(Short Question/Answer)

Ø  Bank & Different Kinds of bank.

Ø  Uses of Bank Funds? Explain Non-Profitable Uses & Profitable Uses?

Ø  Cheque and its Kinds? 

Ø  Difference b/w bill of exchange & promissory Note.

Ø  Difference b/w cheque & promissory Note

Ø  Credit Control (Methods)

Ø  Dishonor of a cheque

Ø  Open a bank Account

Ø  Letter of Credit & its Kinds

Ø  Different ways of foreign remittances

Ø  Kinds of bank Account

Ø  Lending Institution (explain any 1)

Ø  Method/Tools used in electronic Banking

Ø  Endorsement and its Kinds?

Ø  Foreign exchange & Rate of exchange (Difference)

Ø  Difference b/w secured & Unsecured Bank?

Ø  Common Utility sources of Commercial Bank?

Ø  Balance of Trade & Balance of Payment?

(Long Question Answer)

Ø  Central Bank & its Function

Ø  Commercial Bank & its Function

Ø  Principles that should considered employing Bank Funds

Ø  Rate of exchange & what are parameters that fluctuate rate of foreign exchange

Ø  Origin of Modern Banking

Ø  Credit control and its Methods

Ø  Describe the functions of Commercial bank

Ø  Describe Purchasing Power Parity Theory


(Pak Studies 2nd YEAR)

(Short Question/Answer)


Ø  Educational Services of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Ø  Objectives of Khilafat Movement

Ø   Geo-Political importance of Pakistan

Ø  Agriculture Importance

Ø  Regional Language of Pakistan

Ø  Provision of 1973 Constitution

Ø  Two Nation Theory

Ø  Urdu Language of Pakistan

Ø  Lucknow Pact

Ø  Pakistan Culture

Ø  Natural Resource of Pakistan

Ø  Member Countries of SAARC

Ø  All India Muslim League established.


(Long Question Answer)


Ø  Political Events b/w 1930-1947

Ø  Aims & Object Problem Creation of Pakistan

Ø  Foreign Policy

Ø  Ideology of Pakistan in the light of Quaid-e-Azam

Ø  Pakistani Culture & Urdu Language?




Ø Hazrat Fatima Ki Rukhsati.

Ø Jashan Bay Chargi.

Ø Israr e Qudrat .

Ø Shikast Zindan Kakhy.


Ø Mojasma

Ø Chor

Ø Badla

Ø Naya Kanoon


Ø Mirza Asadullah Khan Gaitb.

Ø Mir Taqi Mir.

Ø Khuwaja Mir Dard


Ø Mirza Farhat ullah Baig.

Ø Syed Salman Nadvi.

Ø Rashid Ahmed Siddiqui.

Ø Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

Ø Urdu Drama Nagari Ki Mukhtasir Tharik                      

Ø Urdu Afsana Nigari Ki Mukhtasir Tharik.


Ø Faiz Ahmed Faiz. (Hai ,Nam)

Ø Momin Khan Momin (Ke)

Ø Mirza Galib.(Bhi Tha, Surat)

Ø Mir Taqi Mir.( Ka, Is Ke)

Ø Allama Iqbal.(Ahkhir, Jadwana)

Ø Khuwaja Mir Dard.(Hum Hai, Natha)

Ø Hasrat Mohani.(Nagai)




1.      Sugarcane cultivation area in Pakistan

2.      Supper Indus plain. Urbanization in Pakistan.

3.      Physical features of Pakistan

4.      Method of irrigation in Pakistan

5.      Canal irrigation in Pakistan

6.      Problems faced by Karachi due to high density of population.

7.      Types of Faust in Pakistan Importance of forest, economic importance for the country.

8.      Name eight main Highway and muter ways of Pakistan. Characteristics of Motorway.

9.      Nature gas, sugar cane, cotton, tobacco, Wheat.

10.  Railway of Pakistan.

11.  Population density in Pakistan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

12.  Climatic region of Pakistan

13.  Cotton is the most important cash crop of Pakistan

14.  Reason for the uneven distribution of population in Pakistan

15.  Mention any four Agricultural problem in Pakistan.

16.  States the Geographical location of Pakistan.

17.  Write any four points to show that Pakistan economy depends on agriculture.

18.  Give any four reason why Pakistan railway is not well-developed.

19.  What are the two ways to grow commercial activities.

20.  What are Link canals? Name any four link canals of Pakistan.

21.  Discuss the geographical importance of Karachi port.


1.      Importance and branches of Geography.

2.      Major geographical region.

3.      Environment and classification of environment.

4.      Density of population importance of population study, distribution of population (Both phases).

5.      Demographic transitions model.

6.      Economic and commercial activities and classifies.

7.      Factor responsible for the localization of industries.

8.      Iron, steel, fertilizer, textile industries.

9.      Factors responsible for the promotion of agriculture sectors.

10.  Production and Production region, cotton, rice, sugarcane, wheat & tea.

11.  HDS and basic essentials.

12.  Occupational Structural of world.

13.  Truck farming

14.  Cotton producing countries

15.  Factors necessary for the development of industry

16.  Solar energy

17.  Availability of cheap labour is one of the major factors for tea plantation

18.  Describe the important of e-commerce.

19.  Different between Dry ports and Sea ports.

20.  What do you means by OPEC? Write the names of its members.

21.  Why is sugar industry located near the raw material?

22.  Why is cheap labour required for cultivation of tea or rubber.

23.  Which geographical factors affects high population density.


       1. Physical and economic factor necessary for cultivation Wheat/Rice/ Cotton and Sugar.
       2. Commercial activities and its types.
       3. Iron and steel industries Location of industry and physical/ geographical factor for    agricultural crop.
       4.Describe the physical and economical condition for the growth of wheat.
       5. Write the different methods of farming.
       6. Write the factors localization of industries.
       7.Why is the study of demography important for resources distribution.


         1. Climate of Pakistan.
         2. Physical features of Pakistan.
         3. Importance of forest Irrigation system.
         4. Agriculture problems in Pakistan.
         5. State the river Indus irrigation system.










1.      English the important of the label on Mrs. Oakentubb’s suitcase.

2.      What caused the lieutenant colonel of the infantry to lead a fleeing company of three hundred persons?

3.      Who was Marlowe? What facts does his evidence reveal?

4.      What was the supreme manifestation of the Millers selfishness which caused Hans to lose life?

                                     SUB-SECTION 2

5.      According to Shakespeare, how does a man behave in the last stage of his life?

6.      What does Wordsworth means by “Will no one tell me, what she sings?

7.      Who was Samson? How did he take revenge from the philistines?

8.      How does Shelley illustrate that beauty is eternal?

                                          SUB-SECTION 3

9.      Highlight two significant qualities of Antoinette de Mau ban?

10.  Where & how did the king meet Resend for the first time?

11.  Why was it necessary to impersonate the king in the coronation ceremony?

12.  How did Pricess Flavia react when she came to know the truth of the fake king?

                                SECTION C

1.      Write an essay One of the following topic.

1.      Energy Crises in Pakistan.

2.      Women Empowerment.

3.      Life in a Big City.

4.      The P.S.L. Matches-2018






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