Don't Quit By Edgar Albert Guest

Introduction to the poet :
             Edgar Albert Guest was born on 20 August 1881. He died on 5 August 1959. He was a British - born American poet who became known as the People's Poct . His poems often had an inspirational and optimistic view of everyday life .

Theme of the poem :

          Humans have a tendency to work within their comfort zone and when a hardship strikes , they tend to flee or battle with it only for a while before giving up . However , this poem significantly inspires all its readers to never quit and never give up in the face of calamity . This is life and it is full of surprises . Think of it as a ride , sometimes high and sometimes low . The one who manages to stick until the end wins the victory cup Although the victory seems far , it is close . One must just persevere .

Summary of the poem :

            The poem " Don't Quit " by Edgar A. Guest is an inspirational exhortation to the reader to keep going , even when life may seem incredibly difficult and painful . The general thrust of the poem is that the reader should not be discouraged when things go wrong , because this is an inevitable part of life . Things always go wrong , but this does not mean that we will fail . In the lines quoted , Guest is particularly making the point that life can be very strange and unexpected . This is something that we all learn at one poin or another when something happens that we were not anticipating . However , Guest gos Ex on to point out that " many failures " come about because we give up when we think w know we are beaten . If , however , we had simply followed the unexpected twist and continued going in the direction we were heading , we might have " won " . So , what Guest is saying is intended to encourage the reader who may be feeling that something happened that they were not expecting and that they feel has altered the course of the life . Guest suggests that this is something most people experience at one point or othe and that the worst thing we can do is to assume a " twist " in our life means that we should give up . On the contrary , if we press on , we may succeed anyway .

             The basic gist of the poem is that the speaker doesn't want us to give up on life Yes , life is sometimes hard , and it often throws us a curveball or two , but even so , must dig deep and show strength and fortitude in the face of adversity .

انسان کو مشکل وقت میں بالکل نہیں گھبراتا ہا ہے ۔ زندگی میں جب کچھ غلط ہونے گے کیونکہ ایسا ہو تازندگی کا حصہ ہے ۔ انسان کو ہمت نہیں پارٹی چاہیے ۔ جب زندگی کے سفر میں میں مشکلات میں فرض کریں ۔ آپ کے پاس رقم کم ہے اور قرض زیادہ ہے ۔ آپ مسکرانا چاہتے ہیں لیکن مشکلات کی وجہ سے آہ بھرنے پر مجبور ہو جاتے ہیں ۔ جب حد سے تک ماریں تھوڑا آرام کر میں کوشش کر پاترک مت کر میں یہ زندگی عجیب و غریب ہے ۔ اس میں بہت موڑ آتے ہیں کوئی مشکل آۓ ، کسی قدم پر ناکامی بھی ہو ۔ رفتار آہٹ کر پیس لیکن گور میں اللہ کے پاوں آپ کی منزل میں رکاوٹ ہیں ۔ انہیں خاطر میں خدا میں اور خو انانا کیا اور خود اعتمادی ، مات اور تھی سے کام کرتے ہیں ۔

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