On August 11 , 1947 , The Quaid – e – Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah addressed Pakistan’s first constituent assembly . He presided the inaugural session of the assembly and his one of the most consequential assertions at this occasion are very famous . These assertions remind us the Holy sayings of our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ( PBUH ) . In the beginning , he expresses his thank full ness to all the people for their sincere co – operation in Pakistan movement and then he reminds us our duties and responsibilities . Describing the evils of society , he condemns , the eurses like bribery and corruption , which are poison for healthy society . He castigates black marketing and its harmful consequences . Nepotism and Jobbery have also been criticized by the Quaid – e – Azam at this historical occasion . He preaches equality by saying that everyone in Pakistan is free regardless of any caste , creed , colour and religion . They are free to go to their temples , mosques and churches . His emphasis on equality reminds is the last sermon of the Holy Prophet ( PBUH ) in which equality was exhorted to a great extent . The Quaid – e – Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah . Further advises the people to provide Pakistan with unshakeable foundation for its invincibility .

اگست 1947 کو قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح نے قانون ساز اسمبلی کے افتتاحی سیشن سے خطاب کیا ۔ جس میں آپ نے جنوبی ایشیا کی تاریخ میں نتیجہ خیز اعلانات کیے ۔۔ آپ کا خطاب میں خاتم النبیین سید المرسلین کی ٹیم کی تعلیمات کی یاد دلاتا ہے جس میں آپ سلم نے فرمایا اللہ عزوجل کی نظر میں سب برابر ہیں ۔ لوگوں کا شکر یہ ادا کر تے ہوئے آپ نے فرمایا کہ آپ کی حمایت اور تعاون سے ہم

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