.”
Shelley emphasizes the same idea in these lines containing the depth of meaning and philosophical approach to love, beauty, separation and imagination. The poet by giving the example of enchanting music an fragrant violets expresses this idea that a beautifule thing never dies. It has everlasting effect on the mind of a man.
Rose leaves, when the rose is dead------------Love itself shall slumber on.
Shelley believes in the Platonic love, which shuns fulfillment. It is a desire that always remains unsatisfied. In love Shelley must find something ideal, something ever to aspire after, something ever to look forward to. It is in the expectation of fulfillment that his happiness lies. H has expressed the Platonic conception of love in this beautiful stanza.
The poet says that when rose petals wither away, they do not become useless. They retain their sweet smell even after withering away. That is why they are used for decorating the beloved’s bed. The poets’s beloved has been separated from him. She is not with him, but her thoughts are with him and his love will sleep on her thoughts.
In other words the poet wants to say that it does not matter if the sweet heart is physically away from him because spiritually she is with him. He is not alone as in his imagination he finds his beloved very close to him. Separation has sharpened love but he is free from mental agony as her sweet thoughts always comfort and soothes him. His love is passionate and profound and it will not change with the passage of time. He cannot forget his beloved and will continue to love her in his imagination as true love does not die and transcends all barriers and surmount all obstacles. Absence sharpens love; distances intensifies love but imagination brings the beloved so close to the lover that distances come to end and the two separated souls are united.

Samson Agonistes
Question No. 4 - Reference to the Context – Poem 3
The lines given for explanation are an extract from Samson Agonistes written by John Milton.
About the Poet
John Milton is regarded as one of the most famous poets of English Literature. His masterpiece Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes earned him fame and honour. His individual style has a touch of sublimity and majesty which is quite appropriate to his noble and powerful ideas.
About the Poem

Samson Agonistes is an adaptation of the Greek drama form in blank verse, which recounts the tragedy of Samson in his blindness beset by enemies. This hero performed the decisive role in crushing the philistines who were the deadly enemies of his race. Samson, too got killed in that disaster but his heroic act saved his tribesman from the deadly enemy. By virtue of his glorious deed, his named earned eternity. It is rightly said:

“Those who die for their nation live for ever.”

He patient, but undaunted, where they led him---------None daring to appear antagonist.

The poet tells us in these lines how Samson was brought in the assembly hall as the enemy had blinded him. A guide led him to the hall. He walked patiently but heartlessly to the place where the guide led him. Then he was called upon to show the feats of skill. He performed could be done by a blind man. He heaved, pulled, drew and broke things with great strength and none have the courage to find faults with him. He performed everything in such a wonderful way that every body praised him for his unbelievable strength. His demonstrations were simply unbelievable. Nobody dared to appear as his challenger in similar feats of strength.

At length for intermission sake they led him ----------That to the arched roof gave main support

Here we are told how Samson reached near the big pillars. At last the show was over and the interval was announced. Samson was led by his guide to the pillars in order to give him some recess. Now as the people who stood near him heard Samson requested his guide to let him stand against the strong pillars with the both his hands on them. He told his guide that he wanted to do so simply because he wanted to have some rest. These pillars give a support to the arched roof where the nobility of Philistine was sitting.

He unsuspicious led him; which when Samson-----------Or some great matter in his mind revolved

In these lines we are told that the guide did not feel that there was anything wrong in. So, the guide accepted his request and let him rest against the pillars. Now Samson felt the pillars in his arms for Philistines had blinded him. Then he stood silent for some time, with his head bowed and his eyes fixed on the ground. He behaved as if he was going to offer his prayer, or wanted to reach a final decision on some matter on some matter of great importance. It appeared as if some important matter was revolving in his mind for he is standing seriously with his head bowed and eyes on the ground.

At last, with head erect thus cried aloud--------As with amaze shall strike all who behold.’

The poet tells us in these lines how Samson, addressed the people gathered there. He raised his head and in a loud voice he told them that till now he had obeyed them most obediently, showed some feats of strength and had never disobeyed their commands. Now he said, he wanted to show them some feats of strength of his own accord. These things would amaze all the holder and every body would be amazed who saw it. Actually Samson wanted to take them unawares. Therefore, he told them in a friendly way that he was going to show them some more wonderful feats of strength.

This uttered, straining all his nerves, he bowed -------- Upon the heads of all who sat beneath,

In these lines we are told how Samson pulled down the pillars upon the heads of his enemies. Samson applied his force to the pillars, which trembled just as mountains do against the fury of winds and water. He shook them in opposite directions, till the roof came down with a thundering noise. Thus, all those lords and captains who sat under the roof were crushed to death. Of course Samson too died, but in this way he took a revenge on his enemies. The two heavy pillars who gave support to the whole building were shaken with great force by Samson and after their motion of to and fro they came down. Samson succeeded in achieving his goal i.e to crush his enemies for it he use his full strength to pull the pillars down on the heads of his enemies. He shook the pillars again and again till they came down.

Lords, ladies, captains, councellors or priests --------- Pulled down the same destruction on himself.

The poet tells us in these lines that among the people who were crushed to death under the roof were lords, ladies, councellors and priests of the country. The people had assembled there from far and near to celebrate the feast. As Samson too was among them, he also met the same fate and was crushed to death. But, by sacrificing his own life, he killed the best people of the enemy nation. The people who killed were choicest nobility not only of this one city but also of all the Philistinian cities.
An Essay on Man
Question No. 4 - Reference to the Context – Poem 4

The lines given for explanation are an extract from the poem entitled An Essay on Man, written by Alexander Pope.
About the Poet

Alexander Pope occupies a very prominent position in the domain of English Literature. He was a representative poet of the 8th century also known as the Augustian age, the age of satire and heroic couplets.
About the Poem

An Essay on Man is a philosophical, didactic, thought-provoking and soul-stirring poem. It was addressed by Pope to Bolingbroke. At the beginning of the poem he says:

“The proper study of mankind is man.”

Pope in this poem is not the satirist but a moralist who has chosen his object to vindicate the ways of God to man. He thus gives his philosophical reflection on the fate and fortune of man, the nature and importance of hope and the cause of the restlessness of human soul in this world.

Heaven from all creatures hides the book of Fate ------ Or who could suffer being here below?

In the opening lines of the poem, Pope has presented the benign care and kindness displayed by God’s Providence to his creatures by making them ignorant to their future fate.

He says that God has made his Creatures blind to their future. They know very little or nothing of what is going to happen to them. They don’t know what sorrows or sufferings lie in store for them. They know only about their present.

The poet says that God has done this according to a specific system. For instance, angels being spiritual beings know more than man does, man being superior to animals knows more than they do and animals being at the bottom of the hierarchy know nothing about their future.

Poet justifies this policy of the Providence as being kind and beneficial. This is intended to keep the cycle of life going. Since life on this planet is full of sorrows, sufferings, disappointments, disease and death. We would have tried to make an end to our life before the fall of the future calamity if we had the slightest knowledge of our future.

The poet wants to say that blindness to the future is a blessing kindly given to by God Almighty and it enables us to face the hard realities of life with undying courage, hope and determination.

“Ignorance of future ills is a more useful thing than knowledge.”

- Cicero

Oh blindness to the future! Kindly given ----------- And now a bubble burst, and now a world.

In these lines the poet tells us how our ignorance to the future becomes a great blessing. He thinks that we are kept ignorant of our future simply because God wanted each of us to complete the work fixed for him. Man is ignorant about the days a head, so that he may complete the cycle of his life according to the wishes of God. God’s knowledge is so wide that the looks at a dying hero as accurately as he does at a small sparrow. Since God is maker, moulder and creator of this Universe. He looks at all the creatures equally. In his eyes making no difference between the creatures. He watches the actions of all the human beings, seeing a sparrow and a hero. He knows about the ruin of a planetary system as well as about the ruin of the smallest particle. It also means that death of small or a great man, the least particle or any other system does not impress God at all. God watches the astronomical systems of the Universe. Even the bursting of a bubble or the ruin of a world, both have equal importance for God. In this stanza, the poet gives very good example, to clear the fact that all the things are equal in the eyes of God whether it is an hero or an ordinary thing like sparrow all have to complete their life cycles as prescribed to them by the Almighty God.

“Hope humbly then, with trembling pinion soar --------- But gives that hope to be thy blessing now.

In these lines, Pope, the moral pedagogue, is preaching the principle of humility and modesty in our life of this world.

“Greater are those who show humility.”

- Blake

He says that God has very kindly made us blind to our fate and fortune. We don’t know what sorrows and sufferings and joys and happiness lie ahead in store for us. Therefore, it is only prudent and wise to live simply with humble hopes and modest desires. We should try to rise but slowly and gradually. We should learn from the bird, which soars, but slowly balancing its wings at every step as though the bird is afraid of falling down. Similarly, we human beings should always keep death before us. Death teaches us that this world is just like an inn where we have come for a brief sojourn. Our life is just like a bubble blown up in the air. Death reveals to us the secrets of the next world and mystery of life hereafter. It also teaches us the lesson of parity and equality by treating all living beings alike.

We should also love and pray God for his blessings. God does not tell us what bliss he is going to grant us in future, But God has blessed us with hope which is really a precious gift of God. It is hope which keeps us happy and gives us comfort and solace when we are in the grip of difficulties and hardships. Thus we can say that Hope is our best companion because:

“Hope is the best armour against fate.”

Hope springs eternal in the human breast ----------- Rests and expatiates in a life to come

“Hopes makes future bright.”

- Lowell

In these oft quoted lines, the poet presents an altruism about the fate of human beings that nobody is happy but every body hopes to be happy.

The poet says that instead of telling us about or fate, God gives us hope, which is really a precious gift of God. He says that hope never deserts human beings. It remains alive and active in human heart forever. Hope keeps the man happy. He forgets the difficulties and hardships of the present and is overjoyed when he thinks of the future bliss. Rossy picture of the future emerges before his eyes and he forgets grieves of the present. Alexander Pope wants to say that without hope man’s life would have been meaning less and colourless and would have not struggled ceaselessly and relentlessly for the achievements of his objectives.

About human soul, the poet remarks that it never enjoys a moment of real joy and peace in this world. It is constantly restless, disturbed and far from its real and eternal home. The eternal abode of human soul is heaven. It aspires to liberate itself from the material cage of human body and go back to its original and final home. Human soul hopes to live there permantly enjoying peace, comfort, freedom and happiness.

Therefore, Pope says that man should lead a pious, virtuous and sinless life and perform good and noble deeds for a better after death.

“Hope, like the gleaming taper’s light, adorns and cheers our body.”

- Oliver Goldsmith
Question No. 4 - Reference to the Context – Poem 5

The lines given for explanation have been extracted from the poem entitled Ulysses, composed by Lord Alfred Tennyson.
About the Poet

Lord Alfred Tennyson occupies a very important and prominent position in the domain of English Literature. He is the representative poet of Victorian era. He is a prolific poet and has composed a number of poems. Tennyson’s poetry is rich in imagery as that of keats but it lacks the romantic fine of Words Worth and Coleridge.
About the Poem

Ulysses is a long, magnificent, symbolical and moral boosting poem. The poem is written in the dramatic monologues of the powerful blank verse and tells the story of the most prudent and bravest of the Greek heroes, Ulysses of Homer’s Odyssey. He is the symbol of adventurous spirit, indomitable courage, inexhaustible zeal; unflinching faith; unshakable determination and unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Ulysses wants to set out on a journey of discovery because he believes that it is not too late to find a New World.

Souls that have toil’d and wrought ------------ Free haerts, free foreheads – you and I are old;

Ulysses is addressing his fallow sailors; those brave ones who worked hard and have accomplished treat deeds in the past happily and even beard the hardships of rough season and sunshine. He further plays attribute on them that, they are free even with noble souls. Our old ages have stid to keep us away from any long journey to explore thus world or to keep glory up. He is addressing those mariners who had all those qualities and he is converging them to join him in his last journey as they did in the past by giving them the few best example and glories of their pride.

Old age hath yet his honour and his toil ----------- No unbecoming men that strove with gods.

In these lines we are told how Ulysses inspired his men. He told them that no doubt old age brings its labours and honours with it. But we should do something remarkable before our death, benefiting great heroes who have often faced gods. Here Ulysses refers to old battles between men and gods, as told in the Greek mythology. According to Greek legend, Ulysses and his comrades strove with gods during the war between Greece and Troy, when the Gods themselves took rides in the contest, and doing Ulysses’s heroic journey back to Greece when he had to face great perils because he had angered Poseidon, the God of the Sea. The poet says that, death is power, the spirit of working and efforts come to an end when a man faces death, but a man should always do virtues and avoid troubling others. His actions will remain after his death. They will out live him. We should not do anything against Gods, but achieve some unusual. This is the honour of old age to face troubles and to yield something great to be remembered after the death.


The light begins to twinkle from the rocks ---------Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends;

In these lines the poet tells us that although Ulysses and his friends are nearing the end of their lives, still for them there is a time to go and to find a New World. Ulysses tells his friends that the sun of their lives is going to set while the long day is going to an end. The moon is also rising this shows that night i.e. death is fast approaching. Still there is some time to go out and seek a New World. He means to say that they should not worry if they have become old.

The poet describes the sight of an evening. The days are losing its light. The moon is sailing in the sky. We can hear the sounds of the wave that are striking against the seashore. Come on my friends. It is never late to discover a New World. This is the evening of our lives yet we are in a position to explore a New World to be immortal after our death. The poet creates in sense of self confidence in his men and encouraged them to not to be disappointed to their old evenings of life, but to yield a New World.

Tis not too late to seek a newer world ----------- Of all the western stars, untill I die.

In these lines, Ulysses urges his companions to come along with him, sit in order in the boat and start the voyage of discovery. He wants to set out on a journey of discovery with great confidence because it is his firm believe that it is not too late to find a New World. Therefore he asks his comrades to drive the oars with power and might because the sea looks dangerous as the noisy waves are rising ferociously. Ulysses is here conscious of the perils supposed to be created in the way by the sea God, Poseidon whom they had angered in the Trojan Wars. He tries to reassure them that they will overcome all the obstacles since he is determined to sail beyond the Western bank and touch the happy Isle before he dies. This thing shows that Ulysses is an adventurous person who has unquenchable thirst for knowledge and has a passion for discovery.

Through the symbolic character of Ulysses, Tennyson wants to evoke the spirit of adventure and unsatiable thirst for knowledge. He wants to convince us that each and every minute of life is very vital and one must struggle ceaselessly against heavy odds following the motto:

“To strieve, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

Tho’ much is taken, much abides, and tho’ -------------To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

In these lines, Ulysses says to his comrades that although time has taken away many things from them but many things remain with them. They still possess courage and hope. They are still very brave.

He says that no doubt, they have lost a great deal of strength and energy but still they have much strength and powers to accomplish heroic deed. Of course they do not possess that strength and energy which they possessed in the past and used to perform deeds of bravery and accomplish great tasks.

Ulysses wants to say that in spite of being old, exhausted and physically feeble, they still possess some very remarkable qualities. In old age, a man has experience, knowledge and treasure of wisdom. He says that his mariners can perform memorable deed only if they take courage and struggle jointly.

“Lighter is the task when many share the toil.”

- Homer

He says that they have strong hearts and high aims. There is unity of thought and action among them. Temperamentally they are one. So, they must struggle relentlessly and ceaselessly to discover a New World, to gain fresh knowledge and experience and not to acknowledge defeat. Some one has rightly said:

“Defeat should never be a source of discouragement, but rather a fresh stimulus.”

Through the symbolic character of Ulysses Tennyson wants to inspire the old, weak and exhausted people who can accomplish some great task even in old age. Action is life and inaction is death. So, one must continue his struggle against heavy odds till the last breath of life.
Question No. 4 - Reference to the Context – Poem 6

The lines given for explanation have been extracted from the poem entitled Endymion, composed by John Keats.
About the Poet

John Keats is one of the finest English poets. In spite of living only for twenty-six years, he contributed a lot to English Poetry. His poems are spirited and lively. His personal life was a tale of sorrow and bereavement, but his keen observant eye made him an admirer of nature, which is fully reflected in his poems.
About the Poem

Endymion is poem of great beauty. In this poem John Keats has expressed his conception of beauty and has given a unique definition of beauty. According to Classical Mythology Endymion was a beautiful youth with whom moon Goddess fell in love and on whom she induced a perpetual sleep in order to kiss him without his knowledge.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever --------------- Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breating

“Beauty is a divine gift.”

- J. Seigell

In these oft-quoted famous opening lines of the poem, Keats is giving vent to his views on the concept of beauty and its influence on human life. He believes that an object of rare and real beauty communicates to human soul the message of lasting joy and eternal relief. Beauty is immortal like truth; it never dies and fades. The charm of a lovely object is unaffected by time. This charm goes on increasing with the flight of time.

The poet says that beauty always remains a constant source of peace and joy. It has a refreshing, soothing and healthy impact on human life. It will keep a quiet and shady place for us and induce a sound sleep keeps us healthy and enables us to breathe freely.

The poet wants to say that life is full of pains and sufferings; still we cling to it because of the compensations offered to us in some form of beauty. Thus the presence of beautiful objects around us is an eternal source of comfort and happiness.

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all,

Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”

Therefore, on every marrow, we are wreathing -------- Some shape of beauty moves away the pall

“Beauty moves away the pall from our dark spirits.”

In these lines, Keats gives vent to his strong romantic faith that a real and rare objects of beauty have the power to make us forget our sorrows and griefs as they take us away from the world of bitter realities into the world of imagination.

Therefore, Keats says that an every day we wreathe a flowery band in order to join ourselves with the earth, which is an unattractive and unhappy place. In his famous novel Thomas Hardy, an eminent Victorian novelist and poet says that this world is a Blighted Star meaning that this world is full of difficulties, hardships, troubles and griefs. Man can never be happy in this problem-plagued World. John Keats expresses the same ideas but with a difference. And it is beauty, which makes all the difference.

According to Keats the world is an unattractive, place full of griefs and troubles. There is shortage of men and women of good character and noble thoughts. Darkness is prevailing every where. So, life is full of sorrow, disappointment and disease. But in spite of all this, some shape of beauty, whether in nature, human history or literature removes the darkness from the world. Beauty dispels darkness, beauty makes us happy; beauty gives us courage to bear the difficulties and hardships of life and take interest in the world.

In these thought-provoking lines Keats describes the realities of the world but at the same time he does not forget beauty which makes a person forgetful of his griefs and worries. Not doubt beauty removes the pall from our dark spirits.

And such too is the grandeur of the dooms ---------- Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink.

In these concluding lines, Keats gives vent to his strong romantic faith that real objects of beauty, whether in nature, human history or literature, have the power to make us forget our sorrows and griefs as they take us away from the world of bitter realities into the world of imagination.

He refers to various shapes of beauty, which please us and make us forgetful of our griefs and worries. He says that the grand deaths and the splendid destinies we have imagined for the brave heroes of history are also beautiful because they too inspire us to deeds of nobility and fortitude. Similarly, works of art and literature created over centuries are also a thing of beauty. All lovely trails which we have read or heard and beautiful objects of art are permanent source of endless joy. These tales give us great pleasure and we forget the depressions and agonies of life. Thus all these visions of beauty are like an endless fountain which gives an immortal drink to our thirsty souls.

In the concluding lines, Keats says that beauty is something unearthly. It is being showered upon mankind from the heaven like a Divine blessing.

“Beauty is a conopy for the suffering souls.”

- Trolope

Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth
Question No. 4 - Reference to the Context – Poem 7

The lines given for explanation have been extracted from the poem entitled Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth, composed by Arthur Hugh Clough.
About the Poet

He is a great poet but known and admired more for his friendship with a greater poet and educationist, Mathew Arnold and for his support to Florence Nightingale.
About the Poem

This poem teaches the moral lesson of inflicting courage, ceaseless struggle and sunny optimism of hope and aspiration. The poet through various images conveys a great message that without struggle, man cannot accomplish anything really great in this world. Struggle is the key to success in human life. It is rightly said:

“All honour to those who try.”

If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars ------------And, but for you, possesses the field.

In the lines given for elucidation the poet emphasizes the fact that hope and fear are part of human nature. Hope and apprehension are equally reasonable and hope is more likely to be beneficial we should keep the ray of hope lit in our hearts, and at the same time trying to achieve our goal. Only such positive approach can help us in conquering the enemy and changing the things for betterment. The poet uses the symbol of the battlefield by referring to two kinds of soldiers. Those who are chicken hearted are easily overcome with fear, on the contrary, those soldiers who are filled with courage and boldness are determined to fight till the last drop of their blood, eventually makes them accomplish their mission.
The Seven Ages of Man
Question No. 4 - Reference to the Context – Poem 8

The lines given for explanation have been extracted from the poem Seven Ages of Man, composed by William Shakespeare. Seven Ages of Man is a speech chosen from one of William’s Shakespeare’s comedies As You Like It.
About the poet

William Shakespeare was an English dramatist and poet, considered to be the greatest of all writers. Shakespeare was not only a writer and poet, but also an actor who devoted his life to the theatre.
About the Poem

This poem is one of the best known passages from Shakespeare’s work. This speech is delivered by Amiens in act III, scene VIII of the play As You Like It. Amiens is one of the group of noblemen leading a life of exile with Dukes in the forest of Arden.

And all the men and women merely players ----------- His act being seven ages. At first the infant.

In the opinion of the poet man’s life on earth is like a big drama, in which men and women play their parts before their death. Man has to play many parts before their death Man has to play many parts and his life has been divided into seven parts.

This world is just like a stage of a theatre. All persons being players are given different roles. Every individual plays a definite role during his life, which normally consists of seven parts or acts.

In order to make his meaning clear, he makes a comparison of life with the stage. The first stage of a man is being an infant i.e. when he enters in this world and makes his exist in this stage of world as a baby.

Mewling and puking in the nurse’arms --------- Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad

Shakespeare says that each human being performs seven parts in this small drama on the stage of the world. He makes his entry as a baby who is fully dependent upon others. This stage ends when the infant grows into a school child. Shakespeare describes him as a boy having a face fresh like morning, with his bag hanging on his side, walking appropriately to school. In the beginning he does not like going to school but gradually his thinking changes. When time passes onwards the schoolboy transformed into a youngster. He is not an adult yet and due to lack of maturity, he indulges in infatuations.

Made to his mistress’ eyebrow; then a soldier ---------- Even in the cannon’s mouth; and then, the justice,

As a lover the man composes poems about the eyebrows of his lover, and then came the fourth stage of his life, in which man makes his appearance on this World’s stage as a soldier. He utters wrong oath and develops a beard like that of a leopard. He becomes mad after vain and transitory fame. He becomes wild and haughty and readily picks up quarrels with anybody. He becomes a young soldier ready to fight and defend his country. He fights with a spirit of competition. He is ready to sacrifice his life for his country. Being a young man, he looses temper very quickly. He is even ready to face the canons he is a brave soldier. So he is seeking bubble reputation. In the next role of his life the man becomes an agent of doing justice.
The Solitary Reaper
Question No. 4 - Reference to the Context – Poem 9

The lines given for explanation have been extracted from the poem entitled The Solitary Reaper, composed by William Words Worth.
About the Poet

Williams Words Worth is a poet who has developed his own immensely valuable theories concerning poetry. This is the reason why he possesses a unique and artificial style. His work shows his life long love for natural beauty, which gives hi the title Poet of Nature.
About the Poem

This poem relates to an incident, which deeply inspired the poet when he was walking alone through the barren hills of Scotland. He was fascinated by the sweet voice of a girl, who was singing a song in her native language.


Behold her, single in the field ---------------- Is overflowing with the sound

In the above lines, which are the opening lines of the poem, the poet discloses one event of his personal experience. He tells us how enchanted he felt to see a mountain girl reaping and singing all alone in the field. He asks his companion to stop and see the young girl working alone in the field. The poet asks his companion either to stop or to pass silently, without disturbing the lovely reaper.

The poet was profoundly fascinated by the bewitching melody and her voice left an everlasting and indelible impression on the mind of the poet. He invites his readers to listen to that melodious voice. The poet found the voice of the girl scattered all over the deep valley. The deep valley is filled to overflowing with the rich straw of the music.

No Nightingale did ever chaunt ------------- Among the farthest Hebrides.

In these lines, poet says that the musical notes of the young singer are symmetrical to the thrilling songs of the Nightingale and the Cuckoo. They were far sweeter than the humming of birds and impressed the heart deeply. The sweet melody appeals to the tired travelers of the Arabian Desert, who need relaxation after a long and monotonous journey. The voice leaves a deeper impact than the song sung by the Cuckoo birds. It gives more than just breaking the serenity and tranquility of the lonely seas.

In these lines the poet makes the competition of Solitary Reaper to the sweetest songs of Nightingale and Cuckoo birds simply to express his liking for her lovely song. The song echoes in the whole valley. He impressed the poet deeply. He therefore, compares her voice with that of sweet birds. It has magnificent effect on the poet. It is flight of his imagination.

Will no one tell me what she sings? ------------- That has been, and may be again!

In these lines the poet tells us what song the lonely girl is singing. First of all, he thinks that perhaps it is some sad song, concerning some unhappy events as wars etc, which happened long ago. Or, the poet thinks, the highland girl is singing a song about some ordinary matter of daily life. It may be some natural sorrow, loss or pain, which has happened in the past, or is likely to be happening in the future.

In this stanza the poet puts a question whether any body could tell him as to what this girl was singing. The poet is going to make some guess work in this connection. It is also appearing that she was singing a song as if making a complaint to some body or is pointing towards something very old or a battle that happened in the past. It may also be common day affair. The poet is ignorant of the theme of the song because she was singing in unknown language. So he does not understand that song.

Whate’er the theme, the Maiden sang --------- Long after It was hear no more.

In these lines the poet tells us how he felt when he left the place. He tells us that although he could not understand the actual subject matter of the lovely girl’s sweet song, it seemed to have no ending. At this time she kept on bending over her sickle. The poet listens to her song for quite a long time At last he was overjoyed. Then he climbed over the hill. But as he went away he could still draw pleasure form the memory of the song, which he had heard from the lovely reaper. The poet tells us that for a long time afterwards he remembered that song and enjoyed it in imagination.

In this closing stanza of poem, the poet says that the song sung by this unmarried young girl was sung in such a strain manner as it should never end. He says that he could not forget it with the passage of time. It flashes before his eyes and refreshes him even when he had left the place and could hear her voice no more, the haunting melody of the Highland girl still filled his heart.















Summaries from Prose
* Reflections on the Re-Awakening East
* Pakistan and the Modern World
* The Day the Dam Broke
* Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb
* Act III of the Silver Box
* The Devoted Friend
* The World As I See It

Reflections on the Re-Awakening East
The chapter entitled Reflections on the Re-awakening East, has been written by Bertrand Russel. He is the most outstanding writer and thinker of our time. His more popular 3orkds have been notable for their introduction of scientific attitudes into the discussion of politics and sociology. 
According to Russel, power has never stayed permanently in the world. Initially at the beginning the East and the Eastern nations had more power then the West but gradually the power slipped out of the hand of the Eastern nations and went into the hands of the Western countries. The West became all powerful and the East lost its power. 
This chapter has been written in the year 1954 so Russel is talking about the conditions of year 1954. When Russel is talking about the conditions of year 1954. When Russel wrote this essay in 1954, he thought that power was once again passing out from the hands of the West and the East was beginning to re-awaken and to gain power, therefore, what we have learnt so far is that power changes from hand to hand. Russel is expressing his thoughts and his opinions as to what the Eastern nations should do on their re-awakening Russel is offering advice to the Eastern awakening.nations as to what should they do in order to prosper and be successful. 
First and foremost Russel advises the Eastern awakening nation not to adopt communism because Russel describes communism as a poison. The next advice that he gave them is to adopt industrialization and mechanization because according to Russel any country that does not accept industrialization will lag behind. He advises the Eastern countries to stay away from war, to struggle for peace. 
The next advice is not to follow the West blindly but to take from the West what is good and to leave out what is bad. After that Russel goes on to declare that Asia has some excellent and major civilizations. These civilizations should never be mixed with each other. Furthur more another excellent advice that Russel gave was that it is definitely agreed that we can’t progress without mechanization yet the fact remains that side by side with mechanization we should not forget poetry, arts, friendship, character-building, all these come side by side. We must see to it that on one hand we progress in science and on the other hand we build our moral value. 
Last but not the least, Russel concludes with the optimistic thought that the Eastern and Asian nations shall contribute to the betterment and the progress of the world and will not imitate the mistakes of the West

Pakistan and the Modern World
After the creation of Pakistan in the year 1950, Mr Liaquat Ali Khan went on an official tour of the United States of America. His mission was to introduce to the Americans the newly formed country of Pakistan, to tell the Americans all about Pakistan and to bring the two countries close together. This chapter Pakistan and the Modern World, actually is the explanation of Liaquat Ali Khan’s speech at the Kansas city, while he was thanking them for the degree bestowed on him.. 
While Mr.Liaquat Ali Khan was in the United States of America, on this trip the University of Kansas City awarded him an honorary degree for his services rendered to his country. 
As far as the contents of the speech are concerned, these are what that makes the speech all important and interesting. Mr. Liaquat Ali begins by thanking the administration of the University of Kansas City and tells them that he will talk about Pakistan in his speech because his mission is to make the Americans familiar with the history and origin of Pakistan. Mr. Liaquat Ali then goes on to say that there are similarities between the fight for independence that the Muslims waged against the British and the fight that the Americans put up for their independence. Thus there are similarities between fight for Indians and Muslims and Americans. 
After that Liaquat Ali goes on to explain as to why the Muslims wanted a separate homeland and the Muslims of Indian Sub-Continent were not willing to line with Hindus. There are religious, economic and social differences between the Hindus and the Muslims. Further more, Mr. Liaquat Ali goes on to say that many people did not agree to the partition of India. However, later on they realize that the creation of Pakistan has made the Asian Continent more stable, also Mr. Liaquat Ali goes on to explain what advantages the creation of Pakistan has brought about in the region. According to Mr. Liaquat Ali whereas in other countries there is backwardness, inner confusion, discontentment, religious difference but in Pakistan there is no internal struggle, no religions difference and there is democracy in the country. Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan then praises the Pakistani nation and declares that when Pakistan was created there was no proper government, no money and no security, but it was due to the hard work and unity of Pakistani nation that we managed not only to survive but also to progress. 
Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan makes yet another point while introducing Pakistan to the Americans, he declares that even the Pakistani people have duties to fulfill towards their country, the duty of each Pakistani is to guard and protect his freedom and the freedom of his country. After that Mr. Liaquat goes on to make a very very important point. He declares that in order to progress we must have strong faith in our religion and at the same time we must accept scientific technology and progress. Then Mr. Liaquat Ali goes on to suggest that we must stay away from war and we must follow the progress of the West and take from the West what we considered to be good. 
Finally, he requests to the Americans to help Pakistan on the path of progress and the United States could do that be lending its fund of knowledge and progress to backward Pakistani nation. Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan ends the speech on an optimistic and hopeful note wanting Pakistan and United States to be friends for all times to come

The Day the Dam Broke
The Day the Dam Broke is a fascinating, captivating, remarkable humorous story written by the great American humorist James Groves Thurber. He has written a number of witty and humorous articles. 
In this story, the writer has depicted the mob mentality with great dexterity. He has narrated the experiences of his Aunt Edith Taylor and his own experiences about the “Great Run” of the afternoon in Columbus city. This short story is a good example of Thurber’s sardonic but affectionate view of human behavior. 
“Humour is an emotional chaos recollected in tranquillity.” 
- James Thurber 
James Thurber recalls an interesting incident of his early childhood when he lived in Columbus City, situated near the Ohio River in the U.S.A. All of a sudden, on March 12, 1913 a rumour spread that the River Ohio was in flood and the water would rush towards the city as the dam had broken. The people became panicky after hearing the rumour and came out on the High Street. They started running towards the East for safety with out confirming the news about the flood. In calamity ever rumour is believed. Men, Women and children were running helter-skelter towards the East. Normal business was going on in the market, but when the rumour spread about the flood, the people who were busy in selling and buying, started to run in utter confusion for saving their lives. Two thousand people were abruptly in full right. Go East! Go East! The Dam has Broke was the clarion cry, being heard everywhere. 
The writer’s aunt Edith Taylor was in a movie theatre, she wrote: 
“When I reached Grant Avenue, I was so spent that Dr. H.P Mallory passed me, there was a boy behind him on roller-skates and Dr. Mallory mistook the swishing of the skates for the sound of rushing water. He eventually reached the Columbus School for Girls where he collapsed.” 
The panic-stricken people ran out for safety leaving fires burning and food cooking and doors wide open. Some of the people covered the distance 12 miles in order to save their lives. At last the military men riding through the city in motor-lorries announced that the news about the flood was false and that the dam had not broken. At first the announcement added to the confusion and increased the panic, for many stampedes the militiamen were announcing, The Dam has now Broken! Thus setting an official seal of authentication on the calamity. But after repeated announcements the misunderstanding was removed and order was restored. The people heaved a sigh of relief when they heard that the dame had not broken. The people returned to their homes and started their normal business the next day, but they did not joke about the happenings of the previous day. It is rightly said: 
“How much have cost us the evils that never happened.” 
- Jeferson 
This story is a good study of human behaviour. It shows that men lose all there wit and wisdom in a panic. In fact, this humorous story is also a satire on human follies. 
“The mob has many heads but no brains.” 
- Rivarol 
Through all the funny references Thurber has tried to point out that all of us no matter how serious and sober, behave in one and the same idiotic manner when we are thrown in a trying situation 
“Stuffing the ear with false report.” 
- William Shakespeare 
Thurber has presented, in this story, his sardonic but affectionate view of life. It is a commendable effort to tell something serious through fun and laughter. But in fact the author has tried to study human characters thrown in difficult and trying circumstances because: 
“Man alone suffered so cruelly in the world that he was compelled to invent laughter.” 
- Nietzche

Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb
Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb is an effective little piece of emotional drama written by Frank Arthur. Frank Arthur is known for his achievements as a civil servant, novelist and scriptwriter. 
It is a rare specimen of a melodrama filled with thrill and suspense. The play is notable for the skilful manipulation of suspense. The story is based on the theme of revenge, crime and punishment. 
“Revenge renders ears deaf.” 
- William Shakespeare 
It was a stormy winter’s evening of 1955. A heavily wrapped lady entered the waiting room of a country railway junction, followed by a porter who lighted the fire for her, as it was very cold. Soon a male passenger also entered the waiting room and came near the fire in order to warm himself. The porter told them that they had to wait for 20 minutes for the arrival of the train, bound for Stainthorpe. After the departure of the porter the two passengers were left alone. They were strangers to each other, but soon they started a conversation to while away the time. 
The man told the woman of two half-minute meetings, which had the most profound effect on his life. The first meeting took place in June 1953 in Korea. He was severely wounded and wanted to die. He fainted and when he regained consciousness, he saw a young Korean girl bending over him. She smiled at him and her smile gave him the courage to live. He smile made him realize what his daughter would have been like if she had lived. She was killed along with her mother in a road accident. They were overrun by a car, which was being driven recklessly by Mrs. Judy Oakentubb. She was held guilty of manslaughter and was sentenced to 18-month imprisonment but according to him it was a plain deliberate heartless murder. So, he was going to Stainthorpe in order to avenge the murder of his wife and daughter. 
The woman told the man that his wife and daughter were killed in the accident. It was not a murder. But he did not agree. He said that she was drunk and was driving the car very fast to reach the coast from Stainthorpe. She led a bet with one of her companies to cover the long distance within 15 minutes while it could be covered in half an hour. She drove recklessly and killed his wife and daughter. So, it was a deliberate murder. 
By chance he read the name of Mrs. Oakentubb, written on the label of the suitcase, which belonged to the lady who was conversing with him. He was sure that the lady, who was standing before him, was Mrs. Judy Oakentubb. He pulled a revolver from his pocket and pointed at her. Mrs. Judy Oakentubb recoiled and told him that she had been in perpetual agony ever since the accident took place. She posed herself as a repentant lady over the tragic accident. She instead of asking for her life implored for her death that according to her was a mean of escaping from the mental torture. Believing in her statement, he decided to leave her and give her no punishment, as living with a sense of self-reproachment was an ideal punishment for the lady. He says: 
“Yes! You are right! It would be a greater punishment to live.” 
He pocketed his revolver and walked out leaving her sobbing. As soon as he left the room, she came to her real self. She expressed her hatred for the man observing her from outside. He opened the door suddenly, raised the revolver and shot her dead. It is rightly said: 
“Often a clever culprit is caught by the trap of his own blunders.” 
Those who cause tragedies in thee lives of others inevitably meet the tragic end. Beyond any shadow of doubt an evildoer is the engineer of his own catastrophe.

Act III of the Silver Box
John Galsworthy is a famous novelist and playwright whose works contains a great deal of criticism of British society, particularly of the values of the well-to-do professional class. Like all the writers of the time, John Galsworthy is a satirist and at bests an ironist. 
The Silver Box is a powerful and bitter play. Through the character of James Jones, Galsworthy criticizes the British society in which the rich are favoured by law and injustice is done to the poor. 
“Law grinds the poor, and richmen rule the law.” 
- Oliver Goldsmith 
Mr. Barthwick was a member of the British Parliament. He posed himself as a social reformer who seemed to have great sympathy and compassion for the poor and Dow-trodden people. In a drunken state his dissolute son, Jack Barthwick, stole a lady’s purse. He returned home very late at night. James Jones, a poor and jobless person, happened to pass near the house of Mr. Barthwick. He saw Jack Barthwick trying to find the keyhole on the wrong side of the door. He helped Jack in unlocking the door of his house. As Jack had nothing to give him, so he invited him to have a drink. Jones entered the house with Jack. He drank whisky excessively and under the influence of whisky he stole a sliver cigarette box and the same purse, stolen by the jack. In the morning Thomas Marlowe, Butler to Barthwick, found the silver box missing. He communicated the loss to Mr. Barthwick who sent him to the police station to lodge the report of the theft. 
The police acted promptly and arrested Jones along with his innocent wife who was employed as a charwoman in the house of Mr. Barthwick. Jones became violent and resisted the police when they arrested his wife who did not commit any crime. The police took her into custody because they suspected that she might have stolen the silver box or helped her husband in entering the house of Mr. Barthwick. Owing to the scoundrel Mrs. Jones lost her job and had to vacate the house in which she lived with her three children. 
Jones was aried in the court of law for stealing the silver cigarette box and making an assault on the police. He was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment with hard labour. He protested against this injustice, for Jack who committed the identical crime, was not punished. He says to Magistrate: 
“Call this justice? What about him? He got drunk! He took the purse. But its his money got him off-Justice!” 
Mrs. Jones was also tried for stealing the silver box and helping her husband in obtaining access to the house of Mr. Barthwick. But the charges leveled against her could not be proved and she was acquitted. At the end of the trial she looked at Mr. Barthwick with a silent request for re-employment but he made a gesture of refusal and hurried out of the court. Thus the poor family was ruined completely. 
The dramatist concludes that it is the poor people who always suffer and pass through mental and physical torture and they are the one, who face these adversities with patience and endurance. While the opulent make use of their resources and enjoy a trouble free life even after committing the most abhorrent crimes. 
“How easy it is to judge rightly after one sees what evil comes from judging wrongly.” 
- Elizabeth Gaskell

The Devoted Friend
The Devoted Friend is an interesting short story of two friends having different temperaments and different conceptions of devoted friendship written by Oscar Wilde. He was one of the most eminent and elegant writers of the 19th century. The story is both tender and profound in its treatment of the comically one-sided friendship between poor Hans and the rich Miller. 
The storty is narrated by a songbird to a water rat and a duck. There are two characters in the story little Hans and Hugh the miller. 
Little Hans was a simple, innocent, kind-hearted and sincere fellow. He was a hard working gardener and earned his living by selling the fruits and flowers into the market of the town. Hugh the miller was a rich but clever and selfish man. He always claimed that he was a devoted friend of little Hans. 
In the summer season, the miller would go to the garden of Hans and bring plenty of flowers and fruit without making him any payment. He never gave anything to Hans. Hugh the miller repeatedly exploited Hans. Sometimes, he sent Hans to Market with a heavy sack of flour. Sometimes, he asked Hans to drive his flock of sheep to the mountains for grazing. He would also ask Hans to work on his flourmill or do some work of repair in his barn. 
In return, he merely made a promise to give his invalid and damaged wheelbarrow to Hans, free of cost. The miller called it an act of great generosity. Unfortunately, the promise was never materialized. 
It is so happened that on a rough and stormy night, Hugh the miller sent little Hans to bring the doctor because the miller’s little son hand been seriously injured. As usual, little Hans showed compliance and left for the doctor’s home as he could never think of displeasing the miller. When poor Hans was returning with the doctor, the strom grew more fierce and he lost his way in the dangerous rocky region. He stranded on the moor and fell into a deep pool of water, where he was drowned. In this way, the innocent fellow lost his life for the sake miller. 
The story suggests that friendship is a noble and respectable bond based on bilateral love and cooperation. Mutual interest is the essence of true friendship.

The World As I See It
The World as I See It is an interesting essay in which Albert Einstein has expressed his personal views about the purpose and ideals of life; democracy and dictatorship; war and peace; mystery and religion. 
Albert Einstein is one of the most famous scientists and the greatest mathematical physicist of the current century. However, in this chapter, he gives us his views not about science but about the world as he sees and understands it. 
There are several things that Einstein mentions in this connection. Firstly, Einstein tries to find out the purpose of the existence of human beings and giving an answer. He feels that we human beings are created for each other and we are dependent on each other. 
Einstein goes on to declare that he does not believe in class differences. Einstein also declares that he believes in simple living and a simple way of life. Next, he expresses his opinion regarding freedom. Einstein declares that he definitely believes in freedom but he does not believe in unlimited freedom because according to Einstein unlimited freedom is not possible, freedom has to be limited. 
Further, Einstein goes on to talk about his ideas and goals in life. These are for three in number truth, goodness and beauty. Einstein says that friendship should be made only with like-minded people. Einstein at time prefers to be alone so that he can think well. Einstein now moves to another factor and that is the system of Government. According to Einstein democracy if practiced correctly, is the best for of Government for any country. While talking about Governments, he goes on to declare that he is totally against war and he has always favoured peace. 
He goes on to say that he loves to solve the mysteries of the Universe. As such he was fond of solving all mysteries. In the end, Einstein is very grateful for the fact that he is still living and that he is trying to contribute in solving the mysteries of this Universe. 
“This life which seems so fair, is like a bubble blown up in air.” 
After the study of this thought-provoking essay, we come to the conclusion that Einstein is really a great man. He has profound love for humanity. He is a genius and has philosophical bend of mind. In short, we can say that Einstein is a man of keen observation, great wisdom, deep insight and profound knowledge.


Reference to Context from Prose

Please select a chapter to view its reference to context.

* Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb
* Pakistan and The Modern World
* Reflections from the Re-Awakening East
* The World As I See It
* The Devoted Friend

Reference to the Context – Chapter 1
The lines given for contextual explanation are an extract from the play entitled Twenty Minutes with Mrs Oakentubb, written by Frank Arthur.
About the Playwright

In English literature, Frank Arthur is known as a novelist and a playwright. He has the quality to present suspense skillfully. The readers remain captivated till the end, while reading his novels.
About the Story

Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb is a powerful drama based on the traditional theme of revenge. It is notable for its skilful manipulation of plot compact with suspense and thrill culminating into a sensational gruesome murder.

A certain Mrs. Judy Oakentubb, a reckless woman corrupted by the evils of high society, to avoid a head on collision with a lorry, drives her car onto the pavement killing two pedestrians. She lies before the magistrate and saves her neck with only eighteen months in a comfortable jail. But she is hunted out by a certain man in the waiting room of a country railway station. He is the husband of the woman and father of the child mercilessly killed by the lady. During the course of a twenty-minutes conversation, the man tries and succeeds in proving his point that what Mrs. Oakentubb did was not any chance or accident but a deliberate heartless murder. He kills her and takes his revenge.

“Revenge is a kind of wild justice.” - Francis Bacon

“You and I are there ------------------------- and I go mine.”

Here in these lines, Mrs Oakentubb is exchanging her views with the man in the waiting room. She is reflecting upon chance and casual meetings. According to her, we meet thousands of people by chance in our lifetime. They are all strangers to us. They come into our life for a short while and disappear forever once again. We meet people walking in the street, standing behind in the queues and sitting to the theatre. But we forget them the next day and never see them again.

The man agree with the lady but he points out that sometimes one of these chance and casual meetings may prove very important and may even change our life completely. The lady does not agree with the man because she never had such an experience in life. The man proves it by describing one of his own half a minute brief meeting with a Korean girl which changed his life completely.

“But man never violates the laws without suffering the consequences sooner or later.”

- Lydia Child

“I had been wounded --------- I wanted to die any way.” or

“The pain was much worse --------- and the courage to live.”

Here, in these lines, the man is describing one of his own experiences to the lady in the waiting room. He is trying to prove that sometimes one of the chance and casual meetings with strangers may prove very significant to a man and may even change his life completely.

He describes one of his experiences during the Korean-American war. He was seriously injured. He was aching with unbearable pains. He was lying on a stretcher waiting for an ambulance to go to hospital. But he wanted to die because he had no interest and no purpose left in life. His wife and daughter had been killed in a road accident, and he was fed up with his miserable lonely life. Due to severe pain, the wounded soldier fainted. After a few moments, he regained consciousness, he found a little Korean girl bending over him and watching him with sympathy. She did not utter a single word. She simply gave a kind smile and the man responded with a grateful smile. This brief and speechless and silent meeting lasted for a few moments only but it changed his life completely. After the meeting, he wanted to live, he had got an aim and purpose. He had got the strength and courage to live. In fact, the Korean girl had reminded him of his own daughter and he had made up his mind to take revenge from the lady who had crushed his wife and daughter under the wheels of her car.


“She had a choice ----------- and she is living today.” or

“You know the road ------------ it wasn’t deliberate murder.”

Here, in these lines, the man character called He in the story is describing to Mrs. Oakentubb the situation in which she killed his wife and daughter. He says that Mrs. Oakentubb was coming from a cocktail party and she was over drunk. She had a bet with her vicious friends. She had wagered five pounds that she could drive from “Stainthorpe Cross” to the coast in less than fifteen minutes – a distance that could not be covered in less than half an hour. More over, it was a built–up area. The road was very busy and had many bends and blind corners. It was very hazardous and criminal to drive so fast for such a trifling matter.

The man is trying to prove that what Mrs. Oakentubb did was in no way an accident but it was a clear case of deliberate murder. In a accident there is an element of chance and things are beyond one’s control. She had a choice, she could kill herself or she could drive her on the footpath and kill two innocent pedestrians. The lady argues in her defense but the man talks her down. In the end, she tries to play a trick, which fails, and the man kills her and avenges the death of his wife and daughter.

“I call it murder! -------------- and never seeing them again.”

Here, in these lines, the man called He in the story is trying to establish the charge of murder upon the lady. He reminds her that she saved here life at the cost of the life to two innocent people. She avoided a head-on-collision with the lorry by driving her car onto the footpath and upon two innocent pedestrians. It was not an accident because she could save them if she wanted to. But she did not try to save them because they were nothing to her. He also reminds her of notion that chance meetings have no significance. Therefore also, his wife and daughter did not attract her interest and attention. The man keeps on repeating that his wife and daughter were brutally murdered. Because in an accident, there is always the probability of a chance but htheway Mrs. Oakentubb killed his wife and daughter could not be considered as an accident. Also, his wife and daughter had not seen her before the accident took place, if so, they could not make an effort to save their lives.

These lines are significant because here the man tries to arouse the conscience of the lady and force her to admit her guilt.

“ I have’t -------------------- painful way.” or
“She has had her punishment ----------------But she has had her punishment.” or
“To execute justice -----------------------Tonight.”
Here, in these lines, Mrs. Oakentubb is trying to defend herself and redeem her crime by stating that she had already been punished for what she had done. She repeatedly admits that it was criminal on he part to drive so fast in a build-up area. It was also foolish of her to do so far a trifling matter- a small bet. But she insistently says that she got her due punishment. She served a sentence of eighteen months in a jail.

But the man does not agree with her and says that she did not get the punishment she deserved. According to him only eighteen months in the comfortable prison can not be adequate punishment for taking two lives. What she had done was a clear deliberate cruel murder and she deserved a capital punishment for this. He says that he is certain that if she is allowed to live in this world, she will once again start attending cocktail parties.. He tells her that he is going to render real justice by giving her the punishment for her crimes. He will not wait for a long time to render justice. He will kill that heartless woman that very night. He will take his revenge by killing her in the most painful manner.

“Our meeting is almost over -------- to keep you amused.” or

“Confess to me that you loved it -------- your spine all the time.”

Here, in these lines, the male protagonist of the play is trying to give to the lady some moments of relief from the ordeal of nervous tension she was in when she realized that the man had founded her out.

The man tells her that it was just a chance that they were meeting each other, going to the same place and waiting for the same train. Their meeting, which lasted for twenty minutes was over as the train had been signaled. He pretends that to pass these twenty minutes, he told her a story about a certain lady, Mrs. Oakentubb. He asks her if she enjoyed the story because he told the story to amuse and entertain her. He says that he could have spent this time in looking at her but it might not have been a source of pleasure for her. He says that in order to keeps her interest alive, he has told her an interesting and significant story because he knows that women are generally interested in pleasant stories. The important task for men is to please women.

Later, he hardens his attitude and forces her to admit that she enjoyed the story as he marked little twinkles of joys on her face. But the lady declines having enjoyed it. On the contrary she felt horrified because the story was partly true.

“All the time ---------------- what ever I am doing.” or
“I can see it now ------------what I have done.” or
“Kill me--------------I cannot endure.”

Here, in these, lines, Mrs. Oakentubb is describing what she call the ordeal of her punishment as having before her eyes the picture of what she had done.

The man has by this time made it clear to the lady that she is the same woman, Mrs. Oakentubb and he is the husband of the woman and father of the child she crushed under the wheels of her car. He has already proved to the lady that what she did was not an accident but a deliberate heartless murder. The lady has become sure that her life is in the balance and there is no way out. In a desperate condition, she tries to play a trick, she pretends before the man that she has been suffereing from a painful ordeal. She always has before her eyes he scene of that event – his wife and daughter lying in a pool of blood. The scene runs before her eyes what ever she is doing and wherever she is going. She can see it more clearly that she can see any thing else. She also pretends that she is fed-up with it and she cannot suffer it any more. She begs him to kill her and remove that picture form before her eyes. The man for a moment believes her and decides to let her live because to kill her would be merciful, as he wanted to kill her in the most merciless manner. But the next moment he discovers her cleverness and his own folly and shoots her to death. Pakistan and the Modern World

Reference to the Context – Chapter 2

The given lines have been extracted from Pakistan and the Modern World, a fine example of oratory and a true chronicle of history. It is in fact a marvelous piece of speech delivered by the Quaid-e-Millat, Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, at the Kansas University in 1950 when the beloved leader paid a state visit to the U.S.A. 
About the Speaker
Liaquat Ali Khan supported Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah during the crucial years of Muslim struggle for the birth of Pakistan. In 1947, he became the first Prime Minister of the Muslim homeland. He was a great patriot, who had deep compassion for human sufferings. He was awarded an honorary degree at the University of Kansas, USA for his remarkable services to his nation and to the cause of freedom and democracy. 
About the Speach
According to the people and government of the United States, Liaquat Ali Khan, in this speech wants to acknowledge and thank them for the conferment of an honorary degree upon him. Since Pakistan was then not yet three years old, he thought it proper to introduce Pakistan to them. Befitting the occasion, he also thought it fit to describe the causes and the benefits of the division of vast sub continent and the creation of Pakistan. He describes the religious, social and economic differences with the Hindus, which forced the Muslims to demand a separate homeland for themselves. Finally he exhorts the West to held in the economic freedom and political stability of Asia. He also inspires the people of Pakistan to work harder at the double pace in order to catch up with the advance nation safeguard their independence and achieve their rightful and honorable place the4 the world. 
“Progress and freedom, far from consisting in change, depends on memory. Those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” 
____________ George Santayana 
“As the day -------------- minority.” or 
“Long experience -------------change of masters.” or 
“But since --------------------- Eclipsed.” 
Here, in these historical lines, our veteran leader, Liaquat Ali Khan, is advocating the cause of the Muslims minority against the dominating majority of the Hindus in the undivided India on the eve of independence from the British rule. 
He says that when the time of freedom from the British rule drew at hand, it became more and more crystal clear that the Muslims were not going to enjoy the real fruits of freedom. On the contrary, they were afraid that they would be forced to live as a permanent group of defeated and subjected minority. Thus, freedom from the foreign rule would mean to the Muslims not freedom but only a change of the ruling hand. He draws this conclusion on the basis of their age-old experience testified by history since Muslims had been living with the Hindus for many centuries. 
Liaquat Ali Khan also points out the fact that difference of religion between the two nations was not the only cause of division of India. The Muslims had a number of very serious differences with the Hindus nation such as difference of culture, ideology of life, social system, economic system and so on. The Muslims were monotheists and the Hindus believed in more than one God. They believed in caste system while the Muslims believed in equality of all men. The Muslims rightly feared that the Hindus majority would deny then basic human rights and treat them like slaves. They would have to live in the undivided India as a “perpetual political minority” having no hope, no respect and no future. 
Liaquat Ali Khan is here trying to give vent to the genuine doubts and apprehensions. Muslims had about their political and economic future had they lived with the Hindus in the undivided India particularly after independence from the British rule. 
“Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.” 
“It was for these reasons ------------------- at that time. 
Here in these pithy and powerful lines, our veteran leader, Liaquat Ali Khan, is trying to apprise the American people of the reasons for and exigencies behind the Muslims’s demand for a separate home of their own. 
“We wanted a home, 
Home, home, sweet, sweet home! 
There is no place like home 
All must have a home of their own.” 
- J.H. Payne 
He describes the differences of religion, culture and economic institutions, which had made it difficult for the Muslims to continue to live with the Hindus. Above everything, it was the fear of being reduced into a perpetual political minority that forced the Muslims to demand a separate homeland for themselves. According to him this demand was very genuine and reasonable as it was in the interest of both the Muslims and the Hindus. Above all, it was in the interest of the World peace. But Liaquat Ali Khan regrets that the Hindus leaders apposed this because it was against their dream of a greater India. 
“How does it feel 
To be without a home 
Like a complete unknown 
Like a rolling stone?” 
- R.A. Zimmerman 
The beloved leader is here leading the case of the Muslims and is justifying their demand on both human and geo-political grounds. Liaquat Ali Khan says: 
“We believed then and we believe now that the demand of the Muslims in British India to have a separate state of their own was, both on human and geo-political grounds, a very reasonable demand.” 
“For us to be undemocratic ---------- Demand for Pakistan.” 
Here in these searching lines, our beloved leader is trying to visualize the ethical basis and ideological grounds, which inspired the foundation of the new state of Pakistan. He says that Pakistan is based upon the belief in God, democracy, justice and peace. Muslims of South Asia demanded a separate homeland for themselves because they wanted to practice their faith and their believe. 
“Man is by his constitution a religious animal.” 
- Edmund Burk 
Mr. Khan emphasizes that our people did not have to learn or acquire these beliefs, as they were latent in the very ideology. They demanded a new state because they wanted to practice these beliefs free from the close competition of dominating Hindu majority. 
According to Mr. Khan Muslims cannot think of overlooking democracy and ignoring human rights. Similarly, they cannot submit to tyranny or aggression because this will mean denying the very ideals of Pakistan. The father of the nation also said: 
“You are free, you are free to go to your mosques and to your temples, or to any place of worship in this state of Pakistan.” 
- Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah 
“What are the demands ---------------- Great purpose.” 
Here in these pithy and powerful lines, the political pedagogue and stateman, Liaquat Ali Khan is trying to visualize the duties and responsibilities of a free people who have achieved their freedom after a great deal of struggle and sacrifice. 
“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most people dread it.” 
- G.B Shaw 
He asserts that it is the duty of all the free people in the World to maintain and safeguard their won feedom first. This according to hims is not selfishness or narrow-mindedness. He adds that if they fail in this duty, they desecrate and disgrace the piety of freedom. He exhorts the Muslims to be alert and watchful in order to keep their hard-earned freedom safe and secure. He also urges them to work hard at the double pace to achieve prosperity and strengthen the foundation of freedom. He emphasizes that today freedom has no real significance for the common people if it does not also mean freedom from want, ignorance and disease. 
Liaquat Ali has here tried to give a new meaning and a new interpretation to the concept of freedom as viewed in the context of the fast changing conditions of the present day World. 
“The Condition upon which God has given liberty is eternal vigilance.” 
- I.P. Curran 
“Our ancient steadfast faith ------------- world peace itself.” 
Here in these powerful pithy lines, the veteran leader, Liaquat Ali Khan, is describing the political, ideological and economic position of Pakistan as a newly independent state of Asia and is prescribing the formula of a happy marriage of faith and technology for rapid progress. 
“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” 
- Albert Einstein 
He asserts that our old and firm faith is a source of great strength in this troubled period of human history. But he emphasizes that faith alone is not enough if we want to claim our rightful and honorable place in the World. We must also acquire the valuable knowledge of science and technology. He says that only a happy combination of science with the leading powers of scientific knowledge and modern World. This is the dictate of phase of progress and we can not hold the clock back. Liaquat Ali Khan, a true Muslim and a die hard patriot is trying to set the Muslims on the rails of modern science, the only way to progress and honorable existence in the World. 
“Science without conscience is the death of the soul and leads to greed and pride.” 
- Francois Rabelais 
“We conceive the role ----------------- if at all.” 
Here in these prophetic lines, the veteran leader and stateman, Liaquat Ali Khan is trying to define and determine the role of the Western World in the present day political situation of the World. 
According to him the West should demonstrate their broadminded approach and assist the newly independent states of Asia and Africa in their political stability and economic progress. It is the moral and the human duty of the rich and advanced nations to hold in the development of the poor and backward people. This is necessary because they themselves can not enjoy the fullest fruits of their own progress when more that half the World remains backward. The World can not be called truly civilized unless the light of modern knowledge of science reaches the door of every house in the World. 
“The purpose of human existence is not ease or comfort but to kindle a light of joy in the dark World.” 
- C.J. Jung 
Liaquat Ali Khan is here exhorting the people of America and Europe to realize their duty and help the poor people in the name of humanity and for the sake of the world peace. 
“Heal the sick, cleans the lepers, raise the fallen, cast out devil, freely you have received, freely you give to others.” 
- The Bible

Reference to the Context – Chapter 3

These lines have been extracted from a thought – provoking lesson of our prose text Reflections from the Re-Awakening East, written by Bertrand Russelll. 
About the Author
Bertrand Russelll was an outstanding mathematician, writer and thinker of our time. He is best known for introducing scientific attitude in politics and sociology. He was a sincere advocate of technical aid to Asia. 
About the Essay
In this lesson Russelll has tried to present a historical study and analysis of the reemergence of the East as a powerful influence in the World after centuries of subjugation and exploitation by the Western Imperialism. He praises the people of the East and criticizes the people of West. He admires the Muslims of Spain, who had a brilliant culture, at that time when the Christian Europe was sunk in barbarism. He has expressed his hopes and apprehensions as regards to what Asia should and what it will do after it has achieved both its political and economic independence. He also desires that the East will use its power to promote peace, justice and happiness in the World. 
“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” 
- Abraham Lincoln 
“The supermacy of the East -------------- a brilliant culture.” 
Here in these lines, Russelll is presenting the invariable process of history in which power has been changing hands between the East and West. After the down fall of the Roman Empire and the destruction of the German Empire, leadership in power and the culture passed into the hands of the East which came to be ruled by the Muslims and Chinese between 7 and 10 century A.D. 
“Progress depends on memory. Those who can not learn from their past (history) are condemned to repeat it.” 
- George Santayana 
The author states that the Muslims established their superiority to the Europeans not in warfare but also in the field of science, philosophy, poetry and the arts. Both the Muslims and the Chinese were enjoying a glorious period of culture and civilization during this period. This was the time when the Europeans were living a totally barbarous life. Russelll deplores that Europeans out of heir sheer narrow mindedness call this period “The Dark Age.” But actually it was only Christian Europe that was sunk in darkness because the “Mohammadan World” including Spain flourished with a glorious culture. 
“Study the past, if you want to devine the future.” 
- Confucius 
“There are somethings ---------- growth of industrialism.” or 
“It is useless ---------------------independence.” 
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The above lines have been taken from that part of the chapter where the author has discussed the part played by science and technology in the rapid progress of the nations of the world. At the same time he extremely opposes the unfair use of science and adulation and monopoly of mechanization in human society. 
While he disapproves of science and machinery as bad and undesirable on account of being cruel to man and hostile to beauty, he at the same time belie4ves that they are vital for progress and survival in the modern world. This is evident from the fact that those who lag behind in industrial progress are left poor and backward and thus have difficulty in preserving their independence at home and fail to enjoy and honorable position in the world. He refers to the amazing advancement of Great Britain in the early 19th century and that of the U.S.A. and Russia in the present century. These states enjoyed supremacy by virtue of their complete and virtual control over industrial production. 
“He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils: for time is the greatest innovator.” 
- Francis Bacon 
“The most sinister --------------- on the side of peace?” 
Here, in these lines, Russell is giving his opinion about the potential and probable use of scientific technique by the newly independent state of Asia. He warns the people of Asia that the worst and the most evil use of scientific knowledge has been in inventing horrible and destructive weapons of war. But he hopes that Asians will learn from the mistakes of the West and will use their new power of science and technology for peaceful purposes. 
“The most persistent sound that reverberates through men’s history is the heating of the war drums.” 
- Arthur Koestler 
He realizes that it is difficult to predict what Asia will do when it rises as a powerful influence in the world but he is definite as to what Asia should do to fulfil its responsibilities in the community of nations torn with wars and conflicts. This is in tune with the author’s belief that: 
“Wars should belong to the past, it should find no place on humanity’s agenda for the future.” 
- John Paul II 
“Modern cosmopolitanism --------------- Culture of the past.” 
Here in these lines, Russell is commenting on the evil aspect of science and machinery. Being an enlightened thinker, her appreciates science and machinery because they have given rise to a new culture, which is universal in quality as the life-style of the whole world, is conditioned by the modern inventions of science and technology. 
But the author laments that these two new elements of modern culture are being forced upon older cultures. By nature they prove cruelly more powerful since they have a tendency to destroy not only what is bad but also what is good and valuable in the culture of the past. 
“The greatest tragedy of science and technology is the slaying of the beauteous nature by an ugly machine.” 
- T.H. Huxley 
The result is that due to the decay of the older values of life, man has become selfish, materialistic and parochial. So Russelll admonishes the nations of the East against the harms and perils of misuse of science. He says that mechanization itself is not limit and its sole purpose should be nothing except provoking and enhancing human happiness, minimizing their suffering and creating a sound atmosphere for living. Lord Russelll devices a strongly condemns the undue importance and usage of scientific inventions that are likely to make life dull and colourless. Russelll also believes: 
“Science without conscience is the death of the soul and leads to greed and pride.” 
- Francois Rabelais 
“If human life ------------------ the simple joys of life.” 
“Ill fares the land to hastening ills a prey, where wealth accumulates, and men decay.” 
- Oliver Goldsmith 
Here, in these lines, Russell criticizing science and technology as cruelly powerful elements of modern scientific culture is suggesting ways and means to make modern life more pleasant and enjoyble. 
He advises that if we want our life to remain tolerable, we should not allow science and technology to dominate over all the departments of our life. According to him poetry, music, arts, love and simple joys of life were the important elements of our older culture. We must preserve them in our modern life at every cost because with them, our life is dull, dark and intolerable. The author believes that: 
“The purpose of human existence is not ease but to kindle a light of joy.” 
- Albert Einstein 
“Your independence --------------- Mistakes of the West.” 
“The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.” 
- William Hazlitt 
Here, in these lines, Russell is directly addressing the newly independent people of Asia and is giving them a valuable piece of advice also their future course of life. He points out that now when the world is divided into two rival blocks filled with bitter enmity, it is certain that the big powers are not going to interfere in the political stability and economic progress of the Asian countries. Thus the Asians would find it easy to safeguard their freedom. But it is also feared that once they rise as a great power they can develop a desire to exploit the backward people and threaten the independence of Europe. The Author believes that: 
“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” 
- Abraham Lincoln 
Here, in these lines, Russell like a broad-minded pedagogue and a moral preacher is giving to the new democracies of Asia a valuable piece of advice also how they should use their power of science and technology. 
He desires that after becoming free, Asians have to play a positive role. They have to use their power to contribute to he happiness and promote the cause of justice in the world. The author hopes that the East will learn from the mistakes of the West and will help the poor and the backward in their freedom and progress rather than exploit them for their selfish purposes. 
Russell also hopes that Asia will prove this through their own examples that unless nations, rich and poor, learn to respect each other, there can be no peace and happiness in the world. The author believes that: 
“To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it.” 
- Mother Teresa



The World as I See It
Reference to the Context – Chapter 4

The passage given for contextual explanation is extracted from the lesson The World as I See It, written by Albert Einstein. 
About the Author
Albert Einstein is generally regarded as the greatest mathematical physicist of the current century and one of the greatest scientists of all times. He was awarded the Noble Prize for Physics in 1921. He is bold and straightforward man and expresses his views freely and unhesitatingly. His work rests very little on laboratory work but more on theories and philosophies. His writings for the layman are few, but they include an introduction to the general theory of relativity. His writings demonstrate his admirable capability. 
About the Essay
The World as I See It is an interesting essay in which Albert Einstein has expressed his personal views about the purpose and ideals of life; democracy and dictatorship; war and peace; mystery and religion. 
“What an extraordinay ------------------- Tie of sympathy.” 
In this particular passage Albert Einstein says that our position in this world is unusual. Man is mortal. We have come into this world for leading a very short life. What is the purpose of man’s creation? When we deliberate over this fundamental question we come to the conclusion that life is not purposeless. There is a purpose in life. As far as the practical life is concerned we live for our fellowmen. In the first place we live for those who are known to us personally and our happiness depends on their smiles and welfare. In the second place we live for those who are not known to us personally but a tie of sympathy binds us with them.
“I am strongly drawn -------------- Physically and mentally.” 
In this thought-provoking passage Albert Einstein expresses his personal views on simple life. He strongly believes that one should lead a simple life as limple life is conducive to health and happiness. Plain life keeps a person fit physically and mentally. If a man leads a luxurious life, he has to run after worldly wealth and remains worried because he always thinks of earning more and more money by fair means or foul. Thus he has no peace of mind and peace of heart. His health deteriorates due to worries and cares. But if a man leads a simple life, he has no worries and cares and leads a pleasant, peaceful and contented life. 
Einstein also expresses his views on class differences which, he thinks, are contrary to justice and are based on force and compulsion. Thus we can say that he is strongly opposed to class differences and perhaps he wants to say that he is strongly opposed to class differences and perhaps he wants to say that these class differences must not exist in any human society. He really believes in equality and fraternity. 
“The ideals which have -------- Seemed to me contemptible.” 
In this particular passage Einstein has expressed his views on the ideals of his life. His ideals have been Truth, Goodness and beauty which have brightened up his ways of life and have given him a new courage to face the problems, difficulties and hardships of life with a smile. 
Beauty is truth, truth beauty __ that is all 
ye know on earth, and all ye need to know 
Thus we see that the ideals which Einstein cherishes, are high ideals of life. He loves these ideals because they give him spiritual pleasure. In other words these ideals give spiritual pleasure to every person who loves these ideals. 
He, then, talks about the sense of fellowship with man of like mind. He wants to say that life is colourless and meaningless if a man does not enjoy the company and fellowship of like minded people and if a person is not preoccupied with the objective, which is not attainable in the field of art and scientific research. We are really startled when Einstein says that property, outward success and luxury are the ordinary objects of human endeavor. We are at a loss to understand when he finally says than these objects have always seemed to him contemptible. But we are deliberate over the philosophical ideas; we come to the conclusion that Albert Einstein is right. 
“An autocratic system ------------- Succeeded by scoundrels.” 
In this passage Albert Einstein, expresses his views with reference to democracy and dictatorship. Condemning the autocratic system he says that it soon degenerates as it is always based on cruelty, oppression and force. It is an undeniable fact that people of low morality believe in force and in autocratic system cruel rulers, rule over the people with high-handedness. They do not care for the moral values and give no importance to the welfare of the people. Einstein believes that it is an invariable rule that intelligent cruel rulers are succeeded by people of low morality. 
In other words Einstein means to say that an autocratic system of government is not beneficial to the people because of the values. It is very difficult for people to breathe freely in dictatorship, as the people do not enjoy any kind of freedom. 
Einstein loves democracy and hates dictatorship. He is a humanist and wants to see each and every individual happy. So he wants that the rulers must rule the country with love so that the people may breathe freely and live happily. 
“War seems to me a mean-------- the schools and the press.” 
In this passage Albert Einstein expresses his views on war and peace. He says that war seems to him a mean and hateful thing. He would rather die than take part in such a hateful business. He hates war because he is humanist. He is fully aware of the fact that thousands of innocent people are killed mercilessly and purposelessly in the war. No doubt he hates war but does not hate human beings. He thinks that man is not blood-thirsty and the curse of war would have disappeared long ago if the sound sense of the nations had not been corrupted by political and commercial interests. He means to say that war break out because the commercial and political interest of various nations are involved. 
Einstein is a great lover of humanity. He believes that the highest purpose of a man’s life if to serve humanity and people must live in peace and tranquality. He wants to say that if nations ignore their commercial and political interests and if mankind learns a degree of mutual respect, this world will become a place of happiness and nations will not think of waging wars against each other. No doubt Einstein is a noble man and has noble ideas. He is not only a humanist but also a pacifist. 
“The fairest thing --------------- that engendered religion.” 
In this philosophical and thought-provoking passage Albert Einstein says that the experience of the mysterious objects given birth to art and science. Curiosity is the emotion, which is found in almost all persons but if there is a person who is devoid of curiosity and mystery, is just like a dead wood and a snuffed-out candle. It means that such a person can’t do any thing in the world. A snuffed-out candle is useless as it cannot brighten up the ways of the world and it cannot guide anyone. Similarly a person devoid of curiosity and mystery is of no help to any one. Einstein further says that it was the experience of mystery that gave birth of religion. 
In this passage Albert Einstein has expressed his views on religion and mystery without any mental reservation. He is a straightforward man and whatever he has experienced he has described it unhesitatingly. He rightly says that curiosity of man has led to the birth and growth of true art and true science. He has deliberated almost on every aspect of human life and has drawn certain conclusions with which he has acquainted us. We are greatly impressed by profound and philosophical thoughts, which he has expressed in this passage and we spontaneously utter that Einstein is a learned broad-minded, sagacious and straightforward man. 
“Mystery is Beautiful. It becomes more Beautiful when mixed with fear.” 
- Jesica Adams

Reference to the Context – Chapter 5

The lines given for contextual explanation are an extract from the story entitled The Devoted Friend written by Oscar Wilde. 
About the Writer
Oscar Wilde was one of the most elegant writers of the late nineteenth century. He argued that artistic considerations should be given first place in English Literature. He has worked on plays, novels and light comedies in English Drama. 
About the Story
This story revolves around two friends Hugh and Hans. It brings to light the greed, selfishness and hypocrisy of Hugh, the miller and the devotion, innocence and integrity of little Hans. The miller keeps on focussing to the duties and responsibilities of a true and devoted friend, but his actions are contrary to his sayings. On the other hand, little Hans sacrifices his life for the sake of his friend. The moral behind the story is the dominantly repeated saying: 
“A friend in need is a friend indeed.” 
“When people are in trouble ----------I shall pay him a visit.” 
The above lines given for elucidation were spoken by the miller Hugh to his wife. It brings to light the theories of the miller about friendship, which he keeps on focussing to. This is one of those theories which enables him to act according to his own will and at the same time fulfil the duties of a so called friend. The saying also points out to the selfishness and hypocrisy of the miller. His hypothesis says that when some of your friend is facing hard times and is in difficulty, you should not bother him by visiting him. He says that such an act increases the distress and difficulty and keeping away is indeed a deed of sincere friendship. The situation in the story resembles to this very much. His friend Little Hans was in difficult times and needed help from sincere and good friends. Hans believed that the miller was his best friend and would certainly fulfill his responsibility. Instead, the miller escapes from his liability by proposing his theory about his sincere friendship. 
The lines given for contextual explanation are an extract from the play entitled The Silver Box, written by John Galsworthy. 
About the PlayWright
John Galsworthy was one of the most outstanding and distinguished playwrights whose work reflects full sympathy for the hapless lower class. He was conscious of the sufferings and misfortunes of the poor working class. The writer often brings to light the social vices of injustice and exploitation in his literature. 
About the Play
This play contains a bitter but realistic criticism on the decline of moral values in the British society. In this play, John Galsworthy has pointed out that wealth and high social status can buy every thing, even justice and equity. The playwright not only reveals the hidden scars on the face of society, but also brings to light the utter despair and degradation of common man. 
“Jones: (Stopping and twisting around.) Call this justice?---im off – justice!” 
The lines given for elucidation sheds light on the anger of Mr. Jones, which was flamed up by the biased attitude of the Magistrate. Jones shouts and demands the court to give him a fair trial. He says that he was being sent behind bars simply because of his poverty. He says that law must not discriminate between the rich and poor. The criminal act of Jack Barthwick should not be overlooked on account of his social status. To his surprise, the Magistrate takes no notice of his demand at all. The Magistrate certainly seems to be partial and influenced by Mr. Barthwick, MP. He did not even ask Jack Barthwick as to why he had stolen the purse of the lady. This saying of Jones reflects the opinionated approach of the Magistrate. It brings to knowledge the fact that the social rights of the poor working class were denied to them and court of law usually favored the rich. 
“Law grinds the poor rich men rule the law.” 
- Oliver Goldsmith

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