Pakistan Studies 2nd Year Class Intermediate Short Questions Answers 2014

26.When was the Zakat System introduced in Pakistan?
Ans..The Zakat System was introduced in the country through the Zakat and Ushr Ordinance on June 20,1980.According to this ordinance,zakat fund would be established to collect these sorts of gifts and it was compulsory for every sahib-e-nisab Muslim whetehr male or female to pay zakat by deducting it from his or her account in the bank.

27.Name the first casts of Hindu Society?
Ans.The Hindu Society was divided into the following four casts:
(i) Brahman
(ii) Khatri
(iii) Vaish
(iv) Shooder

28.Which caste is respected the most in the Hindu Society?

Ans.The Brahman’s are considered the most superior in the Hindu society.

29.What are the works given to the Khatris?
Ans.The occupation of Khatris was to fight and defend the country.

30.What is the occupation of Vaish?
Ans.The people of the Vaish caste are farmerstraders ,industrialist and artisans.

31.What was the occupation of Shooder?
Ans.The people of Shooder caste were considered the lowest of other casts.They had to serve the other castes,i.e they were slaved.

32.How did Urdu language came into being?
Ans.The Mughal army consisted of people belonging to different communities of India and speaking different languages. By intermingling of these people,a new language by the name of Urdu came into existance.

33.Name the Sufi’s who worked for the spread of Islam in South Asia?
Ans.The Sufi’s and Saints who worked for the spreading of Islam in South Asia are:
(i) Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh
(ii) Khuwaja Moeenuddin Chishti
(iii) Hazrat Mujaddid Alif Sani
(iv) Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalander
(v) Hazrat BahaUddin Zakaria

34.What do you mean by “Ideology of Pakistan”.?
Ans.Pakistan came into existence of the basis of one ideology and this ideology refers that Islam is the religion of all the Muslims and this Islamic ideology is the idiology of Pakistan,

35.Which province did not have any constitution during the British rule?
Ans.The British had made North West Frontier Province as “Non-Constitutional Land”.

36.When did Partition of Bengal take place and benefited from it?When and had did the annulment of partition took place?
Ans.The Partition of Bengal took place in 1905 and this was the first right step taken by the British towards the intrests of Muslims,but the narrow-minded Hindus could not bear this and due to thier opposition the annulment of partition took place in 1911.

37.Why did the Muslims not accept the Nehru Report?
Ans.In the Nehru Report,the Hindus did no respect the rights and intrests of Muslims and not fulfilled the promises made by them.Therefore,the Muslims did not accept the Nehru Report.

38.Why didQuaid-e-Azam presented his fourteen points?
Ans.Quaid-e-Azam presented his fourteen points in reply to the Nehru Report.

39.Why did the round table conference failed?
Ans.The Round Table Conference failed due to the narrow-mindedness and negative attitude of the Hindus.

40.Write down the points of the Indian Independence Act of 1947?
Ans.The important points of Indian Independence Act are:
(i) The legislative supremacy of the two dominions.
(ii) The legislatures of the two Dominions were given full powers to make laws having extra-territorial jurisdication.
(iii) The British Government was to have no control over the affairs of the Dominions.Provinces or any part of the Dominions after 15th August,1947.

41.What were the important points of third June Plan?
Ans.The important points of third June Plan was are as follows:
(i) India was to be divided into Hindustan And Pakistan.
(ii) Pakistan was to comprise the Muslim majority areas with a right to secede from the rest of India.
(iii) The Muslims majority areas would be demarcated by a Joint Boundary Commission.
(iv) Bengal would be partitioned into Muslim and Hindu majority areas.

42.Which party formed the Government of Britain when the sub-continent was partitioned?
Ans.The Labour Party ruled the Government of Britain when India was partitioned.

43.Write the name of some Muslim Leaders who worked during the Pakistan Movements?
Ans.(i) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
(ii) Nawab Salim Ullah
(iii) Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk
(iv) Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk
(v) Sir Agha Khan
(vi) Allama Iqbal
(vii) Quaid-e-Azam

44.During the World War II,what promise did the British Government made towards the people of sub-continent?
Ans.The British Government promised the people of sub-continent that India will be partitioned after the end of the Second World War.

45.How many Resolutions did the U.N passed regarding Kashmir problem?
Ans.The Security Council of United Nations passed two Resolutins on 17th August,1948 and 5th January,1949.

46.What did Quaid-e-Azam said about Radcliff Commission?’
Ans.The Quaid-e-Azam remarked about Radcliff Commission or Radcliff award:
“The award was a parting Kick of the British Government.”

47.What was the percentage of Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir according to the census of 1941?
Ans.According to the census of 1941,the Muslim population in Kashmir was 96% and in Jammu,it was 70%.

48.What do you know about Mohammad Ali Bogra Formula?
Ans.In the period of third Prime Minister,Mr.Mohammad Ali Bogra,great efforts were made for the preparation of the constitution in the light of the recommendations of the committee he was able to prepare a draft bill of the constitution which is known as “Mohammad Ali Bogra’s Formula”.In this formula,it was suggested to give equal representation to East and West Pakistan.

49.When was the objective resolution passed?
Ans.The objective resolution was passed on 12th March,1949 in the Constituent Assembly.

50.Which event took place in the history of constitution making of Pakistan 1955?
Ans.It was hoped that after Mohammad Ali Bogra Formula,a constitution would be made in the country but in 1954,the Governer General dismissed the Constituent Assembly and in 1955,a new constituent Assembly was elected which started the work of constitution making.

51.How long did the 1956 constitution last?
Ans.The constitution of 1956 lasted for only two and a half years.On 7th October,1958,the army took over the Government.

52.According to the constitution of 1962,name the council that was established to point out the non-Islamic things.
Ans.The Council which was established to point out the non-Islamic things is known as “Islamic Ideology Council”.

53.How long did the constitution of 1962 last?
Ans.This constituted lasted for 7 years.On 25th March,1969,Ayub Khan resigned and gave the power to the army.General Yahya Khan dismissed the 1962 constitution and enforceed Martial Law in the country.

54.When was the legal frame work Order issue?
Ans.The legal frame work Order was issued on March 30th,1970.The said order contained the fundamental principles of the constitution to be framed by the elected assembly as well as the number of seats in National and Provincial Assembly for the General Elections to be held.

55.When were the Shariat Courts formed and where is its head office?
Ans.Shariat Courts were established in 1979 and its head office is at Islamabad.




                Role of Allama Iqbal in The Creation of Pakistan

Allama Mohammad Iqbal was born on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot. After seeking early education, he was admitted to Government College Lahore, where he obtained M.A. degree in Philosophy. He left for England for higher studies in 1905. In 1907, he obtained the Degree of Doctorate (Ph.D.) from Munich University.
Iqbal's Role in Pakistan Movement

Following are some key areas where Allam Iqbal's role led to Pakistan's creation.
Iqbal's Idea about Nationhood

Allama Iqbal was the greatest philospher and poet of the present era. Alongwith this, he possessed a view about political affairs. He awakened the feeling of Muslim Nationhood among the Muslims of India through his poetry and told them about the propaganda of West about Muslims.

When the Hindu philosphers presented this philosphy that a nation is born throughout the country and when Maulana Hussain Ahmed Madni seconded it, then Iqbal reacted strongly towards it. His thinking and poetry reflect the Two Nation Theory and his poetry awakened the feeling of Islamic nationality among the Muslims of India. This sense of a single unity was a major factor in the creation of Pakistan.
Iqbal's Political Life

Allama Iqbal made his debut in politics when he was elected as the member of Punjab's Legislative Assembly in 1926. During the elections of 1937, when Quaid-e-Azam started the reconstruction of the Muslim Leaague, Allama Iqbal stood besides him. He not only supported Quaid-e-Azam and the Muslim League wholeheartedly, but he also respected Quaid-e-Azam's point of view.
Iqbal and Two Nation Theory

Allama Iqbal firmly believed that the Muslims of India have a separate identity and to protect this identity, the establishment of a separate homeland for the Muslims of India was necessary. On 28th March 1909, he rejected the invitation from the secular party "Minswa Lodge" highligting the fact that:

"I have been a keen supporter of this theory that religious differences in this country should end and even now I practise this principle. But, now I have started to believe that separate national identity for the Muslims and the Hindus is necessary for their survival."

In 1930, in the Annual Session of Muslim League at Allahbad, Iqbal said:

"India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races, speaking different languages and professing different religions. Their behaviour is not at all determined by a common race conciousness. I therefore, demand the formation of a consolidated Muslim state in the best intrest of India and Islam."
Pakistan's Sketch

Allama Iqbal's Presidential Adress at Allahbad in 1930 determined the political path of the Muslims of sub-continent. In his adress, he in clear words said:

"I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Balochistan been combined into a single state".

He further stated that:
"The formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State appears to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of the north west India."

Thus, Iqbal demanded a sovereign independent Muslim state even before the Muslim League demanded it in Pakistan's Resolution.
Ideology of Pakistan and Iqbal

Iqbal was strictly against nationalism. He considered all the Muslims to be a part of One Ummah. For him, a Muslim in any part of the world was part of a brotherly relation. He considered nationalism to be a coffin for the Muslim Umma.

Thus, highlighting the limitations and disadvantages of nationalism, Iqbal gave the philosphy of a "Millat-e-Islamia" and this philosphy became the basis of Pakistan's ideology.

In short, the personality of Allama Iqbal has left indelible marks in history. He tried to awaken the Muslims of India through his philosphy, poetry and politics. He gave the idea of independence to the Muslims of India. Iqbal died on 21st April, 1938. He was buried infront of the "Badshahi Mosque" in "Huzori Bagh."




                                   Ideology of Pakistan

Science of ideas,visionary speculations,manner of thinking ,characteristic of a class or individual,ideas on the basis of some economic,social or political theory or system is called Ideology.It contains those ideals,which a nation strives to accomplish in order to bring stability to its nationhood.Defining ideology ,George Lewis says:

"Ideology is a plan or program which is based upon philosphy".

Pakistan is an Ideological state and the ideology of Pakistan is an Islamic ideology.Its basic princple being:

"The only sovereigner is Allah".

Islam acted as a nation building force before the establishment of Pakistan.Ideology of Pakistan basically means that Pakistan should be a state where the Muslims should have an opportunity to live according to the faith and creed based on the Islamic principles.They should have all the resources at the disposal to enhence Islamic culture and civilization.Quid-e-Azam once said:

"Pakistan was created the day the first Indian national entered the field of Islam".

From the above statement ,it is clear that Ideology of Pakistan is an Islamic one.

The fundamental concept of Ideology is that Muslims should get a separate identity.They should have a separate state where they could live according to Islamic rules and principles ,profess their religion freely and safeguard Islamic tradition .On one occation Quid-e-Azam said:

"The Muslims demand Pakistan where they can rule in accordance with their own system of life ,their cultural development ,their traditions and Islamic laws."
Thus,this fundamental concept of Ideology led to the concept of two nations in the Sub Continent and resulted in the formation of Pakistan.
Ideology of Pakistan was created when Muslims of Indo-Pak Sub Continent developed a specific atitude of mind that they are different from Hindus.This was due to the injstices done to the Muslims by British and Hindus.Some of these are:

1.Anti Muslim Campaign
The Hindus and British joined hands to destroy the faith,belief,costoms and national importance of Muslims because Muslims rebillion was creating much problem for both.
2. In-acceptance of British Rule
Muslims had been ruling the Sub Continent for ages.Therefore,they could not resist any power over them,When Britsh came to rule the Sub Continent ,Muslims were the only nation who opposed them.Thus,in order to gain power,British had to crush the Muslims collectivity.
3.Hindus Betrayed Muslims
In the beginning ,Hindus appeaared to be on Muslim's side,but later on their hostility was exposed as they opposed various steps taken by British Government which purely benefited for Muslims.
4.Refusal of Muslim identity
British wanted to implement parliamentary system in Sub Continent in which the majority was the power and authority.Due to Hindu majority it was probablethat if British left India undivided,it would fall under the Hindus rule.Further more ,Hindus did not accept the separate identity of Muslims and thus,there were no chances of freedom even after the British rule.
5.War of 1857
In 1857,Muslims and Hindus tried to expel the British out of India but failed .Later due to Hindu conspiracies,Muslims were held responsible for it and hence were crushed further by Britishers.
6.Sir Syed's Idea
Sir Syed for the first time put down the idea that Muslims are a separate nation.He convinced Muslims to unite themselves in order to have a separate social and political identity.

1.Muslims are different Hindus in every aspects,their culture ,civilization,customs and religion all are entirely different.
2.The Muslims need a free state for protection of their separate where they can live in accordance with their faith,belief and follow the Islamic codes.
Ideology is a motivating force for a nation,which is striving hard to bring stability and homogeneity to its nation hood.Its provide the binding force to the scattered groups in a societyand bring them close to each other on a common platform.Ideologies impel their adherence to follow a joint linked action for the accomplishment of their goal.Ideologies give shape to the revolutions and create new cultures and civilizations.They stress on their adherents to insist on the realization of their ideal throught total transformation of society.An urgent agreement with each other on the ideals is most vital pre-requisite of an ideology.
The fundamental concept of ideology of Pakistan is that Muslims are a separate nation having their own culture,literature ,religion and way of life.They cannot be merged in any other nation.They should be able to develop their culture and religious traditions in an Islamic State and they should be able to create a true Islamic society for themselves.

Thus the ideology of Pakistan which developed through the period of Mohammad Bin Qasim and others and followed by political leaders like Quid-e-Azam was materialized in 1947.

















                                 Pakistan Resolution

Pakistan Resolution was the turning point in the history of Pakistan.It provides a way to the Muslims,leading to the destination of a complete independence.
Hindus clearly stated that they would not tolerate another community in India by saying:
"India belong to the Hindus and if Muslims wish to live in India,they should Hinduism."
The Hindus tried to destroy Muslim identity by introducing Hindi as a medium of education.

The congress neglected the Muslim in every field and supported the Hindus.It did not recognize Muslim as a considerable party in India.In his address Nehru stated that: "There are only two parties in the country,the congress and the british." According of Quaid-e-Azam :

"The sole aim and object of the congress is to annihilate every other organization in the country."
By 1937,the political conditions of Sub Continent compelled the Muslim political leaders to seriously consider the partition of India.The idea of Indian partition was not a new one,a number of partition proposals had been forwarded previously by many Muslim leaders like Syed Ahmed Shaheed,Mohammad Abdul Qadir,Allama Iqbal,Syed Jamal Uddin Afghani,Abdul Halim Sharar e.t.c.

The most reasonable proposal was given by Allama Iqbal.The poet,philospher,while delivering his presidential address at the annual session of the Muslim League at Allahbad in December 1930 said:

"India is a continent of Human Beings belonging to different languages ,having different religion,therefore,I demand the formation of separate Muslim State for the Muslims of India."

Chaudry Rehmat Ali proposed his scheme of partition of India.He declared:

"North of India is Muslim and we shall keep it Muslim.Not only that ,we will make it a Muslim State....?"

He coined the word "Pakistan" in which 'P' stands for Punjab,'A' stands for Afghanistan,(N.W.F.P) 'K' for Kashmir ,'S' for Sindh and 'tan' stands for Baluchistan.The word Pakistan means "The land of Pure".

In 1940,the annual session of Muslim League was held at Lahore in Minto Park (Iqbal Park).Under the chairmanship of Quaid-e-Azam and a resolution was passed on 23rd March,1940.The Resolution was moved by Bengal Chief Minister Maulvi Fazlul Haq and seconded by Chaudry Khaliq-uz-Zaman.It stated that:

"No Constitution plan would be workable in this country or acceptable to Muslims unless it is designed on the following basic principles,viz,that geographically contigous units are democrated into regions which should be so constituted,with such territorial adjustment as may necessary,that the areas in which Muslims are numerically in majority as in the North-Western and Eastern zones of India,should be grouped to constitute independent states in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and sovereign...adequate,effective and mandatory safeguards should be specifically provided in the constitution for minorities for the protection of their religion ,cultural,economic,political,administrative and other rights."

The Quaid-e-Azam delivered a historic address at this moment highlighting the distinct national character of the Muslims of India.He said:

"Musalmans are not a minority at is commonly known and understood.One has only got to look around even today,According to the British map of India,out of 11 provinces,4 provinces where the Muslims dominate more or less are functioning not with standing the decision of the Congress High Command to non cooperate and prepare fore civi disobedience .Musalmans are nation according to any definition of a nation and they must have their homelands,their territory and their state.We wish to live in peace and harmony with our neighbours as a free and independent people.We wish our people to develope to the fullest our spritual,cultural,economic,social and political life in a way that we think best and in consonance with our own ideals and according to the genius of our people."
The Resolution was unanimously accepted by the Muslims who had assembled the meeting plan in a large number.The Hindu readers and newspaper raise a hue and cry after the Resolution.They refused it and referred to the partition as "Vivesection of Motherland".

Gandhi said that :
"Dividing India was like dividing a cow."
Quaid-e-Azam warned the Hindus that:
"If the Hindus tried to get the whole of India they would loose the whole,but if they gave one-third to the Muslims they would get two-thirds."
The Pakistan Resolution is a land mark in the history of the Muslims of India.This famous Resolution results in the creation of Pakistan.The acceptance of Pakistan Resolution strengthned the Two Nation Theory which was the basis of Muslim struggle for Independence.

Pakistan Resolution was a demand for the protection and safeguard of the national identity of the Muslims.With the passage of Pakistan Resolution,the Muslims began to acquire new hope and confidence in their destiny.The Resolution infused high spirits among the Muslims who were now determined to fight to the last minute for the accomplishment of Pakistan.














                                      TWO NATION THEORY

Meaning of Two Nation Theory
The Two Nation Theory in its simplest way means the cultural,political,religious,economic and social dissimilarities between the two major communities.Hindus and Muslims of the Sub Continent.These difference of out look ,in fact,were greatly instrumental in giving rise to two distinct political ideologies which were responsible for the partition of India into two independent states.

The Two Nation Theory was the basis of the struggle for creation of Pakistan which held that Hindus and Muslims are two separate Nations.They in spite of living together for centuries could not forget their individual cultures and civilization.Al-Beruni recorded his ideas in 1001 A.D in his famous book "Kitab-ul-Hind" as:

"The Hindus society maintained this peculiar character over the centuries.The two socities,Hindus and Muslims,like two streams have sometimes touched but never merged,each following its separate course."
There are a few factors which split the inhabitants of the Sub Continent into two Nations.Let us examine each of them separately.

1.Religious Differences
The Hindus and Muslims belong to different religions.Islam preaches Tawheed (oneness of Allah) and believes in equality of man before law.Muslims are the believers of God,The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) the Holy Book Quran and hold a cohesive approach towards life.
Hinduism,on the other hand is based on the concept of multiple Gods.Their society follows a caste system and is divided into four classes and have a very narrow approach towards life.
2.Hindu Nationalism
A number of Hindu nationalist movements,which emerged from time to time in the Indian history ,added fuel to the fire by playing up the tension and antagonism which already existed between the two communities.
The Hindu nationalist leaders totally ignored the great contribution made by the Muslims in the indian society by way of promoting education and other social activities.Their writings and ideas flared up the communal discord between Hindus and Muslims to further pollute the political condition.
3.Cultural Differences
Muslim followed the Islamic culture while Hindus inherited a self build culture.The Hindus burnt their dead bodies while Muslims burred them.Hindus considered the 'Mother cow' as a sacred animal and worshiped it while Muslims slaughtered it.they performed 'sati' while Muslims abhorred this tradition .The Hindus and Muslims did not intermarry nor they inter-dine.
4.Social Differences
The two communities of the Sub Continent differ in their social life as well.The clothes,the foods,the household utensils,the layout of homes,the words of salutation,the gestures and every thing about them was different and immediately pointed to their distinctive origin.
5.Economics Differences
After 1857,the Muslim economic was crushed and all trade policies were framed in such a way so as to determent the Muslim condition .They were thrown out of Government services and the their estates and properties were confiscated,while the Hindus were provided with ample opportunities to progress economically.
6.Educational Differences
The Hindus had advanced in the educational field because they quickly and readily took the english education.While Muslims did not receive modern education which heavily affected their economic conditions.

7.Political Differences
The political differences between the Hindus and Muslims have played an important role in the developement and evolution of Two Nation Theory.
(i) Hindi Urdu Controversy
In 1867,Hindus demande that Urdu should be written in Hindi Script instead of Persian script.This created another gap between Hindus and Muslims.
(ii) Congress Attitude
The Indian national Congress was founded in 1885.It claimed to represent all communities of India but oppressed all Muslim ideas and supported the Hindus.
(iii) Partition of Bengal
In 1905,the partition of Bengal ensured a number of political benefits for the Muslims,but the Hindus launched an agitation against the partition and partition was annulled in 1911.

The Muslimsand Hindus wrote and spoke two different languages .The language of the former was Urdu and it was written in Arabic Script.On the other hand ,the Hindi language was spoken by Hindus and it was written in Sanskrit.Urdu and Hindi language had the difference in writing,thoughts of poetry,arts,painting and words of music.Even this small difference lead to a stirring conflict between the two nations.
Sir syed Ahmed Khan-The Pioneer of Two Nation Theory
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan,the pioneer of two nation theory,used the word 'two nation' for Hindus and Muslims after being concinced of the Hindus and Congress hatred,hostility and prejudice for the Muslims.
The entire freedom movement revolved around the two nation theory which was introduced by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.He considered all those lived in India as one nation and was a great advocate of Hindu-Muslim unity.Speaking at the meeting of Indian Association he said:
 "I look to both Hindus and Muslims with the same eyes and consider them as my own eyes.By the word 'Nation' I mean only Hindus and Muslims and nothing else,We,Hindus and Muslims live together on the same soil under the same government.Our intrests and problems are common,and therfore,I consider the two factions as one nation."
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan did his best to make the Muslims realize their differences ewith the Hindus with regard to religions,social and language national and international identity and for this purpose he diverted attention of the Indian Muslims towards a new idea of "Two Nation" or "Two entities."
After Hindi-Urdu controversy Sir Syed felt that it was not possible for Hindus and Muslims to progress as a single nation.He said:
 " I am convinced now that Hindus and Muslims could never become one nation as their religion and way of life was quite distinct from each other."

Allama Iqbal was the first important figure who propounded the idea of separate homeland on the basis of two nation theory.He firmly believed in the separate identity of the Muslims as a nation and suggested that there would be no possibility of peace in the country unless and untill they were recognized as a nation.In the annual session of Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930,he said:
 "India is a continent of human beings belonging to different languages and professing different religions...I,therefore,demand the formation of a consolidated Muslim state in the best interests of the Muslims of India and Islam."
The most clear and emphatic exposition is found in Jinnah's statement and speeches.He expounded the two nation theory in such detail that most Muslims and even some Hindus came to believe in its truth.He declared:
 " Muslims are not a minority,They are one nation by every definition of the word nation.By all canons of international law we are a nation."
 Quaid-e-Azam reiterated that Hindus and Muslims could ever evolve a common nationality was on idle dream.They are a totally different nation .They have an unbridgeable gulf between them and they stand miles apart in regards to their ideals,culture and religion.In 1973,he said:
 "Hindustan is neither one country,nor its inhabitants one nation.This is Sub Continent which consist of many nations of which the Hindus and Muslims are two major nations."
The Muslims apprehended that they would lose their identity if they remained a part of Hindu society.They also came to realize the above mentioned differences between them and the Hindus and hence demanded separate electorate on the ground that they were different nation from Hindus.
Hence it is right to say that this theory i.e two nation theory is the basis of the creation of Pakistan because without this as a base,Pakistan would not come into being on 14th August ,1947,and we would not be breathing freely in this open air of Pakistan.



















Fourteen Points of Quaid-e-Azam

In 1928,an All Parties Conference was convened to solve the constitutional problems of India.A committee was set up under Pandit Lal Nehru.That committee prepared a report which is known as "Nehru Report".This report demanded     "Dominion Status" for India.Separate electorates were refused and the reservation of seats for the Muslims of Bengal and Punjab was rejected.In this report,not a single demand of the Muslims was upheld.
Since Nehru Report was the last word from Hindus therefore Mr.Jinnah was authorized to draft in concise term the basis of any future constitution that was to be devised for India.Originally these demands were Fourteen in number and so they popularly came to be known as "Jinnah's Fourteen Points".
In March 1929 ,at the annual session of All india Muslim league,he declared his famous fourteen points.

1.Federal System

The form of the future constitution should be federal with the residuary powers rested in the provinces.
2.Provincial Autonomy
A uniform measure of autonomy shall be granted to all provinces.
3.Representation of Minorities
All legislative in the country and other elected bodies shall be constituted on the definite principles of adequate and effective representation of minorities in every province without reducing the majority in any province to a minority or even equality.
4.Number of Muslim Representative
In the central legislative ,Muslims representative shall be not less than one -third.
5.Separate Electorates
Representative of communal groups shall continue to be by means of separate electorates as at present provided it shall be open to any community,at any time to abandon its separate electorate in favour of joint electorate.
6.Muslim Majority Provinces
Any territorial re-distribution that might at any time be necessary shall not in any way,effect the Muslim majority in Punjab,Bengal and N.W.F.P.
7.Religious Liberty
Full religious Liberty,liberty of belief,worship and observance,association and education shall be guaranted to all the communication.
8.Three-Fourth Representation
No bill or resolution shall be passed in any legislative or any other elected body if three-fourths of the members of any community in that particular body oppose such a bill.
9.Separation of Sind
Sind should be separated from Bombay Presidency.
10.Introduction of Reforms in N.W.F.P and Baluchistan
Reforms should be introduced in the North-West Frontier Province and Baluchistan on the same footing as in other provinces.
11.Government Services
Muslims should be given adequate share along with other Indians in the services of State.
12.Protection of Muslim's culture and Language
The constitution should embody adequate safeguard for the protection of Muslim culture,language,religion and civilization.
13.One-Third Muslim Ministers
No cabinet,either central or provincial be formed.Without being a proportion of at least one-third Muslim Ministers.
No change shall be made in the constitution of state except with the concurrence of State constituting the Indian Federation.
The reasonable and moderate demands contained in the fourteen points,were rejected by the Hindus leaders which considerably widened the gulf between the two communities.

A comparison of the Nehru Report with the quaid-e-Azam's Fourteen Points shows that the political gap between the Muslims and the Hindus had really widened.Fourteen points of Quaid-e-Azam became principles for Muslims of India.These points made it clear to Hindus and British Government that Muslims of India.Those points made it clear to Hindus and British Government that Muslims wanted their own identity without influence by Hindus.Fourteen Points not only revived Muslim League but also directed them on a new way.These points prepared the Muslims of India for a bold step to struggle for freedom.
The importance of these points can be judged by the fact that these points were presented in the Round Table Conference of 1930.
As a result,these points became the demands of the Muslims and greatly influenced the Muslims thinking for the next two decaded till the establishment of Pakistan in 1947.

                     Salient Features of Pakistani Culture

Culture may be defined as behaviour perculiar to human beings,together with material objects used.Culture consists of language,ideas,beliefs,customs,codes,institution,t ools,techniques,works of arts,ceremonies and so on.According to Allama Iqbal:
 "Culture encompasses all the mental,Spiritual and Physical activities of a Nation.It includes the basic beliefs and faith,values and literature ,aart and architecture,music and mode of dress,manners and customs prevalent in a given Society."
Pakistan is an ideological Islamic State.Its very existence is due to Islam,so the Pakistani culture is primarily based on the Islamic way of life.All other ingredients of culture are inspired by Islam.Pakistani culture is highlighted by its grandeur,simplicity,firm convictions and noble deeds and ideas.

The main characteristics of Pakistani culture are as follows:
1.Religious Uniformity
Pakistan came into existence to provide its people a system of life based on Islam.The people ,in spite of some differences of languages,customs and traditions commonly follow one religion of Islam.This is the religion,which is practiced by all people of Pakistan.
A number of languages are spoken in Pakistan.Some of them are Punjabi,Sindhi,Pushto and Baluchi.But Urdu is spoken and understand in all parts of Pakistan.Being the official language,it is the media of communication between all regions of Pakistan.
3.Literatur and Poetry
Literature is an important aspects of our cultural life.Most of our poets reflect Islamic code and trend in their poetry.They gave the message of love and brotherhood.Simlarity of thoughts amongst poets and writers of all regions is an important factor of our cultural life.
4.Dress and Diet
Dress is an important manifestation of culture.The regional dresses of Pakistan under go changes in the light of local traditions,economic conditions,way of living and wealth in the region.But in all provinces people generally wear Shalwar Qameez.
Our eating habits,foods and social etquette are stricktly in conformity with Islamic principles.
5.Mixed Culture
Pakistani culture is a mixed culture although majority of people are Muslims by birth and faith .But there is great influence of Hindu and British culture on the present Pakistani society.
6.Male Dominated Society
In Pakistani culture the male member of the family enjoys the key position.Family is headed by a male member and in most cases,he is the soul sources of income for other members of the family.
7.Arts and Architecture
The iconoclasm of Islam has given a characteristic form and pattern in the use of elwgant designs,based on geometric figures and floral forms borrowed from nature.The Shah Jahan Masjid,Shalimar Garden,Badshahi Masjid,Shahi Qila and many such graceful buildings are a living proof of the exellent Mughal architecture.
Embroidery,Leather works,glazed pottery,wood work,carpet making,metal crafts,ivory are the essential parts of our culture.Pakistani craftsmen are considered as the best in their craftsmanship.They are known for the high quality works which is very popular in foreign countries.
9.Recreational Activities-Sports
The recreational activities all over the Pakistan are common.The games like wrestling,hockey ,cricket,football,squash,Kabaddi etc are popular in every part of our country.These games reflect our cultural identity.
Education contributes a great deal in developing national character.Educational system plays a vital role in the formation of culture,unity and solidarity of a nation.it is,therefore,important that the entire syllabi right from the lower to higher level should be placed in accordance with the ideology of Pakistan.
11.Religious Festivals
Festivals play an important part of our culture.Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha are our two main religious festivals .They are celebrated with great happiness throughout the country.
12.Ulema,Mushaikh and Sufi Poets
Ulema,Mashaikh and Sufi Poets occupy an honoured place in our cultural aspect of life.Sufis like Lal Shahbaz,Data Ganj Baksh,Shah Abdul Lateef,Sachal Sarmast,Hazrat Sultan Bahu and Waris Shah rendered meritorious services for the spread of Islam in the Sub Continent.
Culture which includes religion,literature art,architecture,dresses,music,manners and customs has its roots in the Islamic culture.Islam has described the rights and duties of every individual.Even in drinking,eating and dressing,we have to observe certain rules prescribed by Islam.So it may be said that Pakistani culture represents the true picture of Islamic culture.
Non-Aligned Movement


Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is an important world organization of the third world countries who do not wish to be aligned with any of the big powers.The NAM can be defined as:

"The international forum of the people of the third World who openly condemn and negate the lust for creating the spheres of influence by the super powers and thus is an important and effective organ against Colonialism and imperialism."

The World War ll devided the world into two power blocs.The Western bloc being headed by U.S.A and the socialist bloc being governed by U.S.S.R.

These two super powers involved in cold war creating great problems for the smaller nations and under developed countries.The best policy for such states would have been to isolate themselves from the cold war of the super powersand fully concentrate on their economic,social and cultural uplift .NAM is an organization to help these nations to exist.

A meeting of those countries of the World who had no alignment with any super was held in Bandung(Indonesia) on April 24,1955.It was held to discuss the problems faced by Afro-Asian countries which was mainly to avoid the "Tug of War" of the super powers.

The declared principles of NAM are:
1.Respect of Independence and Sovereignty

To respect each others sovereignty,territorial integrity and independence.
2.Avoid Aggression

To refrain from acts of aggression or use of force against any states.
3.Non interference

Non interference in others international affairs.
4.Recognization of Equality and Liberty

To recognize the equality and liberty of all the Nations.


To live in a peaceful atmosphere.

1.To promote good will and cooperation among the Afro-Asian countries.

2.To consider social,economic and cultural problems of all participants.

3.To consider the problems like radicalism and coloniasm.

4.To access the position of Afro-Asian states and their people in the world.
First Summit Conference

It was held at Belgrade (Yugoslavia) in 1961 in which 25 nations took part.The rules for obtaining membership of NAM were drafted.
Second Summit Conference

It was held at Cairo(Egypt) in 1964.
Third Summit Conference

It was held at Lusaka (Zambia) in 1970.51 countries participated in this conference.
Fourth Summit Conference

It was held at Algiers (Algeria) in September 1973.In this conference the membership of Pakistan and China was opposed by India.
Fifth Summit Conference

It was held at Colombo (Srilanka) in August,1976.86 countries participated in this conference.

Opposition of radicalism and expansionism was declared .Arab cause was supported and USA was critisized for its annexation over Vietnam and Cuba.
Sixth Summit Conference

It was held at Havana (Cuba) on 3rd September,1979 to 9th September,1979.Pakistan attended this meeting for first time as a member of NAM.
Seventh Summit Conference

It was held at Delhi (India) in March 1983.101 countries participated in this conference.Arab cause,Palestine War,South African and Namibian struggle were discussed.USA was criticized for assisting Israel.
Eighth Summit Conference

It was held at Harare (Zimbabwe) on 1st September 1986.Afghanistan Problem,Iran Iraq War,Palestine and Namibian issue were discussed.
Ninth Summit Conference

It was held at Belgrade (Yugoslavia) on 4th September,1989.

Pakistan joined NAM in 1979 although it participated actively in the 1st Conference and attende the 5th conference as an observer.This was due to the fact that Pakistan was a member of SEATO and CENTO .Pakistan got rid of these organizations after the war with India(1965) and the debacle of East Pakistan (1971) when the sponsors of SEATO and CENTO did not came to help it.

Today, Pakistan participates actively in the programs of NAM and advocates affectively the problems relating to its member countries.Pakistan placed the case of foreign interference in Afghanistan in the Session of the 7th conference and was able to get most of the members confirm Pakistan stand on the problem and its equitable solution.

The NAM re-affirmed the inalienable right of all states to apply and develop their programs for peaceful uses of nuclear energy for economic and social developement.

Read more: 
Non-Aligned Movement http://www.friendsmania.net/forum/2nd-year-pakistan-studies-notes/25743.htm#ixzz34VdBs8w3






Islamic Provisions of Constitution of 

INTRODUCTION On 7th April,1972 the national assembly of Pakistan appointed a committee to prepare a draft of the permanent constitution of Pakistan.A bill to provide a constitution was introduced by the committee in the Assembly on February 2,1973.The Assembly passed the bill on 19th April,1973 and at last the constitution came into force on 14th August 1973. 
The present constitution (1973) provides for the protection and preservation of Islamic Concept of life.It also attempts to propagate and implement the basic teachings of Islam. 

The following are the Islamic provisions of 1973 constitution based on the principles of Holy Quran and Sunnah. 
1.Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Pakistan shall be known as "Islamic Republic of Pakistan". 
2.State Religion
Islam shall be the state religion of Pakistan. 
3.Sovereignty Belongs to Allah
Sovereignty over the entire Universe belongs to Almighty Allah and the authority bestowed by him on men is a sacred trust which the people of Pakistan will exercise with the limits prescribed by Quran and Sunnah. 
4.Definition of a Muslim
The constitution also gives the definition of a Muslim.A person who believes in Tauheed or Oneness of Allah,and in the prophet hood of Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H) as the last prophet of Allah has described as aMuslim. 
5.A Muslim to be a President and Prime Minister
The constitution laid down that only Muslims shall be elected president and Prime Minister of Pakistan.Non non-Muslim could hold these offices. 
6.Islamic way of life
Steps shall be given to enable the Muslims of Pakistan to order their lives in accordance with the fundamental principles and basic concepts of Islam. 
7.Promotion of Social Justice and Eradication of Social Evils
The State shall take necessary steps for prosecution of social justice and eradication of social evils and shall prevent prostitution,gambling and taking of injurious drugs,printing,publication,circulation and display of obscene literature and advertisements. 
8.Teachings of Holy Quran
The state shall try to make the teachings of Holy Quran and Islamiat compulsory to encourage and facilitate the learning of Arabic language. 
9.Strengthing Bond,with Muslim World
The state shall endeavour to strengthen fraternal relations among Muslim countries in order to promote Islamic unity. 
10.Council of Islamic Ideology
There is a councel of Islamic Ideology which shall guide the government in respect of Islamic teachings,their implementation and propagation.Its chairman and members are appointed by President.Although its advice is not binding on the government yet it is not easy for any government to ignore or over rule its suggestion or opinion regarding any law. 
11.Error Free Publication of Quran
The government shall endeavour to secure correct and exact printing and publishing of the Holy Quran. 
12.Oath to Project and Promote Islamic Ideology
The federal and Provincial Ministers,the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the National and Provincial Assemblies,the chairman of the Senate and the Governors and Chief Ministers of the Provinces also take oath to preserve and protect the Islamic Ideology. 
13.Ahmadi's A Non Muslim Minority
According to the second amendment of 1973 constitution,the Qadiani group or the Lahori group who call themselves "Ahmadi's " were declared as Non-Muslim minority. 
The 1973 constitution enlisted the main principles of State Policy Maximum efforts were made to improve the character of this constitution.Like other constitutions,1973 constitution of Pakistan also provides for the protection,propagation and enforcement of Islamic Ideology.









Initial Difficulties at the Establishment of Pakistan



The emergence of Pakistan,after a long and ardous freedom movement,was infact a great victory of the democratic idea of life.The Indian Muslims happily and valiantly laid down their lives and properties to achieve a destination in which they saw the fulfillment of their dreams of living an independent life fre from Hindu or British dominance.Quaid-e-Azam on 15th August ,1947 said:

"My thoughts are with those valiant fighters in our cause who readily sacrificed all they had,including their lives,to make Pakistan possible."

From its very inception,Pakistan faced a large number of problems.Some of the initial difficulties were:
1.Choice of Capital and Establishment of Government

The first problem that Pakistan had to face was to choose a capital to form a Government and to establish a secretariat,Karachi was chosen as the capital of Pakistan.Quaid-e-Azam took the office of the Governor General ,Liaqat Ali Khan was appointed as Prime Minister and a Cabinet of experienced persons was selected.Arrangements were to be made to bring the officials who had opted for Pakistan from Delhi to Karachi.
2.Unfair Boundary Distrbution

A boundry commission was set up under a British Chairman,Sir Cyril Redcliff.He misused his powers and handed over Muslim majority areas like Gurdaspur,Ferozpur,Jullander to India hence providing them a gateway to Kashmir.Quaid-e-Azam called it:

" An unjust,incomprehensible and even perverse award."
3.The Massacre of Muslim Refugees in India

On the birth of Pakistan,Hindus and Sikhs became more furious.In a planned move,Muslim properties were set on fire and they were compelled to leave Bharat for Pakistan with nothing but their lives.Millions of refugees were killed before they reached Pakistan.Many migrants were looted and had to be provided boarding immediately as they reached Pakistan.
4.Division of Military and Finantial Assets

In order to embarrass Pakistan financially ,India did a lot of dishonesty in the matters of Pakistan which were concerned with its benefits.Pakistan was promised to get Rs.750 million but the Bharat Government refused to give .Pakistan received only 200 million .Pakistan also did not receive the due share of the military assets.This dishonest attitude put Pakistan into great difficulties.
5.Canal Water Dispute

Most of the river flowing in Pakistan have their origin in India.In 1948,india stopped water supply to Pakistani canals to damage the Pakistani agriculture.However on 9th September ,1960 on agreement called "Indus Basin Treaty" was signed between the two countries.
Kashmir Dispute

Kashmir dispute is the most important and unsolved problem.Kashmir is the natural part of Pakistan becaouse at the time of partition 85% of the Kashmir's total population was Muslim.The Hindu dogra rule ,who was secretly with the Govenment of Indiadeclared Kashmir as a part of India.Pakistan has continously insisted that Kashmir must get their right of self determination but due to non-coperation of India,Kashmir issue still remain unsolved.
7.Constitutional Problem

The constituent assembly failed to frame a constitution even in eight years.Lack of a permanent constitution created ,chances of unsrupulous interference in democratic progress of Pakistan.
8.Annexation of Princely States

All Indian princely states were given the right to link up with either of dominions.However,the fate of following states remained undecided.

The Muslim Nawab governing junagadh favoured in acceding to Pakistan.But Indian Government sent Army troops towards Junagadh and occupied the stste by force in November,1947.
Hyderabad Deccan

Hyderabad Deccan was the largest and richest state ruled by Muslim ruler Nizam who decided to remain independent.But pressure tactics began to be applied by Indian Government and Mount Batten .India attacked Hyderabad on 13th September 1948 and forcibly annexed this state to India.
9.Electrcity Problem

Due to transfer of Muslim majority areas to Bharat and unfair demarcation,electricity system of West Punjab was disrupted ,because all power stations were at Mundi,a predominantly Muslim majority area,gifted to Bharat but Quiad-e-Azam said:

"If we are to exist as a nation ,we will have to face the problems with determination and force."


Pakistan came into being as a free Muslim state in quite unfavourable circumstances .It had no resources ,it had no resources,it had to build up its administrative machinery from a scratch.But Supreme efforts were made by the Quiad-e-Azam and his colligues to grapple with the situation .His golden principles "Unity " "Faith" and "Discipline" gave way to Pakistan for a bright future of a strong and well developed country .In his last message to the nation on 14th August 1948,he told the nation:

"The foundation of your state have been laid and it is now for you to build and build as quickly and as you can."

Read more: 
Initial Difficulties at the Establishment of Pakistan http://www.friendsmania.net/forum/2nd-year-pakistan-studies-notes/25741.htm#ixzz34VdUS5sM


Role of Muslim League in the Creation of Pakistan

Anti partition agitation staged by Hindus made it clear to the Muslims that they must have a separate political Organization.In December,1906 Muslim Leaders from all over the Sub Continent assembled in Dacca to attend the all India Mohammadan to establish a central political organization for Muslims called the "All India Muslim League" .The Muslim League was established with the primary aim of the protecting the political rights of Indian Muslims and presenting their demands and problems before the British Government.

The success of Simla Deputation made it imperative for the Muslims of the Sub Continent to have their own political organization .In 1906 ,the Muslims of India founded a political party of their own known as "All India Muslim League."

The partition of Bengal by the British Government in 1905 greatly embittered the relations between Hindus and Muslims.The partition ensured a number of political benefits for the Muslim but the Hindus reacted towards the partitions of Bengal in a hostile and violent manner .This made it clear that the Hindus were not willing to give Muslims their due share.This violent protest of the Hindus convinced the educated Muslims that they could be redeemed only if they created their own political force and their own leadership.

The aims of Muslim league are given below:

1.To safe guard and protect Muslims intrests and to convey their demands to British Government.

2.To create a feeling of respect and good will in Muslim for the British Government.

3.To promote brotherhood between the different nations of India.


The role played by All India Muslim League in the creation of Pakistan is summarized under:
1.Minto-Morley Reform Act -1909

The Muslims under the able leadership of the Muslim league now began to press for the separate electorate for the Muslims.The authorities accepted their demand in Act,called "The Minto-Morley Reform Act",in 1909.
2.Lucknow Pack-1916

In November 1916,two committees of League and Congress met at Calcutta and drew an agreement draft of political reform for India called "Lucknow Pact".Through this pact the Congress recognized the separate status of Muslims.
3.Simon Commission

In 1927,Simon Commission was sent to India under the chairmanship of Sir John Simon to settle Muslim Hindu differences.It was rejected because there was no indian member on the commission.
4.Jinnah's Fourteen Points-1929

The Quaid-e-Azam refused to accept the Nehru-report.In order to protect the Muslim's point of view on the political issues of South Asia,he prepared a draft of guiding principles consisting of 14 points,popularly known as "Jinnah's Fourteen Points."

5.Allama Iqbal's Allahabad Address-1930

In 1930,in his presidential address at annual session of League at Allahabad,Iqbal proposed the formation of a separate Muslim State by combining Northern and South Western Muslim majority region in Sub Continent.
6.Day of Deliverance

On 22nd December ,Muslim League observed "Deliverance Day" to thank God for resignation of Congress Ministers.
7.Pakistan Resolution -1940

The attitude of the Hindus made it clear that the Hindus and Muslims were two separate nations.On March 23rd,at the Annual session of Muslim League at Lahore,the famous resolution ,commonly known as the Pakistan Resolution was passed.It presented by Maulvi Fazlul Haq.Quiad-e-Azam said in his address:

"By all means Muslims are one nation and they need a separate homeland where they could live their spiritual ,cultural ,economical,social and political lives independently."
8.Cripps Mission-1942

Sir Stafford Cripps was sent by the British Government to India,to discuss with Indian leaders,the future Indian Constitution.His proposal was rejected by both the Congress and the League.The Congress characterized them as "a post-dated cheque on a failing bank" Jinnah said that:

"If these were accepted "Muslims would become a minority in their majority provinces as well."
9.Gandhi Jinnah Talks-1944

Gandhi held talks with Jinnah to discuss about the future of India,but no fruitful results came out of it because Gandhi did not accept Muslims as a separate nation."

Louis Feisher wrote:

"The wall between Jinnah and Gandhi was the Two Nation Theory ."
10.Simla Conference -1945

Lord Wavell called a conference at Simla.The conference failed to achieve any purpose due to one sided attitude of Lord Wavell.In this conference ,Quaid-e-Azam made it crystal clear that the Muslim League can represent Muslims of India.
11.General Elections-1945-1946

Elections for the central and provincial assemblies were held in 1945-1946 in which Muslim League won 30 seats of central legislative meant for Muslims and 430 seats out of 495 in the provincial legislative.Quiad-e-Azam said on this occassion:

"I have no doubt now in the acheivement of Pakistan.The Muslims of India told the world what they want.No power of world can topple the opinion of 10 crore Muslims of India."
12.Cabinet Mission-1946

Cabinet Mission a visited India in 1946 and submitted its recommendations to the Britishers.As a result Interium Government was formed but Congress and League couldn't co-operate amongst themselves.
13.Delhi Convention-1946

Quaid-e-Azam called a convention of all the Muslim League members at Delhi.At the convention every member took the pledge to under go any danger for the attainment of national goal of Pakistan.
14.3rd June Plan -1947

Lord Mount Batten prepared the plan for tranference of power according to the wish of people.He emphasized on the partition of the country and told that it was the only solution of the Indian political deadlock.Both League and Congress accepted the plan.


Muslim League thus got its object and Pakistan was created on 14th August 1947.In short we can say that the creation of Pakistan is the result of the ceaseless efforts of the Muslim League and the great heroes which dedicated their lives for the creation of Pakistan.If there were be no Muslim League the fate of the Muslims of the Sub Continent could not be changed.

Read more: 
Role of Muslim League in the Creation of Pakistan http://www.friendsmania.net/forum/2nd-year-pakistan-studies-notes/25740.htm#ixzz34VdeYev8

                        Political Events From 1940 to 1947

The era from 1940 to 1947 is the era of rapid changes.Many important events in the most prominent among them.In the past,the demand of Pakistan was not raised clearly.It was due to Muslim achievements in this period that now we are living in a sovereign and independent state.The political events from Pakistan Resolution to the establishment of Pakistan are summarized under: 
23rd March-Pakistan Resolution
The attitude of the Hindus made it clear that the Hindus and the Muslims were two separate nations.On March 23rd ,at the annual session of Muslim League at Lahore,the famous resolution,commonly known as the Pakistan Resolution was passed.It was presented by Maulvi Fazlul Haq.Quiad-e-Azam said in his address: 
"By all means Muslims are one nation and they need a separate homeland where they could live their spiritual,cultural,economical,social and political lives independently." 
8th August -August Offer
It was proposed to enlarged governor general councils to include members from political parties.War Advisory Committee was also launched.Both league and Congress rejected the offer. 
12th -15th April-Civil Disobedience Movement
28th session of League was held at Madras in which a resolution was adopted on Civil Disobedience Movement launched by Congress. 
23rd March-Crisp Mission
Sir Stafford Cripps was sent by the British Government to India,to discuss with Indian leaders,the future Indian Constitutions.His proposal was rejected by both the Congress and the League.The Congress Characterized them us "a post-dated cheque on a failing bank."Jinnah said that if these were accepted "Muslims would become a minority in their majority provinces as well." 
8th Ugust-Quit India
Congress initiated it against British,it was "open rebellion" due to which many people were killed League raised a slogan of "Divide and Quite India". 
27th December-Action Committee
It was formed to prepare and organized Muslims of India for coming struggle for acievements of Pakistan. 
9th September-Gandhi Jinnah Talks
Gandhi held talks with Jinnah to discuss about the future of India,but no fruitful results came out of it because Gandhi did not accept Muslims as a separate nation. 
"The wall between Jinnah and Gandhi was the Two Nation Theory."
25th June-Simla Conference
Lord Wavell called a conference at Simla.The conference failed to achieve any purpose due to one sided attitude of Lord Wavell.In this conference ,Quiad-e-Azam made it crystal clear that the Muslim League can represent Muslim of India. 
2nd December General Elections
Elections for the central and provincial assemblies were held in 1945-1946 in which Muslim League won 30 seats of central legislative meant for Muslims and 430 seats out of 495 in the provincial legislative .Quiad-e-Azam said on this occasion: 
"I have no boubt now in the acheivement of Pakistan.The Muslims of India told the world what they want .No power of world can topple the opinion of 10 crore Muslims of India." 
24th March-Cabinet Mission
Cabinet Mission visited India in 1946 and submitted its recommendations to the Britishers .As a result Interium Government was formed but Congress and league couldn't co-operate amongst themselves. 
8th-9th April-Delhi Convention
Quaid-e-Azam called a convention of all Muslims Leaguue members at Delhi.At the convention every member took the pledge to under go any danger for the attainment of national goal of Pakistan. 
16th August-Direct Action Day
League withdraw its acceptance of Cabinet Mission and Direct Action Day was observed peacefully throughout India,except in Culcutta,where riots broke out. 
3rd June -3rd June Plan
Lord Mount Batten prepared the plan for transference of power according to the wish of people.He emphasized on the partition of country and told that it was the only solution of the Indian political deadlock.Both League and Congress accepted the plan. 
18th July-Indian Independence Act
In july ,the British parliament passed the Indian Independence act which was enforced promptly.The Muslims of the Sub Continent finally succeeded in carrying out an independent Islamic State for Muslims. 
14th August -Transfer of Power
The transfer of power ceremony was held in Karachi.On August 15,Quaid-e-Azam was sworn in as Governer General of Pakistan and Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan was appointed his Prime Minister. 
"That was the culmination of a long struggle which the Muslims of the South Asian Sub Continent had weged for a separate homeland in the name of Islam."
Organization of Islamic Conference -O.I.C

The organization of Islamic conference is the symbol of Islamic brother hood and fraternity.It is the biggest and the most active organization of Muslim countries.It was established in 1969 so that the scattered strength of Muslims may be united and unity among the Muslim countries may be strengthened. 
The Zionists set fire to the Holy Mosque "Al-Aqsa" on 21st August ,1969 which greatly infuriated the Muslims all over the World.Strikes were observed throughout the Muslim world .The Muslims felt that effective steps should be taken to protect the Muslims from the aggression of the non-Muslim forces.Thus the Arab Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia and Morocco of making arrangement to hold an Islamic Summit Conference.After meeting in Jeddah,a seven member committee was formed to take necessary steps for holding the Islamic Summit Conference. 

First Islamic Summit Conference
Date and Place
The first Islamic Summit Conference was held in Rabat (Morocco) from september 22nd to 25th in 1969. 
24 heads of states participated in this conference. 
1.The incidents of burning of the Masjid Al-Aqsa was discussed. 
2.Middle East situation. 
3.Emphasis was laid on the need for maintaining close relations among Muslim countries. 
Second Islamic Summit Conference
Date and Place
The second Islamic summit conference was held in Lahore (Pakistan) from february 22nd to 24th in 1974. 
The Present of the Conference was Z.A.Bhutto. 
40 delegations and a delegation of the Palestine Liberation Organization participated. 
Following decisions were taken in the coference. 
1.Middles East problem especially Palestinians issue. 
2.It was demanded that Israeli troops should be withdrawn from occupied Arab Territory. 
3.A commitee was set up to find ways and means to eliminate poverty ,disease and ignorance. 
4.S.S.C also set up MUslim Itehad Fund and Islamic Development Bank. 
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Third Islami Summit Conference 
Date and Place
The third Islamic Summit Conference was held at Taif (Saudi Arabia) in January 1981. 
38 Muslim countries participated. 
1.The Conference paid special attention to the intervantion in Afghanistan ,Palestine problems,Jerusalam and Iraq war. 
2.It was decided to create Islamic Center for Trade Exchange and to set up an Academy for Islamic Fiqah. 
Fourth Islamic Summit Conference
Date and Place
The fourth Summit Conference was held at Casablanca (Morocco) in January ,1984. 
45 Muslim countries participated. 
1.Various international problems like Iran Iraq war,Kashmir Issue,Lebanon problem etc were discussed. 
2.Decisions were taken for the safeguard of the rights of the Palestine people. 
3.Decisions about Egypt's re-entry in the O.I.C was also taken. 
Fifth Islamic Summit Conference
Date and Place
The fifth conference was held in Kuwait in January 1987. 
44 Islamic countries participated. 
As usual a few resolutions were passed and more or less the same issues were dealt with. 
Sixth Islamic Summit Conference
Date and Place
This Conference was held in December 1991 at Dakar (Senegal). 
45 countries participated in this Conference. 
Resolutions were passed on many problems like Kashmir,Afghanista,Palestine etc and serious concern was also expressed on American threat of military action against Libya. 
Seventh Islamic Summit Conference
Date and place
This conference was held in Casablanca (Morocco) in December,1994. 
The President of Summit,King Hasan of Morocco,stressed the need for strengthening Islamic Soldarity and unity of the Islamic Ummah in an atmosphere of brother hood and concord. 
The conference also expressed its determination: 
"To the project the correct image of Islam reflecting the spirite of 'Ijtehad'based on the general principles of Shariah". 
Benazir Bhutto said: 
" Even Worse,our enemies now seek to justify aggresion against the Muslim peoples by portraying Islam as an intolerant doctrine of violence and terror." 

All the summit conferences clearly shows that hte prime objective of O.I.C is to promote greater harmony and co-operation amongst the Muslim world and to protect their intrest in International system.It is also aimed at the Islamic countries and to create co-operation amongst them in these spheres.The O.I.C also stood for the fraternal feelings which had existed for centuries amongst the Muslims of the World.










                            Foreign Policy of Pakistan

No country today can think of a life independent of other nations.Every country has to develope relations with other countries so as to meets its requirements in economical,industrial and technological fields.It is thus necessary for every country to formulate a sound foreign policy.Pakistan is an important third world country in its developmental stage.It also has formulated her foreign policy keeping in mind its geoghraphy ,politics and economics. 

Foreign Policy can be defined as : 
 "Relations between sovereign states.It is reflection of demestic politics and an interraction among sovereign states.It indicates the principles and preferences on which a country qant to establish relations with another country." 
The father of the nation,Quaid-e-Azam defined Foreign Policy towards other countries of the world in 1948,as follows: 
" Our Foreign Policy is one of friendliness and good-will towards all the nations of the world.We do not cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation.We believe in the policy of honesty and fair play in national and international dealings and are prepared to make our outmost contribution to the promotion of peace and prosperity among the nations of the world.Pakistan will never be found lacking in extending its material and moral support to the oppressed and suppressed of the United Nations Charter." 
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1.Maintenance of territorial integrity. 
2.Maintenance of its political independence. 
3.Acceleration of social and economic development. 
4.Strengthening its place on the globe. 
5.Keeping cordial and friendly relations with all countries. 
Following are the principles of Pakistan's Policy: 
1.Protection of freedom and soveregnity
Pakistan came into being after great sacrifices of million of Muslims ,like any other country,she also considers with deep regard the need for preservation of its independence and does not allow any country to harm its freedom .Therefore,the principle of protection of independence and sovereignty is the corner stone of Pakistan's Foreign Policy. 
2.Cordial Relations with Muslim Countries
Pakistan always tries to establish cordial and friendly relations with Muslim countries.It has always moved its concern against Israel,India and U.S.S.R capturing Palestine,Kashmir and Afghanistan respectively.She has shouldered high responsibilities and used her influence for safeguarding the rights of the Muslims.Pakistan is also an active member of the Islamic Conference. 
3.Non Interference in Internal Affairs of Other ountries
Pakistan has sought to establish normal and friendly relations with all countries especially its neighbouring countries,on the basis of universally acknowledge the principle of national sovereignty,non use of force,non-interference in the internal affairs of state. 
4.Implementation of U.N Charter
Pakistan's policy is to act upon UN Charter and to support all moves by the UN to implwmwnt it.Pakistan has been the member of UN since the year of its birth. 
5.Promotion of World Peace
Pakistan policy is to promote peace among nations.It has no aggresive designs against any country.Neither does it support any such action.Pakistan has always held that the international disputes should be settled through negotiations rather than non-battlefield. 
Pakistan follows the policy of Non-Alignment i,e to keep away from alignment with any big power bloc and avoids taking sides in the cold war.It has also given up its association with SEATO and CENTO and was included in NAM in 1979. 
7.Support for Self-Determination and Condemnation of Racial Discrimination
Pakistan is a staunch supporter of the right of self-determination and has been in the fore front of efforts to eliminate colorialism.It has advocated the right of self determination of Kashmir. 
The guiding principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy are rooted in the country's Islamic ideology,its rich cultural heritage and historical experience.As an Islamic and non-aligned country,Pakistan supports Islamic caouses and firmly upholds the above mentioned principles,which hold out the promose of a just and equitable world order in which nations can live in peace and security.


                   Justification of the demand of Pakistan

Hindus and Muslims had lived peacefully together in India for centuries,but after the British invation in South Asia and their undue support to Hindus,life became very difficult for Indian Muslims.In fact, the Muslims were a separate nation who always adhered to their religious identity.The British and the Hindus in spite of their great efforts could not put a wedge into the Muslim unity and their national image and religious identity. 

The two nation theory was the basis of the struggle for the creation of Pakistan which held that Hindus and Muslims were to separate nations.On one occation ,Quaid-e-Azam said: 
 "Hindus and Muslims though living in the same towns and villages,had never been blended into one nation.They were always two separate entties." 
There were a few factors which split the inhabitants of the Sub Continent into two nations.Let us examine each of them separately. 
1.Religious Differences
Hindus and Muslims belong to different religions.Muslims believe in the Tawheed (Oneness of Allah ) 
and equality of men.On the other hand ,Hindus believe in multiple Gods and Hindu society is divided iinto four different classes.Thus there lies the basic difference between Hindu and Muslim way. 
2.Cultural Differences
Hindus and Muslims followed different social customs and traditions.The Hindus burnt their dead bodies while Muslims buriedthem.Hindus considered the 'mother cow' as a sacred animal and worshipped it while Muslims slaaughtered it. 
3.Educational Differences
The Hindus had advanced in the educational field because they readily and quickly took to the English education .The Muslims did not recieve modern education ,which heavily affected their economic condition. 
Muslims and Hindus wrote and spoke two different languages .'The language of Muslims was Urdu and it was written in Arabic script.On the other hand ,Hindus spoke Hindi and it was written in Sanskrit.Even this small difference led to a stirring conflict between the two nations. 
By the biginning of twenteeth 20th century,the even had taken a new turn.The Hindus and British had 
joined hands to destroy the Muslims morally,socially,economically and politically.They reseved all higher civil, judicial and military appointments for Britishers only while Muslims were debarred from all official positions.The Islamic educational system was replaced by British one.Then Muslims were forced to change their religion to Christanity and were compelled to send their children to co-educational institutes and abandon pardha. 
After formation of Congress Ministers Muslims had to bear their opressive and tyrannical rule.Muslims were forbidden to eat beef.Those who sloughtered 'Mother Cow' was killed.Islam was humiliated ,prayers and Azans were interrupted. Hindi was made the official language.In addition to these ,they launched a scheme called "Vidya Mandir Scheme" to convert non Hindus to Hindus.Congress clearly stated: 
"India belongs to the Hindus and if Muslims wish to live in India,They should accept Hinduism." 
According to Nehru three coloured flags were hoisted to prove that: 
"There are only two parties in the country .The Congress and the British." 
The Hindu Muslim riots increased during the Congress rule throughout the country.The Hindus were free to make the Muslims victims of their high handedness.The houses of Muslims were set on fire.Massacre of the Muslims became the routine of the day. 

On the basis of above mentioned factors and bitter attitude of British and Congress the Muslims apprehended that they would lose their entity if they remained a part of Hindu society.Therefore they quitted Congress and demanded separate land on the ground that they were different nation from Hindus.Accrding to Quaid-e-Azam: 
"The Muslims demanded Pakistan where they can rule in accrdance with their own system of life,their cultural development ,their traditions and Islamic law."






Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah,the great leader of Muslims of Sub Continent gave practical shape to the ideology given by Allama Iqbal. He He had a strong believe in Hindu Muslim unity and was of the opinion that both Hindus and Muslims should launch joint efforts to get rid of British rule. 
After joining Muslim league in 1913,he continued with his efforts to bring about Hindu Muslm unity but he was greatly disappointed to see the prejudicial attitude of the Congress and Hindus towards the Muslims.Following are some extrcts from the speeches and statements which he delivered from time to time for explaining the ideology of Pakistan. 
Quaid-e-Azam believed that Congress and Hindus would never recognize the rights of Muslims.He declared while representing the Muslims in the Second Round Table Conference in 1913: "The Hindu Muslim dispute must be settled before the enforcements of any system or constitution.Untill you do not give guarantee for the safeguard of the Muslim intrests,untill you do not win their (Muslims) co-operations,any constitution you enforce shall not las for even 24 hours." 

Quiad-e-Azam was a firm advocate of two nation theory which became the ideological basis Pakistan.He considered the Muslims as a separate nation.He said: 
 " Pakistan was created the day the first Indian National entrerd the field of Islam". 
He difined the two nation theory as: 
 " The Muslims are a nation by every right to establish their separate homeland.They can adopt any means to promote and protect their economic social,political and cultural intrests." 

At the historic session of the Muslim League at Lahore,he said: 
"The mussalmans are not a minority.They are a nation by any definition.By all canons of International lwa we are a nation". 
In his presedential address at the annual session of Muslim League at Lahore in 1940,he said: 
"India is not a nation,nor a country.It is a Sub Continent of nationalities.Hindus and Muslims being the two major nations.The hindus and Muslims belongs to two different religions,Philosphies,social customs and literature.They neither intermarry nor interdine and they belong to two different civilization which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions.Their aspects on life and of are different.It is quite clear that Hindus and Muslims derive their inspiration from different sources of history." 

While addressing the students of Muslim University,he said: 
 "Hindus and Muslims through living in the same town and villages,had never been blended into one nation.They were always two separate entities." 
Quaid-e-Azam emphasized on the Islamic idology as being the basis of the struggle for Pakistan because he believed that only Islam was the unifying force of the Muslim Millat.He said: 
 "What relationships knits the Muslims into one hole ,which is the formidable rock on which the Muslim edifice has been erected,which is the sheet anchor providing base to to the Muslim Millat,the relationship,the sheet anchor and the rock is Holy Quran." 
In 1946,Quaid-e-Azam declared: 
 "We do not demand Pakistan simply to have a piece of land but we want a Laboratory where we could experiment on Islamic principles." 
In his message to the frontier Muslim student Federation,he said: 
"Pakistan only means freedom and independence but Muslims Ideology,which has to be preseved which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which we hope,others will share with us." 

The above sayings and statements largely prove that Quaid-e-Azam wanted a establish an Islamic system as a code of life because he believed that it was the sole objective of the Pakistan Movement.





Pakistan Studies Fill in the Blanks

1.The last viceroy of united India was _______.(Lord Mount Batten) 
2.______ is known as Bab-ul-Islam.(Sindh) 
3.The first O.I.C summit was held in ___________ in _______. (Rabat,Morocco)(1969) 
4.The second O.I.C summit was held in ________ in _________.(Lahore,Pakistan)(1974) 
5.The third O.I.C summit was held in _______ and ________ 
in________.(Makkah)(Taif,Saudia Arabia)(1981) 
6.The fourth O.I.C summit was held in ________ in ______.(Casablanca,Morocco)(1984) 
7.The fifth O.I.C summit was held in _______ in _______.(Kuwait)(1987) 
8.The sixth O.I.C summit was held in ________ in ______.(Dakar,Senegal)(1991) 
9.The seventh O.I.C summit was held in _______ in _______.(Casablanca)(1994) 
10.The eight O.I.C summit was held in ___________ in _______.(Tehran,Iran)(1997) 
11.The highway linking China and Pakistan is called 
12.Pakistan became the member of U.N on ____________and ___________ Opposed 
it.(30th December 1947)(Afghanistan) 
13. _____________ are the two most important food crops of Pakistan.(Wheat and Rice) 
14.The Objective Resolution was put forwarded by ___________ in________.(Liaqat Ali 
15._________ and ________ are two famous Pushto poets.(Khushal Khan 
Khatak)(Rehman Baba) 
16.The State Bank was inaugurated by _________ in __________.(Quaid-e-Azam)(July 
17.The first constitution of Pakistan came into force on __________ and cancelled in _______.(23rd March 1956)(1958) 
18.The second constitution of Pakistan was promulgated on __________.(1st March 1962) 
19.The third constitution of Pakistan was promulgated on _________.(14th August 1973) 
20.Pakistan's second Governer General and 2nd Prime Minister was _______.(Khawaja Nazimuddin) 
21.The Government of Pakistan imposed the system of Zakat in the year _____ and it is collected at ______.(1980)(1/3 %) 
22.Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in the year _____.(1913) 
23.The Simla delegation was headed by ___________.(Sir Agha Khan) 
24.Pakistan's largest heavy engineering complex is situated at _______ ,Built with the help of ____.(Texila)(China) 
25.The highest peak of Pakistan is _____.(K-2) 
26.Sui gas was found in the year _____.(1952) 
27.__________ was the chairman of boundary commission.(Sir Red Cliff) 
28.The growth rate of Pakistan is _____.(3%) 
29.The Lucknow Pact was signed between Muslim League and _______ in the year ____.(Congress)(1916) 
30.The first President of All India Muslim League was _______.(Sir Agha Khan) 
31.Quaid-e-Azam proposed his 14 points in the year _____.(1929) 
32.The United Nations was founded in _________.(24th October 1945) 
33.The first meeting of the Muslim League took place in the year ____ at _______.(1908)(Karachi) 
34.The Cripps Mission visited India in______.(1942) 
35.___________ Was the first Governer General of Pakistan.(Quaid-e-Azam) 
36.The Cabinet Mission came to India in the year ______ A.D and had ___ members.(1946)(three) 
37.R.C.D (Regional Co-operation for development )was established in______.(1964) 
38.Quaid-e-Azam Gave his 14 points in reply to ________.(Nehru Report) 
39.Mount Batten announced his plan on _________.(3rd June 1947) 
40.The first independent ruler of Muslim India was ________.(Qutub uddin Aibak) 
41.Allama Iqbal gave his historical address in the year _____ A.D at _____ .(1930) (Allahbad) 
42.Quaid-e-Azam appealed on _________ to observe day of Deliverance or Yaum-e-Nijat /Tashakkur.(22th december 1939) 
43.___________ has 4 divisions.(Sindh) 
44.__________ was the first President of Pakistan.(Iskander Mirza) 
45.Participation of Bengal took place in the year ______A.d And cancelled in _____ A.D.(1905)(1911) 
46.The two biggest hydraulic dams of Pakistan are _______ and _______.(Tarbela)(Mangla) 
47.Pakistan was recognized as a republic in the year _____.(1956) 
48._____________ Translated the Holly Quran in Persian.(Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah) 
49.Moen jo Daro was built _______ years ago through a thought plan.(4000) 
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50.The Muslim League was founded in _______ at _____ due to the movement of _______ .(1906) (Dhaka) ( Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan) 
51.All India Congress was founded by ____________ in the year _________ A.d.(Allan o.Hume)(1885) 
52.The first Prime Minister of Pakistan was ___________.(Liaqat Ali Khan) 
53.The First World War started in _______.(1914) 
54.The second World War ended in ______. (1945) 
55.Urdu is a Persian word it means ______.(Camp) 
56.First Muslim General _____________ invaded Sindh.(Mohammad Bin Qasim) 
57.The highest court of Pakistan is __________.(Supreme Court) 
58.The Aligarh Movement was started by ________.(Sir Syed Ahmed Khan) 
59.Quaid-e-Azam remained member of both Muslim League and Congress for __ years.(9) 
60.Badshahi Mosque was built by __________ at Lahore.(Aurangzeb Alamgir) 
61. Sindh was separated from Bombay presidency in the year _____A.D.(1936) 
62.First Round Table Conference took place in London in _______ A.D.(1930) 
63.Second Round Table Conference took place in London in ______ A.D.(1931) 
64.General Zia Ul Haq took office in ____ A.D.(1977) 
65.Quaid-e-Azam was born on ___________.(25th December 1876) 
66.___________ and ____________ are the two building found in Pakistan that were built by Mughal Empire.(Badshahi Mosque)(Shahi Qila) 
67.Pakistan's two important agricultural crops are _____ and _____.(Cotton)(Rice) 
68.Allama Iqbal was born at _________.in ________.(Sialkot)(1877) 
69.The last Mughal Emperor of India was _________.(Bahadur Shah Zafar) 
70.Pakistan's largest steel mill is at ________ formed by the cooperation of ________.(pipri(Karachi)(Russia) 
71.There are ___ natural regions of Pakistan.(4) 
72.The Mosque built by ________ is at Thatta.(Shah Jahan) 
73.The duration sixth five -years plan is ______.(1985-1990) 
74.According to the 1972 census the literacy rate in Pakistan was _____ which grew to _____ in 1981.(21.7%)(26.2%) 
75.The true name of Hazrat Mujaddid Alif Sane was _______.(Shaikh Ahmed) 
76.In the 1945 Muslim League won ____ Muslims seats in the central Assembly.(30) 
77.The British Parliament passed the Indian Independence law in _________ or made the Indian participation plan into a law.(July 1947) 
78.The script of All Pakistani languages is similar and it is based on ______ (Quranic Script) 
79.Sind Madarsa-ul-Islam was founded by ___________.(Hasan Ali Afandi) 
80.Pakistan earns its biggest share of foreign exchange from _____.(Cotton) 
81.In _______ ,________ helped Pakistan in making arrangements to hold the Islamic Summit Conference.(1974)(Shah Faisal) 
82.The first General elections of Pakistan were held in the year______.(1971) 
83.SAARC abbreviates for __________ .(South Asian Assocition for Regional Cooperation) 
84.________ founded Muslim League's braneli at London in _____.(Syed Ameor Ali)(1908) 
85.All Pakistani languages contain lots of words of ______ and _______.(Arabic)(Persian) 

86.Immediately after Independence from the British India forcefully annexed _______.(Hyderabad) 
87._______ and ________ occupied a large territory of Kashmir.(Dakkan)(Junagarh) 
88.The _____ nuclear exploitation showed the true face of Indian agression.(1974) 
89.Congress started "Leave India Movement" in the year ______.(1942) 
90.In_____,________ defeated the Marhatas at the battle field of Pani Patt.(1761)(Ahmed Shah Abdali) 
91.The first Mughal Emperor was _____.(Babar) 
92.The Mughal Emperor Akbar introduced the _________.(Deen-e-Elahi) 
93.Pakistani languages are greatly influenced from _______.(Arabic) 
94._________ and _________ are two important Sindhi poets.(Shah Abdul Latif)(Sachal Sarmast) 
95.Two palces famous for wooden crafts are ______ and ______ in Pakistan.(Hala)(Kashmor) 
96.The Indus Basin Treaty was signed between Pakistan and India in the year ____.(1960) 
97.Sindh Muslim League passed a resolution in _______.(1938) 
98.Nizam-e-Mustafa movement was carried in the year ____.(1977) 
99.The Hindu Society is divided in ___ casts.(4) 
100.Pakistan's _____ population live in rural areas.(70%) 
101.The first Muslim League Government was formed in Sindh in ______.(1943) 
102.Masjid Mahabat Khan is situated at _________.(Peshawar) 
103.Masjid Wazir Khan is situated at ________.(Lahore) 
104.Simla Delegation met _______ in 1945.(Lord Wevell) 
105.In year ____ the Simla delegation headed by Sir Agha Khan met ______.(1906) (Lord Minto) 
106.Liaqat Ali Khan born in ______ and become the secretary general of Muslim in _____.(1895)(1936) 
107.Waris Shah wrote _________.(Heer Ranjha) 
108.The total area of Pakistan is _________ sq.km and total population according to 1981 census is _____________ million/crores.(796096)(83782000) 
109.Pakistan exploded its first atomic bomb at _______ in the year ______.(Chaghi)(May 1998) 
110.Moen-jo-Daro is the province of ______.( Sindh). 
111.The period of first five year plan was _________.(1955-1960) 
112.Pakistan joined the non -Aligned Movement in in the year ______.(1979) 
113.The first conferences of NAM was held at ______ in _______ and the second at _______.(Belgrade)(1961)(Cairo) 
114.The fort of Lahore (Shahi Qila) was built by ________.(Jehangir) 
115.Sind was conquired by Mohammad bin Qasim in the year ______.(712) 
116.The head of the state is called _______ and head of the Government is called _______.(President)(Prime Minister) 
117.The Secretariate of O.I.C is at ________ (Saudi Arabia) and RCD at ________.(Jeddah)(Tehran) 
118.RCD is called now ________ .(R.E.C (Regional Economic Council) 
119.The desert land of Sindh is called _______ and that Bahawalpur is called ________.(Thar)(Cholistan) 
120.The first Saint to came South Asia ______________ is most important of all.(Hazrat Ali Hajveri) 
121.Hazrat Amman Marvandi is known as _________.(Lal Shahbaz Qalandar) 
122.In ______ Cripps mission was presented.(1942) 
123.In 1945-1946 elections Muslim League won ____ seats in central and _______ in provincial assembly.(all)(90%) 
124.In ______ Lord Wavell proposed the formation of a temperary government consisting of the political parties of United India.(1945) 
125.According to 3rd June 1947 plan plebiscite was held in __________ and ________.(N.W.F.P)(Silhoute) 
126.In the North of Kabul river Khyber Pass is situated which is _____ km long.(53) 
127.In the 1973 constitution ________ was recognized as state religion.(Islam) 
128.In Pakistan ____ languages are spoken.(30) 
129.__________ is the sufi poet of Pushto poetry.(Rehman Baba) 
130._________ is considered as first poet of Pushto.(Ameer Karoro) 
131.For a developing country like Pakistan ____________ is very important.(Nuclear Power) 
132.U.N has _______ members.(159) 
133.The five principles passed by the Non-Aligned countries are called _______.(Punj Shilla) 
134.The members of R.C.D are _________,________, and ________.(Pakistan)(Iran)(Turkey) 
135.In __________ separate elections principle was accepted.(1909) 
136.Sir Syed founded scientific society in ________.(1862) 
137.The Khilafat conference meeting held at Karachi in ______.(1921) 
138.The fundamental principle of our foreign policy is ________________.(friendship with the nations of the world) 
139.Sir Syed brought out the digest "Tehzib-ul-Akhlaq" in _______.(1870) 
140.The first central office of Muslim League was established at ________.(Aligarh) 
141.The word Pakistan was proposed by ______________ in a pamphlet named _______ .(Choudri Rehmat Ali)(No and Never) 
142.The first constituent assembly of Pakistan was dissolved in the year ______ and _______ was its speaker.(1954)(Mir Maulvi Tamizuddin) 
143.Under the constitution of 1973 the National Assembly consists of ______ Muslim members and the Senate consist of ____ members.(207)(87)





















Pakistan Study Short Questions and Answers

1.Who was the first president of Islamic Republic of Pakistan?
Ans.The first President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was Iskandar Mirza.

2.Of which organization is UNICEF the the abbreviated forms?
Ans.UNICEF is one of the specialized agencies of united nations and dis the abbreviated form of "United Nations International Children Emergency Fund."

3.Which Institution was inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam in July 1948?
Ans.The State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam in July 1948.

4.Name the rivers on which the Mangla Dam and the Tarbela Dam are built.
Ans.Tarbela Dam is built on River Indus and Mangla Dam is built on River Jhelum.

5.Name two famous poets of Pushto language.
Ans.The famous and popular poets of Pushto language are:
(i) Kazim Khan Shaida
(ii) Rehman Baba

6.Who are the famous poets of Sindhi language.
Ans.The famous and popular poets of Sindhi language are:
(i) Syed Abdul Karim Mohammad Hashim
(ii) Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai
(iii) Sachal Sarmast
(iv) Pir Mohammad
(v) Makhdoom Noah
(vi) Makhdoom Ahmed Bhitai

7.Who are the famous poets of Punjabi language?
Ans.The names of famous poets of punjabi language are given below:
(i) Sultan Bahu
(ii) Bullah Shah
(iii) Shah Hussain
(iv) Waris Shah
(v) Madho Lal Hussain
(vi) Ghulam Farid

8.Was the constitution of 1962 of presidential or parlimentary type?
Ans.The constitution of 1962 introduced the presidential form of Government.

9.Name the natural regions of Pakistan.
Ans.Pakistan is divided into six natural regions.
(i) Northern Mountain Range
(ii) Mountains of Western Frontier
(iii) Plateau of Potowar and Salt Range
(iv) The Plateau of Baluchistan
(v) Upper Indus Plain
(vi) Lower Indus Plain

10.Write the objectives of U.N.O.
Ans. The main aims and objectives of United Nations (UNO) are:
(i) The first and foremost aim of U.N.O is to prevent war and mantain peace in the world through collective efforts.
(ii) To create good will among the nation of the world through economics,social,political dn humanitarism means.
(iii) To eraclicate the evils of caste,colour and creed by means of education.
(iv) Cultivation of friendly relations among the people on the basis of equality and the principle of self-determination.
(v) Preservation of human rights and fundamental freedom all over the world.

11.Of which organization is R.C.D the abbreviated from?What is it new name?
Ans.R.C.D is the abbreviated form of "Regional cooperation Developement".The new name is E.C.O (Economic Cooperation Organization).

12.Describe briefly the causes that led to the creation of All Muslim League?
Ans.Following are the causes of the formation of All India Muslim League:
(i) Congress-A Hindu Organisation:
 Hume laid the foundation of Indian National Congress in 1885,But Congress by its  policy and propaganda proved itself a Hindu Organisation.
(ii) UnHappy Events of partition of Bengal:
Hindu's attitude towards Muslim intrest and the partition of bengal had exposed Hindu feelings beyond any doubt.
(iii) Safeguard for Urdu:
Urdu-Hindi controversy was one of the causes of the creation of Muslim League.
(iv) Propaganda against Islam:
Some Hindu leaders had raised the slogan "India is for Hindus only".They started propaganda against Islam and Muslims.

13.Whwn,Where and with whom did the members of the Simla Delegation go to meet?
Ans.On 1st Oct.1906 ,a Muslim deputation consisting of 35 representative met the Viceroy Lord Minto at simla and presented some demands of Muslims.The viceroy gave a patient hearing to the demands of the Muslims presented by the Simla Delegation and he promised to give athetic consideration to the demands of Muslims and assured them that the intrests of the Muslims would be safeguard.

14.When and why was the Khilafat Movement started?Who were the leaders of the Movement?
Ans.After the first world war ,the fate of Ottoman Turkish Empire (Khalifa) was sealed.The Turkish Sultans had claimed to the Caliphs of the Muslim World.The general impression among the Muslims was that the Western Powers were waging a war against Islam to rob it of all its powers.Muslims of South India took up courage and started "Khilafat Movement in 1919,its aim was to:
(i) To save Khilafat
(ii) To protect Holy Cities from non-Muslim control
The leaders of Khilafat Movement were:
(i) Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar
(ii) Maulana Shaukat Ali
(iii) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

15.What do you know about the regional languages of Pakistan?
Ans.The general elections for the central lagisleture Assembly were held in India in December ,1945.The Muslim League won 86.6% of the total Muslim seats.Out of total 102 seats in the central Assaembly ,the Muslim league won 30 seats.

17.Write names of the member countries of the SAARC organization.
Ans.The following are the member countries of SAARC:
(i) India
(ii) Pakistan
(iii) Bangladesh
(iv) Sri Lanka
(v) Nepal
(vi) Bhutan
(vii) Maldives

18.When and which treaty was signed between India and Pakistan with respect to canal water dispute?
Ans.The water dispute had its origin in the partiton of Punjab.It came to light on April 1,1948,when India cut off the flow of canal water to West Punjab in Pakistan,causing a great threat of famine and loss of corps in West Punjab.
With the Intervention of World Bank,On September 19,1960,an agreement was concluded between the countries which is known as "Indus Basin Treaty".The treaty was signed by President Ayub Khan from Pakistan side and by Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru from India in 1961.According to this agreement the Chenab,Jhelum and the Indus rivers were allocated to Pakistan and three Eastern rivers Sutluj,Bias and Ravi were given to India.

19.When and where as the first session of the All India Muslim League held?
Ans.The first session of the All India Muslim League was held at Karachi on 29th and 30th December,1907.

20.When and Who dissolved the first constituent Assembly of Pakistan?
Ans.The first constituent Assembly of Pakistan was dismissed by then the Governor General Ghulam Mohammad on Oct. 24th,1954.

21.When and Where was Allama Iqbal born?
Ans.Allam Iqbal was born on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot.

22.Name any two cash crops of Pakistan?
Ans.Cash crops supply raw material to industries,Foriegn exchange is also earned through export of these corps.The cash-crops of Pakistan are:
(i) Cotton
(ii) Sugar-Cane

23.How many administrative divisions are there in Sindh?
Ans.There are four administrative divisions in Sindh.

24.Name the main Industries of Pakistan?
Ans.The main Industries of Pakistan are:
(i) Textile Industries
(ii) Cement Industries
(iii) Paper Industries
(iv) Sugar Industries
(v) Steel Industries
(vi) Fertilizer's Factories

25.On what date was the day of deliverance observed as announced by the Quaid-e-Azam ?
Ans.When the Congress ministers,resigned in October,1939,the Quaid-e-Azam appealed to the Muslims of India to observe a "Deliverance Day" On Dec. 22,1939 and expressed their relief at the terminatio of Congress rule which had been too hostile during the last two years.He also appealed that the Day should be observed peacefully.The Deliverance Day was observed peacefully throughout the country.

26.When was the Zakat System introduced in Pakistan?
Ans..The Zakat System was introduced in the country through the Zakat and Ushr Ordinance on June 20,1980.According to this ordinance,zakat fund would be established to collect these sorts of gifts and it was compulsory for every sahib-e-nisab Muslim whetehr male or female to pay zakat by deducting it from his or her account in the bank.

27.Name the first casts of Hindu Society?
Ans.The Hindu Society was divided into the following four casts:
(i) Brahman
(ii) Khatri
(iii) Vaish
(iv) Shooder

28.Which caste is respected the most in the Hindu Society?
Ans.The Brahman's are considered the most superior in the Hindu society.

29.What are the works given to the Khatris?
Ans.The occupation of Khatris was to fight and defend the country.

30.What is the occupation of Vaish?
Ans.The people of the Vaish caste are farmerstraders ,industrialist and artisans.

31.What was the occupation of Shooder?
Ans.The people of Shooder caste were considered the lowest of other casts.They had to serve the other castes,i.e they were slaved.

32.How did Urdu language came into being?
Ans.The Mughal army consisted of people belonging to different communities of India and speaking different languages .By intermingling of these people,a new language by the name of Urdu came into existance.

33.Name the Sufi's who worked for the spread of Islam in South Asia?
Ans.The Sufi's and Saints who worked for the spreading of Islam in South Asia are:
(i) Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh
(ii) Khuwaja Moeenuddin Chishti
(iii) Hazrat Mujaddid Alif Sani
(iv) Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalander
(v) Hazrat BahaUddin Zakaria

34.What do you mean by "Ideology of Pakistan".?
Ans.Pakistan came into existence of the basis of one ideology and this ideology refers that Islam is the religion of all the Muslims and this Islamic ideology is the idiology of Pakistan,

35.Which province did not have any constitution during the British rule?
Ans.The British had made North West Frontier Province as "Non-Constitutional Land".

36.When did Partition of Bengal take place and benefited from it?When and had did the annulment of partition took place?
Ans.The Partition of Bengal took place in 1905 and this was the first right step taken by the British towards the intrests of Muslims,but the narrow-minded Hindus could not bear this and due to thier opposition the annulment of partition took place in 1911.

37.Why did the Muslims not accept the Nehru Report?
Ans.In the Nehru Report,the Hindus did no respect the rights and intrests of Muslims and not fulfilled the promises made by them.Therefore,the Muslims did not accept the Nehru Report.

38.Why didQuaid-e-Azam presented his fourteen points?
Ans.Quaid-e-Azam presented his fourteen points in reply to the Nehru Report.

39.Why did the round table conference failed?
Ans.The Round Table Conference failed due to the narrow-mindedness and negative attitude of the Hindus.

40.Write down the points of the Indian Independence Act of 1947?
Ans.The important points of Indian Independence Act are:
(i) The legislative supremacy of the two dominions.
(ii) The legislatures of the two Dominions were given full powers to make laws having extra-territorial jurisdication.
(iii) The British Government was to have no control over the affairs of the  Dominions.Provinces or any part of the Dominions after 15th August,1947.

41.What were the important points of third June Plan?
Ans.The important points of third June Plan was are as follows:
(i) India was to be divided into Hindustan And Pakistan.
(ii) Pakistan was to comprise the Muslim majority areas with a right to secede from the rest of India.
(iii) The Muslims majority areas would be demarcated by a Joint Boundary Commission.
(iv) Bengal would be partitioned into Muslim and Hindu majority areas.

42.Which party formed the Government of Britain when the sub-continent was partitioned?
Ans.The Labour Party ruled the Government of Britain when India was partitioned.

43.Write the name of some Muslim Leaders who worked during the Pakistan Movements?
Ans.(i) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
(ii) Nawab Salim Ullah
(iii) Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk
(iv) Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk
(v) Sir Agha Khan
(vi) Allama Iqbal
(vii) Quaid-e-Azam

44.During the World War II,what promise did the British Government made towards the people of sub-continent?
Ans.The British Government promised the people of sub-continent that India will be partitioned after the end of the Second World War.

45.How many Resolutions did the U.N passed regarding Kashmir problem?
Ans.The Security Council of United Nations passed two Resolutins on 17th August,1948 and 5th January,1949.

46.What did Quaid-e-Azam said about Radcliff Commission?'
Ans.The Quaid-e-Azam remarked about Radcliff Commission or Radcliff award:

"The award was a parting Kick of the British Government."

47.What was the percentage of Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir according to the census of 1941?
Ans.According to the census of 1941,the Muslim population in Kashmir was 96% and in Jammu,it was 70%.

48.What do you know about Mohammad Ali Bogra Formula?
Ans.In the period of third Prime Minister,Mr.Mohammad Ali Bogra,great efforts were made for the preparation of the constitution in the light of the recommendations of the committee he was able to prepare a draft bill of the constitution which is known as "Mohammad Ali Bogra's Formula".In this formula,it was suggested to give equal representation to East and West Pakistan.

49.When was the objective resolution passed?
Ans.The objective resolution was passed on 12th March,1949 in the Constituent Assembly.

50.Which event took place in the history of constitution making of Pakistan 1955?
Ans.It was hoped that after Mohammad Ali Bogra Formula,a constitution would be made in the country but in 1954,the Governer General dismissed the Constituent Assembly and in 1955,a new constituent Assembly was elected which started the work of constitution making.

51.How long did the 1956 constitution last?
Ans.The constitution of 1956 lasted for only two and a half years.On 7th October,1958,the army took over the Government.

52.According to the constitution of 1962,name the council that was established to point out the non-Islamic things.
Ans.The Council which was established to point out the non-Islamic things is known as "Islamic Ideology Council".

53.How long did the constitution of 1962 last?
Ans.This constituted lasted for 7 years.On 25th March,1969,Ayub Khan resigned and gave the power to the army.General Yahya Khan dismissed the 1962 constitution and enforceed Martial Law in the country.

54.When was the legal frame work Order issue?
Ans.The legal frame work Order was issued on March 30th,1970.The said order contained the fundamental principles of the constitution to be framed by the elected assembly as well as the number of seats in National and Provincial Assembly for the General Elections to be held.

55.When were the Shariat Courts formed and where is its head office?
Ans.Shariat Courts were established in 1979 and its head office is at Islamabad.

56.When was the intrest-free banking system introduced in the country?
Ans.On 1st January,1981,an intrest-free banking system was introduced in the country.According to this system ,the account holder was made a partner with the bak in its profit or loss by sharing it according to his investments in the bank.

57.Under what circumstances did General Zia-ul-Haq took control of power on 5th July 1977.
Ans. The elections held in the country were not fair.The people started the Nizam-e-Mustafa Movement.The Government held discussion but no results were obtained.As a result,the army on 5th July 1977 took control of the power.

58.Give the location of Pakistan.
Ans. Pakistan is geographically located between 23.45 to 36.45 North Latitude and about 61 to 75.5 East longitude in South Asia .The country is sorrounded by Bharat in East,Afghanistan in the North West,Iran in the West and the Arabian Sea in the South.

59.How much is the area of Pakistan?
Ans. The total area of Pakistan is 796096 square kilometers.

60.What does the word "Doab" mean?
Ans.The land or space between two rivers is known as "Doab".

61.Give a brief account of the seasons in Pakistan?
Ans.There are four seasons in Pakistan:
(i) Summer-From May till September
(ii) Winter-From November till February
(iii) Spring-The season of March and April
(iv) Autumn-September and October

62.Write down the names of some important departments of Government of Pakistan.
Ans.The important departments of Government of Pakistan are as follows:
(i) Foreign Office
(ii) Defence Department
(iii) Interior Ministry
(iv) Finance Department
(v) Education Department
(vi) Health Department
(vii) Communication Department

63.How does the Government controll the affairs of F.A.T.A (Federally Administered Tribal Areas)?
Ans.The Federal Government through its appointed agent keeps in touch with the leaders of Tribal Areas and Controls the system of these areas.The shol are comes under the control of jirgah.This is a council comprising of the religions and experienced people of these tribes.

64.What do you mean by Culture?
Ans.Culture is the history of the society and reflects its social past.Culture means behaviour peculiar to its human beings.Culture consists of languages,literature,ideas,beliefs,customs,habits, codes,dress,diet,art,moral,institution,laws,etc.

65.From which areas did civilized life begin?
Ans.Human civilization started from those areas where water,air and other geographics conditions were in much condition for life.Therefore,fertile valley of rivers include Dajla Dafrat(iraq) ,valley of Nite (Egypt) and Indus valley (Pakistan).The evolution of population started from these areas and civilised life began.

66.The land of Pakistan is famous of which civilizations?
Ans.The lanf of Pakistan is proud to have the birth of the historical civilization of the valley of Indus.This civilization was at its peak about four or five thousand years ago.

67.Which land do you mean by Indus Valley?
Ans.Indus Valley means those areas which are situated near the River Indus and its neighbouring Rivers.Its present name is Pakistan.

68.What do you mean by Gandhara Art?
Ans.The areas of Punjab and N.W.F.P which at present situated near Rawalpindi and Peshawar were in the old days given the name of Gandhara Civilization.About two and half thousand years ago,this civilization was at its peak whose art and culture especially art of painting and stone carving are famous.

69.Write down the names of certain important buildings of Muslim Era.
Ans.(i) The fort of Agra
(ii) Taj Mahal,Agra
(iii) Shahi Qila,Delhi
(iv) The tomb of Jehangir,Lahore
(v) Badshahi Masjid ,Lahore
(vi) Masjid Wazir Khan ,Lahore
(vii) Jamia Masjid,Thatta

70.What do you mean by imperialist system?
Ans.The Britishers brought an imperialist system.The Imperialist system means that local cultural and social agencies should be so bound by a political structure that they loose their identification.

71.When did the Muslims invade South Asia?
Ans.Muslims invaded South Asia in 712 A.D.When Mohammad bin Qasim defeated the army of Raja Dahir and established an Islamic Welfare State.

72.Which artist did Humayun brought back from Iran?
Ans.Humayun brought back to artist Mir Syed Ali Tabrezi and Khawaja Abdul Samad from Iran.

73.Which type of painting flourished during the era of Jehangir?
Ans.Jehangir had great intrest in the art of painting.He claimed that he can identify a painter by seeing his paintings in this era,this art was at its peak beautiful pictures of flowers ,paints,animals,birds and natural scenes were made.The pictures of war fighting are magnifitient examples of realistic art.

74.Who was the first musician of the Muslim era?
Ans. Amir Khusro was the first musician of the Muslim era.He invented many rags in music.

75.What did the extremist Hundu Movements wanted to do against the Muslims?
Ans.Hindu extremist Movement such as Shoodhi,Shungthan and Arya Samaj wanted to convert Muslims to Hindus and wanted diminish the separate identity and culture of the Muslims so that the Muslims could leave India.

76.What message did the Allama Iqbal gave to the Muslims of the sub-continent?
Ans.Allama Iqbal gave the message to the Muslims of India that they should develop the feeling of Islamic brotherhood and Jihad so that they could become independent.

77.What did Quiad-e-Azam said about the objective for the creation for Pakistan?
Ans.Quaid-e-Azam described the main objective of the creation of Pakistan in the following words:
"We have not demanded Pakistan only to get a piece of land,but our aim was to get a laboratory where we could practise the principles of Islam."

78.Pakistani culture is a mixed culture.Comment.
Ans.Pakistani culture is a mixed culture .There is still some impact of foreign traditions in our society.We have adopted Western music and their style of living.Although majority of the people are Muslims ther is a mixed culture of Hindus,Britishers and Muslims.

79.The basis of Pakistani culture is on Islam.Comment.

Ans.Pakistan was established so that the Muslims could lead their lives according to the teachings and principles of Islam.Pakistani culture is predominantly an Islamic culture.Pakistan inspite of the differences of religion,language and customs commonly follow the religion of Islam.

80.What are the Pakistani arts?
Ans.Pakistani arts include the following:
(i) Stone Carving
(ii) Carpet Making
(iii) Embriodery

81.How many languages are spoken in Pakistan?
Ans.In Pakistan,about 30 small and big languages are spoken.These include Urdu,Sindhi,Pushto,Punjabi,Baluchi,Kashmiri and Brahvi.

82.What were the different names of Urdu in its different periods?
Ans.In the beginning Urdu was given the name Hindavi,Hindi and Hindustani.Later on,it was given the name Urdu-e-Moalla and Rekhta.And now it is given the name Urdu.

83.When did Pushto language begin?
Ans.Pushto is a language of N.W.F.P .The people speaking these languages are called Pukhtoon or pushtoon.This language started about 5000 years in Afghanistan.Bakhtar or Bakht.Due to this it was given the name Bakhto which later became Pukhto or Pushto.

84.Whom began Sindhi language in Arabic script?
Ans.Abul-Hasan Sindhi began Sindhi language in Arabic script.

85.Which things are distinct in Punjabi literature?
Ans.Folk tales are very popular in Punjabi literature.The poets gave these tales into poetic forms.These tales incude romances like Hir Raanjha,Sassi Panhu and Sohni Mahiwal.

86.Write down the names of famous Baluchi tales?
Ans.The famous tales of Baluchi language are:
(i) Chakar Khan
(ii) Hamal Rando -Hanaz
(iii) Berang-o-Grahan
(iv) Nazshah Hured Dahanni

87.Name three classical poets of Urdu.
Ans.The three classical poets of Urdu are:
(i) Mir Taqi Mir
(ii) Mirza Ghalib
(iii) Mir Dard

88.Who is considered as the first poet of Pushto?
Ans.Amir Karore is considered the first poet of Pushto.

89.Which languages influence Sindhi language?
Ans.Sindhi language is influenced by Darawdi,Sanskrit,Greek,Turkish,Pushto and other languages.

90.'Shah -jo-Risalo' is the poetic collection of which poet?
Ans.Shah -jo-Risalo is poetic collection of famous Sindhi poet Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai.

91.Which Civilization does Punjabi language has a link?
Ans.Punjabi has its links with Hadmai or Draudi civilization.

92.Name the different styles of of speech of Punjabi?
Ans.The different style of speech of Punjabi language are Mulsani,Saraiki,Shahpure,Potohari etc.

93.Name three classical poets of Punjabi.
Ans.Three classical poets of Punjabi are:
(i) Shah Hussain
(ii) Bulleh Shah
(iii) Sultan Bahu

94.Who wrote Heer Ranjha?
Ans.Hir Ranjha was written by Waris Shah.

95.Which is the famous book of Hashim Shah?
Ans.The famous tale of Hashim Shah is Sassi Panhu.

96.Which language does Baluchi link to?
Ans.Baluchi languages has its link with Aryan Languages.

97.Write down the different style of speeches of Baluchi?
Ans.The two styles of speeches of Baluchi are:
(i) Mehrani
(ii) Sulemani

98.Name the ascents of Kashmiri?
Ans.Kashmiri has many ascents.These are Sulemani,Hindki,Gandro and Gami but Gandro leads all the ascents.

99.Write down the salient features of the foreign policy of Pakistan.
Ans.The following are the fundamental principles of Pakistan's foreign policy.
(i) Protection of freedom and sovereignity.
(ii) Close relations with Muslim countries.
(iii) Keeping away from big power politics.
(iv) Support for self-determination.
(v) Implementation of United Nations Charter.
(vi) Promotion of Peace and Friendship.
(vii) Non-Alignment.

100.Pakistan is the member of how many international organizations?
Ans.Pakistan is the active member of the following international organizations:
(i) United Nations Organisations.
(ii) Non-Aligned Movement(N.A.M)
(iii) Organization of Islamic Conference (O.I.C)
(iv) Economic Cooperation Organizatio(E.C.O)

101. When was the foundation of United Nations Laid?
Ans.The foundation of United Nations(U.N.O) was laid on 24th Oct.1945.

102.Name the organs of U.N.O?
Ans.The organs of U.N.O are:
(i) General Assembly
(ii) Security Council
(iii) Economic and Social Council
(iv) Trustee-Ship Council
(v) Secretariat
(vi) International Court of Justice

103.Name the agencies of U.N.
Ans.Ther are several specialized bodies are:
(i) UNICEF-United Nations Internation Children Emergency Fund.
(ii) UNESCO-United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organisations
(iii) FAO-Food and Agricultural Organisation
(iv) WHO-World Health Organisation
(v) ILO-International Labour Organisation.
(vi) WB-World Bank.

104.What is the objective of Non-Aligned Movement?
Ans.The main objective of Non-Aligned Movement was not to join any of the big powers and to keep away from big power politics.

105.When was the foundation of R.C.D laid?
Ans.In July 1964,Iran,Pakistan and Turky with mutual understanding laid the foundation of R.C.D (Regional Cooperation of Development).Now,Its new name is Economic Cooperation Organization(E.C.O).






















                    Location and Climate of Pakistan

Pakistan is situated in continent of Asia between 23.30 degree and 36.45 degree latitude (North) and 61 degree and 75.45 degree longitude (East).India is situated on Pakistan's Eastern border,China lies to the Nort-East while Afghanistan is situated in North-West.In North only a narrow belt of 15 miles in Afghanistan ,called "Wakhan"separates Pakistan from Russia to the West lies Iran and in the South is the Arabian Sea. 
The total area of Pakistan is 796096 sq.km. and its population is about 130 million according to 1998 census. 
Pakistan comprises of four provinces ,viz,Sindh,Baluchistan,the Punjab and the N.W.F.P.Islamabad is the Capital of Pakistan. 

The following discussions throws light on the importance of Pakistan's location; 
Pakistan is situated in a region of great economic,political and military importance.Among its neighbouring countries are China and Russia which are reckoned to be among the countries recognized as super powers. 
2.Karachi as an Important Port
The industrial progress of the Western countries depends upon the oil of the Gulf States.This oil is carried through Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.Karachi is an important port of the Arabian Sea.The foreign policy of Pakistan can,therefore,affect and movement. 
3.As a center of the Muslim World
Pakistan is situated in the center of Muslim world.To the west of Pakistan,starting from Afghanistan and Iran lies a chain of Muslim countries passing through Asia and terminating at the Eastern coast of the Atlantic Ocean i.e the Middle East,Gulf and Africa.To the East of Pakistan,starting from Bangladesh lies another chain of Muslim countries while to the North there are six Muslim countries which gained independence from Russia in 1991. 
4.Control Over Warm Water
The seas of Russia are mostly snow capped and are not fit for navigation for the larger part of the year.To take active part in international trade,Russia dreams to have control over the warm water of the Indian sea.But Pakistan is a hurdle in its way and thus enjoys an important position in the scene of international trade. 
Position in Third World Countries
Pakistan is a great supporter of the unity of the third World countries. 
Climate is an average or general conditions of temperature,humidity,atmospheric pressure,rainfall of a place.The climate of Pakistan,on the whole is dry and extreme.It means that the summers are extrmely hot and winters are extrmely cold and there is a little rainfall during the year. 
There are the following four seasons in Pakistan: 
1.Summer-May to mid September. 
2.Winter-November to February 
3.Autumn-September to November 
4.Spring-March and April 
In Pakistan climate varies from place to place.Pakistan may be divided into the following four regions according to climate: 
The North and North Western Mountainous Area
This region consists of the North and the North-Western Mountianous areas.This region has a very severe winter and the temperature falls bellow the freezing point.In this area the winter seasons remains from six to eight months.On the other hand ,summers of this region are very pleasant. 
The Upper Indus Plain
Below the Northern Mountainous Area is the upper Indus plain.In this area the summer is very hot.The Months of May,June and first week of July are very hot because in this period there is no rainfall.However,the climate here becomes pleasant when rain falls in July.The Winter season of the upper Indus Plains is very pleasant but it does not last long. 
The Coastal Areas and the Lower Indus Valley
The temperature of the coastal areas and the lower indus valley does not rise due to sea land breez.In this region rain does not fall,however due to blowing of sea breez humidity is found in the air.Sea breez keeps the climate pleasant.There is not much difference in the temperature of different months in this region. 
The Plateau of baluchistan and the Thar Desert
In Summer,the temperature of the plateau of Baluchistan and the Thar desert rises.Most of the Mountainous regions of Baluchistan are dry and hot.The Winter season is very severe in Baluchistan and sometimes snow falls in certain parts.




                        The Roll of Quaid-e-Azam
The services and dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah in the Pakistan Movement need no introduction.In this movement,the personality of Quaid-e-Azam and his immense struggle made the thought pall of the foundation of Pakistan easy and finally,the Muslims of India were successful in reading their destination for which they underwent a long journey under the Quaid. 
During his stay in London,Mhammad Ali Jinnah throughly studied the British Parliament.He also remained the private secretary Dadabhoy Noorogi.He became the member of Indian National Congress in 1906 till 1909.Due to these activities his political understanding and his abilities in law had become a Universal truth. Therefore, when the elections of Legislative council took place under Minto-Morley Reforms,so the Quaid-e-Azam become the member of Council from Bombay.This was Quaid-e-Azam's first step in politics. 
2.Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity
Quaid-e-Azam was called the "Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity",because he thought it was important for the independence of Sub Continent that there is complete unity among the Muslim and Hindus.In 1913,when he became the member of Muslim League,he made hectic efforts for the unity. 
3.Lucknow Pact
In 1916,the joint session of the Muslim League and congress was held in Lucnow.On this historical occasion,an agreement was signed between the Muslims and Hindusleaders which cpuld lay the foundation of Hindu Muslim unity,this agreement is known as Lucknow pact.The man who was behind this was Quaid-e-Azam. 
4.Quaid-e-Azam's Fourteen Points
In 1928,Pundit Moti lal Nehru,presented a report which turned down all the Muslims demand.On the reply of Nehru report,Quaid-e-Azam made a chart of minimum demands of Muslims and it was known as" Quaid-e-Azam's Fourteen Points".This was the certainly the right answer to the Nehru report. 
5.Presidentship of Muslim League
In 1933,Quaid-e-Azam was elected as the permanent President of Muslim League due to which he permanently came back to India in October 1935 and remained busy in the reconstruction of Muslim League. 
6.Government of India Act (1935) and Elections of 1937
Quaid-e-Azam made some speeches in favour of Government of India act (1935),due to which the British Government accepted this act.According to Indian Act the provincial elections were scheduled in 1935.Quaid-e-Azam travelled throughout the country for the elections campaign so that he could unite the Muslims opinion but his efforts did not proved to be successful.The Muslims suffered defeat even in Muslim majority areas.However,Quaid-e-Azam remained hard as rock during these difficult times. 
7.Popularity of League and Jinnah
When the Muslims of majority provinces observed the rational attitude of the Congrss,they tried to make the Muslim League effective and influential.Therefore,Punjab,Bengal and Sindh became near to Jinnah and the Muslims of these areas decided to work under the Muslim League. 
8.Pakistan Resolution
On 23rd March 1940,the historical session of the Muslim League was held under the chairmaship of Mr.Jinnah at Minto Park,Lahore.At this historical occasion a resolution known as Pakistan Resolution was passed in which the Muslims demand for the first separate independent homeland. 
9.Jinnah -Gandhi Talks (1944 )
Gandhi held talks with Jinnah to discuss about the future of India,but no fruitful results came out of its because Gandhi did not accept Muslims as a separate nation. 
Louis Feisher wrote: 
"The wall between Jinnah and Gandhi was the Two Nation Theory." 
10.Simla Conference-1945
Lord Wavell called a conference at Simla.The conference failed to achieve any purpose due to one-sided attitude of Lord Wavell.In this conference Quaid-e-Azam made it crystal clear that only the Muslim League can represent Muslims of India. 
11.General Elections -1945-1946
Elections for the central and provincial assemblies were held in 1945-1946 in which Muslim League won 30 seats of central legislative meant for Muslims and 430 seats out of 495 in the provincial legislative .Quad said this occasion: 
"I have no doubt now the acheivement of Pakistan.The Muslims of India told the world what they want.No power of world can topple the opinion of 10 crore Muslims of India." 
12.Formation of Pakistan
On 14th August ,1947,Pakistan came into being as a separate self-governing Dominion and the Quaid became the first Governer General of Pakistan. 
13.Problems of Pakistan and Jinnah
The problems which the Quaid-e-Azam had to face as Governer General of Pakistan were not only due to the happinings in East Punjab and to provide shelter for the millions of refugees.What immensely increased the difficulties of the new state was the fact that it had yet to organize itself. 
It was due to immense hard work for the Muslims that his health failed.The great leader breathed his last on 11th september 1948 and was buried at Karachi.His demise was mourned not only by Pakistan but by the whole world.

                                 Nehru Report
In November 1927,the British Government appointed a statutory commission head by Sir John Simon to inquire into the constitutional affairs of the country.Since ,no Indian was present in this commission,the Indians did not welcome the Simon Commission.When the members of this commission were talking about the political situation of India.,the Congress called on all parties conference in Bombay on May 19,1928.The Muslim League boycotted this conference.The all parties conference appointed a committee headed by Pandit Moti Lal Nehru to submit a report after considering the principles of a constitution for India.The committee recommended a proposal generally known as "Nehru Report". 
The main points of Nehru Report are as fellows: 
1.The Nehru committee demanded repudiation of separate elections. 
2.It demanded the Form of Government at the center would be Federal with substantial powers invested in the control of Government. 
3......................miss print. 
4.It recommended the one-third Muslim representation at the central legislative. 
5.The committee demanded interdiction of reforming Baluchistan and N.W.F.P provinces. 
6.The foreign affairs,defense and army should be placed under the control of parliament and viceroy. 
7.Unitary form of the Government to establish in the center. 
8.Hindi should be the official language. 
1.Nehru's Recommendations were aginst the intrest of the Muslim Community. 
2.The Muslims could not surrender their right to separate eloctorates. 
3.The principles of non-reservation and joint electorates were to make their position in Punjab and Bengal provinces. 
The Nehru Report projected the Hindu leadership mentality ailed at the digestion of the Muslim nation under the cover of one nation in the India-Pakistan Sub Continent. 
Since the report was totally against the Muslims,therefore,Muslim league and and other Muslim parties of the country rejected it.Quaid-e-Azam said: 
"As a young man he had been a keen owner of grey hounds,but he had never grey hounds deal with hare as the Hindus proposed to deal with the Muslims." 
Thus,the Nehru Report reflected the hostility,mental level and attitude of the Hindus towards the Muslims of India.All its proposals were made disregarding the intrests of the Muslims.
                    Cultural Heritage of Pakistan

In the developement of any nation.Its cultural heritage and its glorious past plays a vital role and serves as a source of inspiration and pride for t=its people.Our country Pakistan is accordingly proud of its cultural heritage.
Culture may be defined as behaviour peculiar to human beings,together with material objects used.Culture consists of languge ,ideas,beliefs,customs,codes,institution,tools,tec hniques,works of arts,ceremonies and so on.According to Allama Iqbal:
 "Culture encompasses all the mental,spiritual and physical activities of a nation.It includes the basic beliefs and faith,values and literature,art and architecture,music and mode of dress,manners and customs prevalent in a given society."
Pakistan is an Ideologic Islamic State.Its very existence is due to Islam,so the Pakistani culture is primarily based on the Islamic way of life.All other ingredients of culture are inspired by Islam.Pakistani culture is highlighted by its grandeure ,simplicity,firm convictions and noble deeds and ideas.
Pakistan has been the cradle of civilization that dates back more than five millenium.Over the centuries,through successive waves of migrations from the North West,as well as by internal migrations across the Sub Continent,Aryans,Persians,Greeks,Arabs and Mughals came and settled in the region and have left behind the archaelogical sites in Pakistan which is now being preserved.A brief review of the different civilizations which flourished and then perished with the passage of time is as under:
Moen- jo- Daro
Moen-jo-Daro is situated at a distance of some kilometers from Larkana.A civilization fourished there some 4000 years ago.It was discovered by Sir John Marshall in 1922.Moen jo Daro stands as most spectacular of all the excavate cities of the Indus valley civilization.It is strange that at its glory,it was a beautiful city with brick walled houses,pillared halls,markets,baths,lanes,streets and public places.Every house had walls,drains and bathrooms inside it.
Harappa is situated in the city o Sahiwal.Scientist and archaelogists believe that Harappa also belongs to the Indus valley civilization.Remains of this city were excavated in the 1920.
It is comparratively a new civilization,the regions comprising Northern Punjab,Peshawar valley and Eastern Afghanistan was known as Gandhara.For a long time it remained the meeting place of various ancient cultures,as it was rule by many rulers.A distinctive art which is known as Gandhara Art took place from here and flourished during the 2nd and 3rd century of Christian era.Thousand monastries and stupas were widely built here Buddha's figures,shapes and monastries all made prominent features of Gandhara Arts.
Buddhist Remains
The Buddhist era ushered in some 500 years B.C.The Buddhist monastery Takht-i-Bahi is in N.W.F.P .It dates 2-5 century old.Some mounds were also found near Peshawar which represent Kanishka's mighty Pakistan.An impressive complex of Chapels,Stupas,quadrangles and monk's cells are also found.The great Buddhist civilization now forming the heritage of the present Pakistan culture.
It was excavated in recent times near Rawalpindi.Taxila is the most popular name in history.It came into prominence during the Persian occupation.At its zenith,the city was the nucleus of religious and cultural activities.
The main town of Thatta is famous for specimens of Indo-Muslim architecture in the Sub Continent.Noteable among them is the great mosque built by Shah-Jahan.The principle monuments of Thatta are located on the Makli Hill.
Lahore Fort
It is also known as Shahi Qila.It was built by Akbar.The main structure inside the fort are the Moti Masjid,Diwan-e-Aam,Maktab Khana,the Shish Mahal and Nawlakha.The Hathi and Alamgir gates are also remarkable constructions.
Badshahi Mosque
It was built by Aurangzeb.Its architecture is similar to the Jamia Masjid Delhi.The mosque has been built with red stones while the domes are in marble.
Jahangir Tomb
This tomb wasbuiltby Shsh Jahan.It is known as a fine building of Lahore.
Shalimar Garden
It is situated on the Grand Trunk Road and is a magnificent remnant of Mughal Grandeur.The garden constitutes of three terraces,one above the other.Besides there is an elobrate and beautiful reservoir,water channels and fountains.
Masjid Wazir Khan
It is situated in Kashmir Baazar inside the walls of the old city.It was built by Nawab Wazir Khan who was a viceroy of Punjab under Shah Jahan.
Golden Mosque
It is situated near the Masjid Wazir Khan .It was built during the rule of Mohammad Shah and it is also a very beautifull piece of architecture.
Mahabat Khan Mosque
This Mosque was built by a Government of Peshawar.Mahabat Khan,duringShah Jahan's region.It has afine massive structured with lofty minarets.
The Fort of Bala Hasar
This fort was built on raised plateform 92 feet from the ground level.There are two gardens near the fort.

The art of painting has developed slowly in the Muslim of South Asia.In the beginning decorative paintings and embroidery were made on the walls and ceilings of buildings.The Mughal rulers were very fond of paintings.The traditional art of painting occupies a prominent place in the people of Pakistan.Abdul Rehman Chughtai,Haji Mohammad Sharif,Jamil Nagshare are the most distinguished painters.
The Muslim took a keen intrest in the promotion of calligraphy.Its main reason is their deep love with Holy Quran.During this period many kinds of calligraphy progressesd.The mosques constructed during early and medieval periods of Islam were decorated with masterpieces of calligraphy.
The Mughal contributed a great deal to the promotion of music and Pakistan has inherited musical traditios that go far back in history.Ameer Khusro and Tansain are famous musicians of the historical era.
Architecture and Sculpture
The Muslim art of architecture was unique in every aspects.The architecture and all the miniature arts including carving,sculpture,mosaic works,tile works and paintings were called upon to build new mosques and places.
In the developement of Pakistan society,its cultural heritage has played a vital role.Pakistani nation is justly proud of the historical period which brings with nearly 4th century B.C and continued with the advent of Islam in Sub Continent in 8th century A.D.
 "Our cultural heritage expresses courage ,patients and hard life.They all are in connection with life which is a fundamental part of Islamic teachings."





             Allama Iqbal's Presidential Address-1930

On December 30,1930 the annual meeting of the All India Muslim League was held at Allahabad.Allama Iqbal presided over the meeting .On this occation he delivered his famouse historical aadress which proved to be a milestone in the proceeding to make a demand for an independent Muslim State.
1.N.W.F.P Sind,Punjab and Baluchistan should be combined in one state.
2.The Muslims are entirely a different nation from Hindus .Their way of living and social manners are totally different from the Hindus.Their religion is entirely different in nature from other relations.Thus the Muslims should get a state of their own in the area of Muslim majority where they may be able to cultivate their own religious and moral traditions.

Iqbal's speech at the League session created a mild flutter but generally it was not taken seriously.Though he had,in detail explained the basis leading to demand a separate homeland.He mentioned that Islam was not simply the name of a few creeds,the oral recognization of which would make our ideal Muslim.It had given its followers,the concept of a particular and unique political society which covered all the phases of their life.
Even though the Muslims of South Asia were disorganized and lay scattered in different parts of the region,yet their central position was the same.They had the same culture,the same history and same civilization.These elements gave similarity and agreement to all the Muslims of the Sub Continent on the one hand and made them quite distinct from the Hindus on the other.
In his Presidential address ,Allama Iqbal said:
 "I would like to see the Punjab,North west frontier province,Sind and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single state.Self government within the British empire without the British empire,the formation of a consolidated North West Indian Muslim State appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims at least of north west India."
It is on his Allahabad ddress that Allama Iqbal is known as the dreamer of Pakistan.His address proved to be a milestone in the history of the Sub Continent and the creation of Pakistan.

                Role of Urdu In National Integration

Language is the only media by which one can express his ideas and feelings.It plays a vital role in building the character of an indivdual as well as a nation.languages brings closer each other and it creats a sense of harmony among the people.
Pakistan has several regional languages chief of them being Pushto,Punjabi,Sindhi,Baluchi and Kashmiri.
After Independence Quaid-e-Azam said in clear cut words that the National language of Pakistan would be Urdu.He said:
 "Let me make it clear that the national language of Pakistan is going to be Urdu and no other language.Without one state language no nation can remain tied up solidity together".
Urdu evolved over a period of centuried by cultural comacts between local people of north of Sub Continent and Muslims of Arabia,Iran and Turkey.The base of this language is Prakrit,an Aryan language.The script of Urdu is modified form of Persian.Urdu is a word of Turkish language and its literal meaning is camp.
1.Great Power of Assimilation

The splendour of Urdu is Turkish and its charm is Persian in its base .The vitality of Urdu lies in its ability to adopt words from other languages in such a way as if they originally belonged to it.The chief reason for its country wide popularity was its power of Assimilation.According to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan:
"....Still now Urdu has great affinity for many other words and ideas which increases its beauty."
2.Source of National Indentity
National language is the identity of a nation.When we are abroad we are identified as Pakistani because of our national language.That is why,every nation gives out respect and importance to national language.
The urdu language possesses a very valuable treasure of poetry and prose.The poets and writers have contributed their most in its development.Maulana Shibli Nomani,Maulana Hali,Deputy Nazir Ahmed ,Mirza Ghalib,Ameer Khusro and many others adopted this language in their poetry and writings.Sir Syed wrote for the re-awkening of the Muslims of sub Continent.According to Abdul Haq.
 "It is Sir Syed due to whom Urdu has made such a great progress within a period of only one century."
Certain points which expresses the importance of Urdu in national life are given below:
1.Means of Brotherhood and Unity
People of Pakistan are one nation,therefore their thinking,aims and objectives are common.Their progress and prosperity depends upon their unity and brotherhood.An important factor for achieving this unity and brotherhood is Urdu.
2.Source of Expression
Urdu has become a source of expressin,feelings,thoughts and aspiration.People of two different areas can easily understood each other ideas and thoughts by Urdu.
3.Means of Communication and Co-ordition
Urdu serves as a means of communication ans is a binding force between all the four provinces of Pakistan.People living in different provinces realize that in spite of speaking different languages,they are joined together by one national language which is the heritage of all.
4.Medium of Instruction
Urdu language is the medium of instruction in most of the educational institutions of Pakistan.History,Islamic Studies,Political Science and other subjects are taught upto M.A level in Urdu.Lectures on Islamic education and religion are also delievered in Urdu throughout Pakistan.

Urdu grew in popularity and by the later Mughal Period and the advent of the British,it had been adopted by the Muslims and the Hindus alike.It would not be wrong to say if it is said that:
 "Urdu is a part of our cultural Heritage"
Being the National language of the country,it is the binding force in different parts of Pakistan.The officers have adopted Urdu language in their official work and the Government has published a dictionary containing Urdu terms for the office work.The Urdu Development Board and "Anjuman-e-Taraqqi-e-Urdu" are trying to give Urdu a place in society and it is hope that Urdu would find its place in society within short period of time.







                   Regional Languages of Pakistan

Pakistan is a multi-lingual country. No less than 24 languages and dialects are spoken by the people of Pakistan. There are five regional languages. Punjabi, Sindhi, Pushto, Baluchi, Brahvi and Kashmiri. These languages are rich in literature, poetry, folk songs, spiritual quotes of their respective saints and contribute greatly to the culture of Pakistan.
The regional languages, though distinct from each other in their forms, dialects and expressions of thoughts, have several common factors in them. They cultivate in them love, respect and a firm adherence to the Pakistan Ideology.
Punjabi is the language of the province 'Punjab'. It links back to the Aryan language Prakrit. However, with time, the vocabulary of Punjabi language became a mixture of Persian, Arabic and Turkish words. It has different dialects in different parts of Punjab like 'Saraiki' and 'Potohari'. But the basic language remains the same.
Panjabi is rich in mystical and romantic poetry. The highly imaginative and artistic exquisite literature, mostly in verses has two forms. One is "Lyric Poetry," which includes Bait, Kafi-si-harfi, Bara Mah and Satwara. The other one is "Narrative Poetry," which is composed of various rhythms and meters. Examples are Qissa Noor Namah, Gulzar, Jang Nama and Vaar.
Famous Punjabi Poets
Some of the famous poets of Punjabi language include:
* Baba Farid Shakar Ganj Baksh
* Shaikh Ibrahim Farid Sani
* Madhu Lal Hussain
* Sultan Bahu
* Bhullay Shah
* Ali Haider
* Waris Shah 
Sindhi is one of the important regional language of Pakistan. It appears that Sindhi was spoken in the Indus Delta from time immemorial. It is said that the language of the people of Moen-jo-Daro contained elements of present era Sindhi language.
The origin of this language is not exactly known. However, travelers like Al-Beruni have told us about the original script of the language. Chach Nama is an authentic document that proves that the dialect of Sindhi language was the same in the 12th century, as it is today. With the advent and influence of Arabs in the subcontinent, Sindhi changed its forms and adopted maximum words of Arabic as well as Persian and Turkish.

Famous Sindhi Poets
Some of famous Sindhi poets are following:
* Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai
* Sachal Sarmast
* Makhdoom Noor
* Shah Inayat
* Bedil
* Sabit Ali Shah
* Kazi Kazah 

Steps taken to grow Sindhi
Various steps have been taken to develop Sindhi. Organizations like 'Sindhi Literary Board' and Bazm-e-Talib-ul-Maula were set up. Several newspapers are being published in Sindhi. These include Kawish, Ibrat, Naw-e-Sindhi and Khadim-e-Watan besides a number of weeklies.
Baluchi is the regional language of Baluchistan. It is the least developed of all the regional languages. It was spread by Baluchi tribes that migrated from Iran.

The history of Baluchi literature may be divided into four periods:
* Early Medieval Period - 1430 to 1600
* Later Medieval Period - 1600 to 1850
* Modern Period - 1850 to 1930
* Contemporary Period - 1930 to date 

Literature produced by earlier poets is not in records, as it was preserved traditionally in the memories of the people. No newspapers or books were published in Baluchi up till 1940. After partition, however Baluchi literature received a little boost. It was due to the efforts made by various organizations and due to establishment of TV stations. At present, Baluchi literature is on the road to development.
Types of Baluchi
There are two types of Baluchi namely:
* Sulemani
* Makrani 
Famous Poets of Baluchi
Some of the most literary figures of Baluchi are:
* Azad Jamaldini
* Ulfat Naseem
* Abdul Qadir Shahwani
* Malik Mohammad Ramzan
* Mir Aqil Maingal 
Well known poets of Baluchi language are:
* Jam Darag
* Shah Mureed
* Shahdab 

Pushto is the regional language of the N.W.F.P. and tribal areas. It belongs to the East Iranian group of languages and contains many Persian, Arabic, Greek and Pehlevi words.
Steps taken to enhance Pushto
Although Pushto is an old language but its literature is comparatively a new one. After independence education spread rapidly and Pushto literature received a great boost. The Pushto Academy Peshawar, some other literary societies and educational institutions such as Islamia College Peshawar helped develop Pushto literature.
Famous Pushto Poets

Some of the well known poets of Pushto language are:
* Amir Karoro
* Khushal Khan Khatak
* Rehman Baba
* Sher Shah Soori
* Saif Ullah
* Kazim Kazim 

Brahvi is the next spoken language of Baluchistan. In fact, it is said to be spoken by a greater number of people than Baluchi. The Brahvi language is said to be one of Dravidian family of languages. It has borrowed heavily from Sindhi, Persian, Arabic and English. It remains in an unexplained isolation among the Indo-Iran dialects.
Brahvi literature has a vast treasure of folklores. It's script has been borrowed much from Pushto script. Malik Dad was a great poet and a learned personalty of Brahvi language.
Kashmiri is the language of the people of the Indian-occupied Kashmir and Azad Kashmir. This language has been derived from Sanskrit. Kashmiri is generally spoken in Muslim families of the valley. It contains many Turkish, Arabic and Persian words. It is written in the Persian script.
Kashmiri, like all the regional languages of Pakistan, had its early literature in the form of poetry. It began with the composition of folk songs and ballads.
Kashmiri Literary Figures

Famous authors of Kashmiri language are:
* Sh.Nooruddin
* Khatoon Lillah Anifa
* Baba Nasiruddin
* Ghani 

The regional languages of Pakistan, i.e., Punjabi, Sindhi, Pushto, Brahvi and Baluchi are the most modern Pakistani languages. They have several common features and their literature bears the same eternal message for mankind. Government has been doing its best to develop the regional languages and introduction of regional TV channels is a positive step for promotion of regional languages.



















Steps towards Islamization in Pakistan taken by the Government

Pakistan is an ideological state that was founded on the principle that Muslims would lead their lives according to Islam. All the laws made and implemented in this country have been designed keeping in view the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said:
 "It is my belief that our salutation lies in following the golden rules of conduct set for us by our great law given by the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) of Islam. Let us lay the foundation of our democracy on the basis of truly Islamic ideals and principles. Almighty Allah taught us that the decisions in the affairs shall be guided by discussion and consultation."
All the constitutions that have been implemented in our country (1956, 1965 and 1973) have Islamic Provisions. The Government of Pakistan has taken the following steps to introduce Islamic Laws in Pakistan:
1. Hudood Ordinance
Hudood Ordinance was introduced in the country in 1977. In the light of Hudood Ordinance, various punishments were prescribed for different crimes. The word Hudood means the punishment which has been prescribed in the light of Holy Quran.
According to the Hudood Ordinance manufacture, export, import and use of alcohols has been prohibited. Any person found guilty is liable of punishment of 30 lashes and 5 years imprisonment.
The second Hadood Law is concerned with the crime of theft.
The third Hadood law is meant for adultery (Zina-bil-Raza) and rape (Zina-bil-Jabar), whose punishment is stoning the adulter to death.
2. Zakat and Ushr Ordinance
Zakat and Ushr Ordinance was promulgated in the country on June 20, 1980. According to the ordinance, Zakat Fund was established to collect zakat donations. It was made compulsory for every Sahib-e-Nisab Muslim to pay Zakat by depositing 10 percent of money in one's bank account.
Ushr is the tax levied on yield of agricultural land in cash or kind. According to Ushr Ordinance, every owner who ploughs and cultivates land was made bound to deposit 10 percent of his earnings in cash or kind, as Ushr.
3. Establishment of Federal Sharia Courts
Federal Sharia Courts were established by the government, which was considered a highly important step. These courts decide various issues brought before it in the light of Holy Quran and Sunnah. Any citizen can challenge any law of the country in the Sharia Court where one has to prove that a certain law is against the teachings of Islam. If proved, the law can be declared as unislamic and removed.
4. Interest Free Banking
In January 1981, interest free banking was introduced in Pakistan. According to this system, the account holder partners with the bank in profit and loss and shares risk according to one's investment in the bank.
5. Teaching of Islamic and Pakistan Studies
The University Grants Commission instructed all the universities and education boards to introduce Islamic and Pakistan Studies as compulsory subjects. They were introduced in intermediate, graduation and post graduation course, so that our education system becomes compatible with the ideology of Pakistan.
6. Establishment of Islamic University
Sharia faculties have been established in various universities for the promotion of Islamic teachings. The function of Jamia-e-Bahawalpur was streamlined and an Islamic University was established in Islamabad.
7. New Education Policy
In April 1979, a new education policy was introduced on the basis of Islamic concepts and the ideology of Pakistan. In the light of the new policy, women universities were to be set up in Lahore and Karachi.
8. Anti Islamic Literature
A ban has been put on the printing, distribution and sales of all kinds of literature that is likely to propagate against the ideology of Pakistan or that gives rise to provincial, lingual or sectarian violence.
9. Nizam-e-Salat and Azan
Nizam-e-Salat was promulgated to persuade general public and government employees to pray five times a day. Also, arrangements for Azan on radio and television were made.
The above steps taken by the government towards Islamization in the country will certainly lead the nation to progress and prosperity as prescribed by the Holy Quran and Sunnah.









Ideology of Pakistan in The light of Statements of Allama Iqbal 

Allama Iqbal the poet,philospher and a great thinker with the help of his poetry tried to awaken the Muslims of the sub-continent.He believed the separate identity of Muslims as a nation. 
In 1930,Allama Iqbal presented his mature political opinion on the political fate of Indian Muslims in his presedential address at Allahbad at the annual session of Muslim League.He said: 
"I am fully convinced that the Muslims of India will ultimately have to establish a separate homeland as they could not live with the Hindus in the United States." 
He also said: 
"India is a continent of human beings belonging to different races,speaking different languages and professing different religions ....,I,therefore demand the formation of a consolidated Muslim state inthe best intrest of India and Islam." 
He stressed onthe formation of a separate state by saying: 
"I would like to see the Punjab,NorthWest Fronties Province,Sindh and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single state self-government witin the British Empire or without the British Empire ,the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim state appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims at least of NorthWest India."


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