Introduction :

SIE ENRY WOTTON (1568-1639 ) born in Kent , the son of a country gentleman . He was educated at Winchester school and Oxford , where he went first to New College and then to Queen's College . From 1589 to 1594 , he travelled about Europe , presumably to complete his education and prepare himself for a diplomat's career . However , he appears to have acted as the confidential agent and correspondent of the Earl of Essex , a dominant figure at the court of Queen Elizabeth .


      The poem , " The Character of a Happy life " , is a deeply religious poem written by Sir Henry Wotton . The poem deals with the qualities of a happy life . " Freedom is one of the most precious gifts that the heavens have bestowed on men . Happy is he to whom Heaven gives a slice of bread without being obliged to thank any person but only Heaven itself . " Sir Henry Wotton says that a happy man is one who serves no one . Such a person is the master of his own will and acts in a free manner . No doubt , every man is free by birth but the virtues like the quest of worldly pleasures , selfishness ; over ambitiousness etc. make him a slave of people or a slave of passions . According to Jean Jacques . " Man is born free , and everywhere he is in chains " .A happy man possesses honest thoughts i.e. , thoughts that aren't meant to harm anyone . That's why his mind is free from bad intentions like quarrels , deceptions etc. According to Samuel Butler ;

      " It is through pure and simple thought we are linked with God " .

            The honest thoughts of a happy person protect him from harms just like armo The armour protects a soldier from the attacks of enemy in a battlefield . The greate quality of a happy person , according to the poet , is his " simple truth " . He is plain and isn't one who says one thing and means another . Such a person is a straight forward and there is always a unity in his words and actions . The blind obedience of passions and desires always leads to downfall and miseries . Therefore , a happy man is one who ha firm control over them . He isn't a slave of his passions . This is a reason that he is free from false hopes and desperation . Such a man doesn't run after reputation and other worldly things . The thought what people think about him in his absence doesn't trouble him at all . His only concern is to win the grace of God . He believes in the mortality of existence . It is a well - accepted fact that enviousness deprives man of his eternal peace . A person who envies is like a hollow wall which can be fallen by a mild thrust . According to Karl Olsson ;

          " To be envious is to turn eternally like a caged rat within the tight radius of malice

" A happy man doesn't envy anyone holding high position . He doesn't believe in flattery and praise for he knows that these vices lead to decline . He follows just the dictates of his conscience . Such a person leads an intrigue free life and he has no - enemy to threat . A happy man has a firm faith in God . He prays to God day and night to seek his grace . He thanks Him not for worldly pleasures but for the grace God has bestowed upon him . Such a man passes his time while reading a religious book or in the company of a good friend rather than weaving intrigues for others . A happy person is free from all slavish bonds . Throughout his life he doesn't strive for getting a higher position . He always attempts to limit his desires . He doesn't let his passions to be his masters . No doubt his life is very limited . He isn't the owner of lands despite this he is spiritually rich According to William Ward , " Happiness has a habit of pursuing the person who feels grateful to his God , comfortable with his conscience , in favour with his friends , in love with his labours and in balance with his bank . " Through this poem , the poet wants to convey the message that if you want to live a happy life you should limit your desires . Besides this you should avoid lies , enviousness , over ambitiousness , worldly pleasures , and obedience of passions . According to John Stuart Mill ,

         " I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires , rather than in attempting to satisfy them .

اس نظم میں شاعر ایک ایسے کردار کو بیان کر تا ہے جسکی کی زندگی خوش و خرم گزرتی ہے ۔ ایسا آدمی کبھی دوسروں کی ایما پر غلط کام نہیں کر تا ہے ۔ اسکی حفاظت اسکی دیانت داری کرتی ہے ۔ اس کردار کی سچ بولنے میں بہت مہارت ہوتی ہے ۔ یہ جھوٹ سے نفرت کر تا ہے یہ اپنی خواہشات کا غلام نہیں ہو تا ۔ دنیا کی محبت سے عاری کر دار عوام میں شہرت کا خواہاں نہیں ہو تا ۔ یہ کسی سے بعض و غناد نہیں رکھتا ۔ برائی اسے سمجھ میں نہیں آتی ۔ جب کوئی غیر ضروری تعریف کر تا ہے ۔ اسے برا لگتا ہے یہ ریاست کے قوانین نہیں مانتا بلکہ اچھائی کے قوانین جو مذہب کی روشنی میں ہوتے ہیں ان پر عمل پیرا ہو تا ہے ۔ اس کی زندگی افواہوں سے پاک ہوتی ہے ۔ اس کی پناہ گاہ اس کا ضمیر ہے۔اس کی حیثیت میں کسی خوشامدی یا چاپلوس کی عزت نہیں ہوتی اور نہ ہی ظالم جابر حکمران کو خاطر میں لاتا ہے صبح کا آغاز اللہ عزوجل کی عبادت سے کر تا ہے اور دن کا اختتام بھی اللہ تبارک کی عبادت سے ہی ہو تا ہے ۔ اللہ عزوجل کی رضا کا خواہاں ہو تا ہے ۔ اسکی دوستی اللہ عز و جل کی کتاب سے ہوتی ہے۔اس کو پڑھتا ہے سمجھتا اور عمل کر تا ہے ۔ یہ کردار کسی کا غلام نہیں ہو تانہ ہی کسی عروج کی خواہش ہوتی ہے ند زوال کا ڈر میں اپنی خواہشات کو اپنے قابو میں رکھتا ہے ۔ نہ ہو کر بھی اس کے پاس سب کچھ ہوتا ہے ۔ 

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